The gritty, suspenseful tale begins in Deadwood Canyon, a Hollywood-like reenactment Ghost Town located in the “badlands” of the Old West. But Nick’s vacation with his family takes a deadly turn toward trouble when the fourteen-year-
Soon Nick is caught in a deadly chase that leads him into an abandoned gold mine, through forbidden buffalo hunting grounds, and across Rattlesnake Gulch. Around every turn he finds another suspect. Will Nick solve the murder before the killer guns-down another outlaw? Or will the town’s infatuation with Hollywood theatrics conceal the real truth about souls, spirits, and the destiny that awaits those who die.
The Caden Chronicles series is perfect for fans of mysteries, crime TV, and reluctant readers.
The 2013 Selah Awards are open to authors of Christian works published within the 2012 calendar year. The Hebrew word, Selah, found in the Book of Psalms, means: “stop and listen; pause, and think on that.” The award honors those who: “Pause from the busyness of life. Pause, even, from their writing … and reflect upon the giver of their gift, the One who led them to this calling and moves others with their words.”
My goal is to cause middle-school-
Dead Man’s Hand is available in bookstores, B&N and