Hand Holding Healing — Mark 1:31

Jesus’ Authority, Our Healing

Hand Holding Healing

Jesus went to Peter’s mother-in-law, took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her and she began to wait on them. (Mark 1:31)

Fer complete healing we only need the power of the Son flowing from him, through us, and inter them we love. This week a feller said ter me:

I’m battling a headache. My body aches starting a few days ago. I pushed through but my wife has not fared as well. She suffers from a severe sore throat and fits of coughing that last through the night. She is running a fever. For now her lungs remains strong with no chest pain. Please pray we both recover soon.

While our flesh eyes see sickness our spiritual eyes see healing. While our flesh ears hear coughing our spiritual ears hear angels praising Skipper and saying, “‘Glory to God in the highest, and his good will toward all men.” (Luke 2:13) Skipper desires we be made whole. Desires it so much he sent his Son ter die fer us.

On the cross his Son Jesus took ever’ infirmity and sickness that might attack us and laid it on himself. “By his stripes, we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5) We only need ter take hold of this wonderful work of healing ter be made whole.

Ter day make it yer task ter claim the healing work of the Son fer yerself, believe in his healing power, and be healed completely. 

Join me in this prayer fer fever healing fer them you love — fer yer own self:

Lord, we be not made fer sickness. When you created us in the Garden our bodies whar made fer yer glory and perfect health. Though they kin heal themselves, sometimes the curse of sin kin be too much. Therefore, in the mighty name of Jesus, yer Son, our Lord and Savior, we declare ter this affliction, “Be gone, you spirit of sickness! Be cast out into the abyss, you demon of disease! In the glorious name of Jesus we declare and believe that _____ is healed completely of this infirmity that once bound ____ but be no more. Hallelujah. Praise Jesus. ___ be healed!

A Prayer fer Healing — (Proverbs 4:22)

Jesus’ Authority, Our Healing

A Prayer for Healing — (Proverbs 4:22)

Skipper’s words be life ter them who find ’em. His words be health ter a feller’s whole body. (Proverbs 4:22)

When you kin, when you need a wee bit of healing, share this prayer with those who love you.

Lord, we know yer words be life fer them who plant seeds of grace in our heart. We declare that yer power of life flow inter the whole body of ______. By the power found in the name of Jesus, yer Son, we declare the _______ (sickness, affliction, infirmity) be cast out of _______ and sent ter the abyss without making any stop along the way. Be gone you _______ (sickness, affliction, infirmity)!

Wednesday’s Powerful Prayer fer Healing

Jesus’ Authority, Our Healing

Joining God's Family and Crew

“My child, pay attention to my words. Turn your ear to my promises and precepts. Do not let them out of your sight. Keep them within your heart for they are life and health to your whole body.” (Proverbs 4:20-22) My words are alive and active. My words are sharper than any double-edged scalpel. My words penetrate to dividing of soul and spirit and body, even joints and marrow. My words bring healing to your heart. (Hebrews 4:12)

Skipper’s words, the very Word of Life, the Light of Life made flesh, has healed (name), of all (his/her) (list infirmities). In the name of the Son, Jesus, (name) be healed!

As a testimony ter Skipper’s glory and love, share this good news with (name) and (his/her) family in order that all doubt may be cast out of thar spirits. May thar souls receive healing from any unbelief which they may ‘ave latched onter.

Skipper, you be (name)‘s health provider, (his/her) provision, and the one who guards (his/her) life and health.

We praise you, Skip, that in the mighty name of Jesus, the Son, (name) be healed!

Folks Placed the Sick in the Marketplace Ter Be Healed

Mark 6:54-56 The Son Healed All

Folks Placed the Sick in the Marketplace Ter Be Healed

They placed the sick in the marketplaces. – Mark 6:56 (Mark 6:54-56)

People recognized the Son.

They ran ter him.

They carried ter him the sick on mats.

They came ter where ever they heard he whar.

Where ever the Son be, folks placed the sick in the marketplace ter be healed.

Be this how we treat our sickly relatives and friends? Do we bring ’em ter the Son? Or do we wail and weep over thar condition, complaining aloud and in our spirit of thar infirmities and ailments — of how thar condition burdens us and robs our future of all hope?

Skipper did not create folks ter be sick. Sickness be a symptom of sin: sin from the curse of Adam and sometimes sin from the things we done. No matter what the source of the sin, the Son comes ter heal us. Not nary a one be disqualified on account of a sin. All who touched the Son whar healed.

Be thar a doctor aboard? Fine. Take yer mate ter Doc. Be thar a surgeon aboard. Fine. Tote yer loved one ter the cutting table. Only know this: the Son stands ready at all times in ever way ter heal and make us whole.

He done so two thousand years ago. He can do so ter day if only we ‘ill ask and believe.

Our Sight Restored — Jesus’ Authority and Healing for Our Physical and Spiritual Eyes

Healing Within Spitting Distance of Jesus

Healing Within Spitting Distance of Jesus

One day in Bethsaida, a fishing village known ter them in the area as the “house of hunting,” some folks brought a blind feller ter the Son. This man’s friends begged the Son ter touch the chap and help him see. (Mark 8:22-25)

  • Right off the Son took the blind chap by the hand.
  • He led him outside the village.
  • The Son spat on the tips of his own fingers.
  • He put spittle on the feller’s eyes.
  • The Son then asked, “Do you see anything?”

Often we need friends, those who love us, ter take us by the hand ter the Son so he kin heal our sight. One time the prophet Elisha led his servant ter tha Son.

“Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. (2 Kings 6:17)

The Son told Saul Paul the apostle:

“I am sending you to open the eyes of the Gentiles that they turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to my Father. When the do, they will receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.” (Acts 26:17-18)

Another time the Son warned:

“You people have closed your eyes. Otherwise you might see with your eyes and I would heal you.” (Matthew 13:15)

In all cases the Son be speaking of our spiritual eyes. Ever person has two sets of eyes: one physical, one spiritual. Same with ears: a pair of physical ears, a pair that allows our soul ter hear Skipper’s still small voice. In all cases the Son comes ter heal both body and soul in order that we might be made whole in him.

The blind chap replied he could see a little, but not clearly.

This be one of them instances whar the Son delivered partial healing. In some cases the Son ‘ill give us a bit of healing in order fer us to make an assessment of our situation and work out our faith so it becomes strong. Give thanks in all cases. Then ask and expect more abundant life from the Son.

  • Once more the Son put his hands on the chap’s eyes.
  • The feller’s eyes whar fully opened.
  • His sight was restored.
  • He saw clearly.
  • The Son sent him home.
  • “Don’t go into the village and tell anyone,” the Son commanded.

How might we respond ter a miraculous healing of sight? One way be ter give praise ter Skipper fer:

  • The hands of his Son upon us
  • Our eyes opened
  • Our sight be restored
  • Perfect physical and spiritual vision
  • Our charge ter go home ter our family in order that the Son’s healing might be a testimony ter them we love
  • A warning ter avoid mingling with crowds who might seek ter cast doubt on yer miracle

Lord, please send folks ter take ______ by the hand and lead them ter the Son in order that the eyes of ______ may be opened. May the Son touch and heal ’em so they kin clearly see yer glorious power, love, grace, and mercy.

“Ephphatha” – “Be opened!”— Jesus’ Authority, Our Healing

Finger Licking Good Doctoring

Some people brought the Son a feller who was deaf and could hardly talk. They begged the Son ter place his hands on the chap.

Right off the Son took the feller aside. Then, with the crowd far away and the pair in private, the Son:

  • Put his fingers in the feller’s ears
  • Spit on his fingers and touched the feller’s tongue
  • Looked up ter heaven
  • Sighed deeply
  • And said, “Ephphatha” which means, “Be opened!”

Sure enough:

  • The man’s ears were opened
  • His tongue whar loosened
  • He began ter speak plain-like

Jesus commanded the folks not ter tell anyone. But like most times be fer, the crowd ignored his directives and blabbed about it. “Jesus has done everything well!” they said. “He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.” (Mark 7:31-37)

Now think on this a wee little bit. The prophet Isaiah said:

“Then will the ears of the deaf be unstopped. Then will the mute tongue shout for joy.”
(Isaiah 35:5-6)

In looking ter the day of the coming Messiah, Isaiah foretold of the wonderful time when the Son would take our infirmities with him on the cross and cure us by his wounds.

Question be: will we claim the healing that already be ours? Or will be keep on limping along with our sickly self whilst leaving our ears stopped up, tongue tied in knots, and heart broken over the sad state of our bodies.

Get saved ter day! Get healed ter day! Get Jesus ter day!

“Yes, but . . .” Faith — Jesus’ Authority, Our Healing

Long Distance Healing

“The demon has left your daughter.” Mark 7:29 (Mark 7:24-30)

A Greek mother begged the Son ter drive the demon out of her daughter.

But the Son replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”

Not a very encouraging word from the Son. A good many folks might have hung thar head, turned, and trudged off disappointed. Not this mum.

“Yes, Lord, but I’ll settle for crumbs,” the woman said.

The Son answered, “For such a reply, you may go. The demon has left your daughter.”

The woman went.

She found her daughter healed.

The demon skedaddled.

Fer the Son, fer him ter act, Yes, but faith is good enough faith.

Fer the Son, fer him ter act, the Son don’ need ter be with a body. He simply needs to will ’em healed.

Who do you know that needs healing? Be the channel fer the Son’s power ter flow through. From him, ter you, ter them, be quick as lightening flashing from the sky. In an instant the Son’s power can flow from heaven inter ’em.

Send a command of healing long distance. Then follow up ter hear folks praising Skipper fer another glorious miracle.