Ye Won’t Believe How Easy It Be ter Break Free from Sin

Discover the Secret Every Pirate Needs ter Know!

Ye Won't Believe How Easy It Be ter Break Free from Sin“Me crew, gather ’round. We’ve a mighty important lesson ter learn ’bout how ter go through a day without committin’ a single wicked act.

“Be that even possible, sir?”

“Aye, Jigger Ginny, and not only a fair thing fer which ter strive, but ter be expected. Those who hear and receive the word of Skipper with joy but have no root, ‘ill believe fer a bit, but in times of temptation they ‘ill go back ter thar old ways.”

“Be that why ye called us on deck? Because we back slidin’?”

“Why, I pray not, Shady Jay.”

“But, Captain, how do we keep from fallin’ inter our old habits?”

“That be a bodaciously fine question, Parrot Face. As Popeye Paul the Sailor says, ‘Ye who died ter sin, why come ye be livin’ in sin? Doth ye not know that all who be baptized inter the Son be baptized inter His death? Through the glory of Skipper, ye live in a new life — or should.'”

“Ye be spittin’ out a gale force wind o’ fancy words, Cap’n. We be simple folk of the sea, with salty tongues and even saltier hands. Perhaps ye could spit it out in a way a swabbie can understand, aye?”

“If ye be baptized inter the Son, ye be new crew. Yer old self be dead and gone ter Davy Jones. Live ye now through the Spirit of the Son and ye ‘ill have no need ter worry ’bout sin or how ter tame yer flesh. That be plain enough fer ye?”

“But how can we be sure we have the Son’s Spirit? I don’ ever’ recall gettin’, what did ye call it, blast-sized?”

“Baptized, Scurvy Sam, and that be a corker of a query. First ye need ter take a dip fer Skip. Go under water like ye be drowning, as it whar, and come up alive in the Son’s Spirit. Any who cannot recall gettin’ dipped, can do so soon as we done, here.”

“But what if I drown fer real, Cap’n? Down ter one leg and it but a peg, I might sink.”

“Don’ worry none, Peg-Leg Pete. We ‘ill make certain ye bob upright. Now once ye be baptized inter the Son, Popeye Paul says ye ‘ill begin ter see fruit of His Spirit in ye. Such evidence be love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Zeke, that pontificating prophet reminds us that when Skipper puts His Spirit in ye, He ‘ill cause ye ter walk in His ways. The Son kept all Skip’s Code of Conduct on yer behalf, and in ye, He will keep ter the Code with nary any effort at all. Ye only need ter want His Spirit ter keep the Code on yer behalf.”

“What if we face temptation?”

“If ye hold fast ter Skipper’s Word, Jumping Jack Lash, ye ‘ill have a sword ter beat back such thoughts and a shield of faith ter snuff out any flaming arrows. Stick ter Skip’s Code and ye ‘ill be able ter exhort others in sound doctrine and ter convict, and perhaps convince, those who oppose Skipper’s Code of Conduct. Skip’s Spirit equips ye in every good thing ter do His will and reminds ye of ever’ thing Skip said in His Code. His Spirit works in ye so that ye please Him always. Ne’er ferget, mates, each of ye be Skip’s temple.”

“Glory, be! Ye mean ter say Skipper lives in me?”

“Aye, Three Sheets. That be if indeed His Spirit dwells in ye.”

“I know ’bout spirits, but I ne’re had ’em live in me more’n a few hours.”

“Spirt of a different sort, mate, and without the wobbling walking.”

“But how exactly does Skip’s Spirit help us?”

“Another booty full question, Peg-Leg Pete. After ye ask and receive Skip’s Holy Spirit, He puts His Law inside that peanut-size treasure chest of yers called a brain. Then He writes His Law on yer hearts. Skip’s words become a lamp fer yer feet and a light off yer bow pointing which heading ter hold. Whoever keeps Skip’s commandments abides in Him, and He abides in ’em. By His Spirit, ye keep His word without havin’ ter lift a finger. This be one way He loves ye and ye love Him back. Those with Skip’s Spirit in ’em walk accordin’ ter His Code of Conduct. That be how ye can tell who be in Skip’s crew and who be only pretending ter be crew.”

“And if we don’t have His Spirit?”

“Like I explained, Scurvy Sam, if anyone doth not have His Spirit, they don’ belong ter Skip. If ye walk in step with Skip’s Spirit, ye will fulfill the desires o’ the Spirit, not yer flesh, fer the flesh desires what is contrary ter the Spirit. Well ye know what wicked works be like so thar be no reason fer me ter list all the ways we gratify our flesh. Just know this: those who feed thar flesh ‘ill not inherit the kingdom o’ God, ye may lay ter that.”

“Them’s some harsh words, Cap’n.”

“Aye, fer some they be. But fer those who belong ter Skipper, who have nailed thar sorry self ter the mainmast and killed thar flesh, we be set free from all wicked passions and desires. His Spirit sets ye free from sin. Those who pray in His Holy Spirit with the Spirit’s secret language build themselves up in the most holy faith and keep themselves in the love of the Father.”

“Hold up! We get a secrete language?”

“We ‘ill get ter that another time, Long John Underpants. But I need ter warn ye. If any fall away after hearing ’bout all the goodness of Skip and His Son and decide they would rather keep on sinning ’cause it makes thar body feel good, well . . . If that be the case, domed they be.”

“Domed ye say?”

“Aye, Parrot Face. Fer ’em who be enlightened, who have shared in the Spirit’s presence, and tasted the good words of Skipper and seen His powers at work, should they go back ter thar old sinful ways and be thinkin’ Skip won’ mind, why, thar be no way ter save’em. Ter treat Skip’s grace and the Son’s sacrifice on the cross as little more’n bail bounty be the same as crucifying the Son afresh. Such reprobates shame the Son befer all the world.”

“I think that be me, Cap’n. Even though I knew better, I stole a rotten apple from the barrel this morning. Couldn’t help it, me belly ached, so.”

“Not the same, Scurvy Sam. Ye feel remorse fer act. That be Skip’s Spirit convicting ye. But thar be no need fer shame or guilt. That sin and all others be already fergivien. What we be speaking of is ’em who read Skip’s Code of Conduct and toss it aside as it don’ apply ter ’em — as if what Skip calls evil be good. Such rabble listens ter deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons and  pervert Skip’s grace. Fer such, thar be a great squall off thar bow and hot water ahead, ye may lay ter that.

“But don’ worry, mates. I ye ‘ill treasure Skip’s word of truth and live through the Son’s Spirit, ye ‘ill starve sin right out of yer body and have no fear of Skip’s wrath on judgement day. Today if ye wish ter sail free from guilt and shame, let the Son do the heavy lifting of sails and lines. Be baptized inter the Son by water and Spirt and plot a course fer abundant livin’ and blessings galore.”

Luke 8:13, Romans 6:2, Romans 6:3, Romans 6:6, Romans 8:9, Galatians 5:22-24, Ezekiel 36:27, Titus 3:5, Hebrews 13:21, 1 Corinthians 3:16, Jeremiah 31:33, Psalm 119:105, 1 John 3:24, 2 John 1:6, Galatians 5:16, Romans 8:2, Jude 1:19-21, Hebrews 6:4-6, 1 Timothy 4:1, 2 Peter 2:22, Matthew 24:10, 2 Timothy 2:15

Skipper Hates Sin

The Pirate Gospel — Romans Chapter One

Skipper hates sin but loves us. Indeed, he loves us so much he sent his son ter die fer us.

Skipper’s Holy Spirit

The gospel of Skipper came through old sailors blown about by his Spirit. Like great, mysterious wind which no seaman can harness or predict, his Spirit guided those who sailed and whispered his words on breezes. These words now be plainly found in Skip’s Covenant Code. With power, Skipper’s Spirit declared the Son ter be the Son of Light and Life.

Skipper’s Son

Born of King David’s bloodline, with grace and mercy, the Son called some ter be apostles. He now summons all ter embrace through faith the salvation he offers in his name. Obedience comes through faith. Without faith in Skipper, we ‘ill not obey. Through faith in the Son we share in Skipper’s booth and treasures await all who do his will and stand with the Son.

So, me hearties, give each other a boost in faith. Skipper’s Good News be his very power, offerin’ salvation ter all ’em who believe—first ter the Jew, then ter the Gentile.

This Good News be the righteousness of Skipper from Skipper revealed by Skipper through faith in Him. The righteous live by faith, not fear, and not by filthy fleshy fishy desires.

Skipper Hates Sin

If any think otherwise, consider this warning: the wrath of Skipper be revealed against all who oppose him. We know this because the wickedness of men seek ter constrain his truth by thar vile, wicked acts. They lie ’bout Skipper’s word, commands, blessings, promises, and declare sin ter be of no account.

What may be known ’bout Skipper be plain ter all because Skipper makes it plain as day and night. Therefore, none ‘ave an excuse. Even though they know all this, they refuse ter honor Skipper or express gratitude ter him. Instead, men and women be futile in thar thinking and thar hearts be dark as Davy Jones. Such folks claim to be wise and yet they be lost at sea. They be on a course that ‘ill shipwreck thar soul, you may lay ter that.

Such reprobates ‘ave exchange the glory of Skipper fer idols. They worship land and sea and birds and animals and naked statues of men and women. As such Skipper lets thar sinful desires ‘ave thar way with ’em.

Such sinful cravings lead ter sexual perversion, shameful lusts, and a depraved mind. As such they be filled with ever’ sort of evil, greed, and vice. They be overcome by envy, murder, strife, deceit, and malice. They be insolent, arrogant, boastful, gossips who slander others and hate Skipper. They disobey thar parents and refuse ter abide by Skipper’s Covenant Code.

Although they know in thar hearts that acting in such a fashion leads ter walking the plank or a short drop with a sudden stop, they not only engage in such vile deeds but cheer on others who practice such filth.

I warn you, mates: Steer clear of such crew, fer if you fall in among ’em, they ‘ill drag you down ter Davy Jones.

Skipper’s Righteous Judgment

The Pirate Gospel — Romans Chapter Two

You who pass judgment on someone else and yet do the same things ‘ave no excuse. Skipper’s righteous judgment be just. Ours be judgement of the flesh and born from the union of pride and envy. Man’s be hypocrisy, and our Lord, the Son of Light and Life, made clear those who do not practice what they preach ‘ill roast on the spit.

Warning: The Son Shines on All Sins

Be warned, mates. Skipper’s judgment on those who partake in wicked deeds while preaching his righteousness be not rooted in truth but foul soil. Fer when we, mere simple souls, cast judgment upon others whilst indulgin’ in the same misdeeds, we heap judgement upon ourselves. The Son shines his light on all sins. Ever’ thing done in the dark ‘ill be exposed in his light.

Judge Not!

Instead of judging others, we be commanded by the Son ter show Skipper’s kindness, tolerance, and patience, fer such compassion leads some ter repentance.

If yer heart remains stubborn and unrepentant, you be layin’ up fer yourself a stockpile of wrath ter come on the day of Skipper’s wrath. He ‘ill repay each soul as thar deeds deserve. Ter those who, through dogged perseverance in doin’ right, seek glory, honor, and the promise of immortality, they ‘ll receive eternal life. But fer ’em scallywags who be self-centered and deny his truth while treadin’ the path of wickedness, they ‘ll face the fury and wrath of the Almighty! Thar ‘ill be trouble and distress fer every feller and lass who do evil, you may lay ter that.

Skipper doth not play favorites. Whether we be a sinner without the law or under the law with its rule, the outcome be the same. Those who break the law without knowin’ it ‘ill still meet thar doom.  Those under the law who break Skipper’s Covenant Code ‘ill be held accountable fer thar actions. No one be spared: all face judgement at the end of our earthly passage.

Righteousness Leads ter Holiness

Those who obey Skip’s Covenant Code are declared righteous and his righteousness leads ter holiness. Lawlessness leads ter filthy livin’.

If you put all yer confidence in keeping Skipper’s Covenant Code and brag about knowin’ each and ever’ law, command, and statute . . . If you think yerself a guide for the lost and a beacon in the darkness but doth not sail under the grace and mercy of the Son . . . you be puffed up with pride and yer faith be headed towards rocks and reefs. The Son is Skipper’s Covenant Code and the Word of Skipper. Let the Son be yer righteousness and his Spirit ‘ill grow holiness within you.

In the Covenant Code, we find the very Body of knowledge and truth. The Word came in flesh through the Son of Light and Life. The Word remains with us now through all the Covenant Code and writings of the Son’s apostles.

You, who be instructors of others, do you not teach yourselves? When you preach against stealin’, do you pilfer from yer crew mates? When you say fellers ought ter keep thar pants on and not sleep with a mistress, do you do the same? When you detest idols, do worship gold and silver and gems?

You, who boast in Skipper’s Covenant Code, do you bring shame on Skipper by breakin’ his commands and law?

Keeping to the Code be of value if you in fact keep it, but if you break the Code, you be as if you ne’er heard of Skip’s Code. So, if ’em who doth not know of Skip’s Code follow his Code because any dunderhead with an ounce of common sense knows right from wrong, will they not be counted as keeping ter the Code?

If any brag ’bout the Covenant Code and yet break even one regulation, they dishonor Skipper. Skipper’s name be blasphemed among lubbers and other crews because we teach and preach his Code but live by our own Code of the Flesh. May it not be so! Repent! Stick ter the Code.

All Be Lyin’ Thievin’ Murderin’ Rascals

The Pirate Gospel — Romans Chapter Three

Speak Skipper’s Words Faithfully

Mates, we be entrusted with the very words of Skipper. Skipper be proven right when he speaks, and he’ll win the day when he judges the crew of ever’ vessel in ever’ fleet. He’ll judge all on land and sea fer all be lyin’, thievin’, murderin’, rascals. Skipper’s truthfulness increases his glory and condemns the sinner.

Now, what if some prove unfaithful? Will thar unfaithfulness make Skipper’s faithfulness of no account? Heaven forbid it! Let Skipper remain true, and ever’ scallawag a rouge. As the scroll reads:

“So that you may be proved right when you speak and prevail when you judge.” (Psalm 51:4)

Skipper’s Judgement and Wrath

But, some may ask, “If my wickedness allows Skip’s Son ter shine brighter why am I still marked as a sinner?” Why not say, as some reprobates go ’bout saying, “Let us do evil so that good may come of it.” Rascals such as this get the lash or worse: a short drop with a sudden stop.

Their condemnation be just! Fer if we sin in order to expand Skipper’s grace then be we treating the sacrifice of his Son as if whar a free gift ter live as lust-filled pagan lubbers. If such whar the case, how could Skipper judge the whole world? And judge he will and soon, you may lay ter that.

No One Is Righteous

So then what be our verdict? Can any escape the wrath of Skipper? Nay! All alike be trapped in sin’s grasp. Just as the scroll declares:

There is no one righteous, not even one;
there is no one who understands;
there is no one who seeks God.

All have turned away,
they have together become worthless;
there is no one who does good,
not even one.”

“Their throats are open graves;
their tongues practice deceit.”

“The poison of vipers is on their lips.”

“Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.”

“Their feet are swift to shed blood;
ruin and misery mark their ways,
and the way of peace they do not know.”

“There is no fear of God before their eyes.”

Skipper’s Covenant Code speaks ter those who be under its rule, silencing every mouth and holding the entire world accountable ter his eternal statutes. Through the deeds of the law no soul ‘ill be declared righteous in the sight of Skipper fer none can keep ter the Code. No, not a one! Instead, Skipper’s Covenant Code be a lantern off the bow revealing our sins lurking beneath the surface ter wreck us.

Righteousness Through Faith

Now apart from Skipper’s Covenant Code, his righteousness be made known ter all, fer his righteousness be given through faith in the Son ter all who believe. Therefore the Code remains fer the Son be the Code in the livin’ flesh. The short of it be this: the Son is Skipper’s Covenant Code. The Son is all Skipper’s Word wrapped up in himself. So if we have the Son in us, we have the Code within us. And when we struggle ter keep ter the Code, the Son himself covers our sin with his grace and mercy and in our weakness gives us his righteousness so we ‘ill continue ter do better and better at keeping to the Code.

Be Filled with the Son’s Holy Spirit of Truth

Mates, don’ wait! Ask fer Skipper’s Holy Spirit of Truth ter fill you so you can cast off yer dark ways and don the armor of light. Our charge be ter behave as folk do in the daylight, not revelin’ in carousin’ and drunkenness, nor sinkin’ into the depths of lust and debauchery, nor stirrin’ up strife and jealousy. Instead, wrap yourselves in the warm mantle of the Son, and give no thought to satisfyin’ the yearnings of the flesh.

We All Need the Son’s Righteousness

We all need the Son and his righteousness, fer all have sinned and fall short of Skipper’s glory. Sailors and lubbers alike be under a curse. We all be lyin’, stealin’, thievin’, murderin’, rascals in need of a savior who can turn our filthy livin’ inter glorious goodness. By the the shedding of his blood on the main mast Skipper gives us the Son as a sacrifice so we can take possession of his righteousness by faith in him.

All Be Lyin’ Thievin’ Murderin’ Rascals

Skipper did this ter demonstrate his forbearance, fer left the sins of our past unpunished so we might ‘ave the opportunity ter take the hand of the Son and be saved. Now if that be the case, then doth not wait. Take hold of the Son right now! Ter wait a moment longer be ter risk sinking under the waves and goin’ down ter Davy Jones.

If we ‘ave the chance ter be saved by the Son and pass it by, all that awaits us is eternal punishment in water of burning sulfur, you may lay ter that.



Romans Chapter Four

The Pirate Bible and Gospel of the Son of Light and Life

The first commander of our fleet, Abraham, believed in Skipper, and it be counted as righteousness ter him. Fer faith in Skipper without action be no faith at all, but mere talk. Romans 4:3

He who toils receives his due as a debt, not as a free treasure. But the feller who don’t toil but trusts in Skipper — who justifies even the most unsavory scalawag — ‘ill be counted as righteous because of his faith. Romans 4:4-5

The Covenant Code stirs up the fury of the flesh and makes a feller wish ter do things Skipper forbids. Even in lands and islands where Skipper’s Code ain’t never been read or heard, thar be wrongdoing, and the conscience of a feller or lass condemns them. Romans 4:15

Mate, be fully persuaded that Skipper has the power to do what he promised and he ‘ill bring all into account when we reach port. Romans 4:21

Romans Chapter Five

The Pirate Bible and Gospel of the Son of Light and Life

Through faith in the Son, we ‘ave peace with Skipper and be welcomed into Skip’s good standing. Romans 5:1-2

We be raisin’ a cheer in the face o’ our sufferings, fer it be the trials that forge our perseverance, and that perseverance molds us into hearty mates. Aye, from rough seas, storms and tempests, springs the bright beacon of hope and hope of life in the Son be the anchor that never fails us, you may lay ter that. Through Skipper’s Holy Spirit of Truth, he be pourin’ his love into our very hearts, just as he declared. Romans 5:5.

In our darkest hours, when we be as good as dead under the weight of the pirate’s curse and helpless ter lend ourselves a hand. It be the Son who gave his life for ours and rescued us from Davy Jones. It be through the shed blood of the Son that we be saved from the fury of Skipper. Because of the Son’s sacrifice on the main mast, we ‘ave been brought back into good graces with Skipper. That be why arrrr not only shipmates of the Son but regarded as Skipper’s own kin, his beloved children. Romans 5:7-9, 11

Death, me hearties, snuck aboard thanks ter Adam’s sin and sin brought upon all crew the pirate’s curse. Afore Skipper bestowed upon us his Covenant Code, that pirate’s curse sentenced a feller ter walk the plank and yet Skipper held back execution of the sentence of death, fer he deals fairly with all. That be why, mates, all who embrace the grace offered by Skipper receive a full measure of righteousness through the Son, along with the promise of eternal life. Romans 5:12-13, 16-17

Skip’s Covenant Code be issued ter the crew in order ter make fellers know the nature and character of Skip. Aye, in knowing ’bout what Skip expects from us, we proved we could not keep ter the Code, but by thunder at least we now know what Skip expects from all crew. While that Covenant Code be pointin’ folks in the right direction fer leading an upright life, truth be told, none can fully measure up to its standards. Fer this reason those who wish ter reach port safely ought ter welcome into thar hearts the Son and receive his Holy Spirit of Truth. Do this and we ‘ill be a crew in tip top shape, you may lay ter that. Romans 5:20-21

Romans Chapter Eight

The Pirate Bible and Gospel of the Son of Light and Life

Skipper works fer the good of those who love him, who keep ter his Code. Those who love him bring about good, not evil, fer this be his grand purpose. Romans 8:28

Those Skipper calls into her crew be destined ter be conformed into the likeness of his Son, and this among many brothers and sisters of the sea. We be united in spirit, and sail with the one Great Wind. The Wind and Son guide us through treacherous waters. We be forgiven of our debts, saved from our sins, turned from our wicked ways, and glorified as true blue crew. Romans 8:29-30

Who can stand against us? Aye, not a soul, you may lay ter that, fer we ‘ave the Wind at our backs and within us, sending us forth like ship bound fer an island filled with treasure. We be in the Son, and the Son be in us and upon us. Will Skipper not only give us all the necessary booty necessary fer this voyage? Who will bring a charge against this crew? Mark my word, not a soul. It be Skipper who saves, justifies, makes us righteous, holy, and glorifies us. Romans 8:29-33

Sail on, mate. We be bound fer glory.