Do You Need Help Setting Up Your Kindle, Nook, and CreateSpace Publishing Accounts?

For a limited time I am available to meet with authors who wish to self publish their book(s) on the Kindle, Nook, and CreateSpace publishing platforms. During this four hour workshop we will set up your:

  • Amazon Kindle (KDP) account
  • Nook (PubIt) account
  • CreateSpace account
  • Elance account
  • Goodreads account

At the end of the workshop you will be able to publish your print and eBook without spending thousands of dollars with a self-publishing firm. I will provide the names of book cover designers, interior designers, eBook developers, proof-reading editors, and substantive content editors.

Total costs for this workshop is $499. With the information provided in this workshop, you should be able to publish your print and eBook for around $750. Please note: this price does not include editing costs. My goal is to give you the tools to become your own publisher. Keep in mind, however, a poorly edited book can kill your career before it starts, so PLEASE hire a good book editor.

Price of the workshop does not include the costs of my travel expenses and accommodations. Group workshop discounts available upon request.