“Blessed are you when your spirit is depleted and poor: when you are uninspired and discouraged. For when your spirit of flesh is weak, then my Spirit can work within you. If anyone does not have my Spirit, they do not belong to me. Therefore, ask for my Spirit. Those who receive my Spirit have their minds set on what my Father desires. The mind governed by your spirit of flesh is death, but the mind governed by my Spirit is life and peace.
“The mind ruled by the spirit of flesh is hostile to God. It does not submit to God’s law, nor can it. When your spirit of flesh is strong and confident—when you are certain you are right, you cannot please my Father.
“Therefore humble yourself, for you are blessed when you are poor in spirit. Again I tell you: ask for my Spirit—the Spirit of my Father—for it is his good pleasure to give you the kingdom of heaven.” – Jesus
Matthew 5:3, Luke 11:13, Romans 8:5-9, Acts 1:1-2, John 14:26