Bold and Arrogant Fellers Speak Irreverently About Skipper and His Words in Matters They Doth Not Understand

Finding Jesus

Bold and Arrogant Fellers Speak Irreverently About Skipper and His Words in Matters They Doth Not Understand

Bold and arrogant, these people blaspheme in matters they do not understand. – 2 Peter 2:10-12 (2 Peter 2:10-22)

Bold and arrogant fellers speak irreverently about Skipper and his words in matters they doth not understand. Such reprobates idear of a good time be ter get drunk in broad daylight. Thar eyes always be on tha lookout fer women they kin have relations with; if not in a bed, then in thar mind. Ever lass they see be a potential partner. They ne’er stop going about seducing tha unstable. Left tha straight way, they ‘ave, and wandered off ter follow tha ways of wickedness that leads ter destruction. They ‘ill be paid back fer tha harm they ‘ave done, ya may lay ter that.

These fellers spout empty, boastful words. By appealing ter tha lustful desires of sin-filled hearts, they bait folks who be jest escaping tha snares of tha devil and take ‘em captive again. Scoundrels of this sort promise freedom from Skipper’s moral code while they themselves be slaves ter depravity. Of this ya kin be sure: a feller be mastered by whatever bait he takes.

If such degenerates ‘ave escaped tha corruption of tha devil’s ways after knowing about Skipper and tha Son and now be entangled in all manner of detestable behavior a second time, they be worse off at tha end than at the beginning.

Better off fer them if they ne’er had known tha way of tha Son and his sacrifice than ter know of it and turn thar backs on Skipper’s sacred commands ter confess, repent, and be cleansed by tha blood of tha Son.

A lubber’s saying comes ter mind: “A mutt ‘ill return to its vomit; a hog that be once washed ‘ill wallow in tha mud, again.”

This be tha way of them who know of Skipper’s Code of Conduct — know ‘bout tha life of tha Son and all he suffered fer us, and still prefer ter revel in thar abominable acts.

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