All were filled with the Holy Ghost. (Acts 2:1-4)
Twice tha Eleven thought they seen a ghost. Once on tha Lake while they be struggling ter row in tha dark and later after tha Son come out of tha tomb and appeared ter ’em in tha Upper Room. Both times tha Son showed himself ter be real with flesh and bone and all.
Only now, 50 days after tha Son be executed, 50 days after he escaped tha grave, right when tha Jewish feast of Pentecost (Shavuot) be about ter begin — and it primarily be an event giving thanks fer tha first fruits of the wheat harvest— this be when tha Holy Ghost arrived . . . when tha first fruit of tha new covenant bloomed. It happened like this:
They be all ter gather in one place when all of a sudden a sound like tha squall of a violent wind rushed down from heaven and come upon tha fellers. Tha ruckus filled tha whole house whar they be. Tongues that seemed ter be fire separated and come ter rest on each feller. All be filled with tha Holy Ghost and began ter speak in other tongues, which be ter say foreign languages, as the Spirit enabled them.
Soon as tha Holy Ghost took holt of ’em they began ter speak boldly, witnessing ’bout tha Son and what he said and done (Acts 4:31). They commenced ter praying in tha Spirit of Truth (Jude 1:21). Think on this a wee little bit:
No one knows the thoughts of Skipper except his Holy Ghost of Truth. (I Corinthians 2:11)
Skipper gives tha Holy Spirit ter those who obey him. (Acts 5:32) Skipper puts his Holy Ghost of Truth in them who follow his decrees and be careful ter keep his laws. (Ezekiel 36:27)
Tha Holy Ghost of Truth testifies ’bout tha Son always. (John 15:26)
Them possessed by tha Holy Ghost of Truth speak in strange languages some times and prophesy ’bout Skipper, tha Son and things ter com. Acts 19:5-6
True prophecy ne’er comes from man but always be birthed by tha Holy Ghost of Truth as Skipper allows folks ter be carried along. (2 Peter 1:21)
Them who be in tha Son ‘ill ‘ave fellowship with tha Holy Ghost of Truth. (2 Corinthians 13:14)
Tha Holy Ghost of Truth always be creating stuff. Some times he creates babies. (Matthew 1:20)
Skipper acts and does things not by might nor by power, but by his Holy Ghost of Truth. (Zechariah 4:6)
Finally Skipper saves us through tha washing of rebirth and renewal by his Holy Ghost of Truth. (Titus 3:5)
This be only a wee little bit of how tha Holy Ghost shows up and works. Question be, doth ya be possessed by tha Holy Ghost or an unclean spirit? Ya ‘ill know which ya got by tha fruit ya produce.