Did God really say he would equip us for the battles ahead?
Yes … yes he did.
Despite the many confirming circumstances, signs, and words from God, Moses struggled to find the courage to do the thing God called him to do: Lead God’s people out of slavery. A disciple of Christ is also given this charge: Lead my people to Christ so he can set them free from sin. But the faith we found in our last victory may be lacking as we face our next battle. We are prone to think: I dodged a bullet last time, but this time … ?
“You have not let me know who you will send with me,” Moses said. Exodus 33:12. Moses needed help, knew it, and asked God to provide a team larger than one. Moses clearly understood his calling; what he lacked was confidence that the one who called him would also equip him. So he asked, “Lord if you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you.” Exodus 33:13
Because we live on this side of Jesus’ resurrection, God’s assurances to Moses are ours in Christ.
- My Presence will go with you. Exodus 33:19
- I will give you rest. Exodus 33:14
- I will cause my goodness to pass in front of you. Exodus 33:19
- I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence. Exodus 33:19
- I will have mercy on who I will have mercy. Exodus 33:19
- I will have compassion on who I will have compassion. Exodus 33:19
- I will put you in a cleft in a rock. Exodus 33:21
- I will cover you with my hand. Exodus 33:22
- You will see my back. Exodus 33:23
- You will not see my face.Exodus 33:23
Through Christ, God has promised that this battle you face, this journey ahead, need not be a solitary struggle. God is beside, behind, and ahead of you.
Lord, when I grow weary, give me rest.
When evil surrounds me, cause your goodness to pass before m.
When the chaos of today’s news prompts me to cover your hears, whisper your name, reminding you that you are in charge.
When I shrink from the battle, cry out in fear, turn and run, have mercy on me. As a comrade in arms, give me your courage.
Lord, do not shame and condemn me, but offer pity and concern for my sufferings and circumstances.
During the heat of battle, place me in a bunker of protection.
Like a mother shielding her terrified child from the horrors she sees and fears, cover my eyes with your hand.
And when it is time to advance, Lord, go before me.
Though I may not see your face, give me your courage and confidence. Bless me in this way and I can face today’s battles. Amen.