A Prayer Of Healing Fer ’em Ya Love — Luke 13:31-34

Jesus’ Authority, Our Healing

Lord, while ya went about teaching and preaching, some religious fellers warned ya ter leave cause that fox Herod Antipas might wish fer yer head on a platter. In reply ya said, “I will keep on driving out demons and healing people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal.” (Luke 13:31-34)
We know yer goal be fer all ter come to ya, that none be lost ter the devil and eternal destruction (2 Peter 3:9). Fer this reason we bring ’em we love ter ya and ask that ya add ’em ter the list of folks ya ‘ill heal, cleanse, and fergive. Lord, move in thar hearts and draw ’em ter ya.
Because ya gave us all power and authority ter bind and set free, we declare that in yer name, _____ be set free from the affliction attacking thar body. In yer name we declare that all unclean spirits attacking _____ be cast inter the abyss and bound until the day of judgment. Lord, we ask right now that ya whisper these words ter _____’s spirit: “Daughter/Son, you are healed.”

_____ ya be healed in the mighty name of Jesus!