Whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it will be blessed in what they do.- James 1:25 (James 1:19-25)
Skipper’s questions and commands always reveal tha true make of a feller, of that ya kin be sure.
Be quick ter listen.
Be slow ter speak.
Be washed clean of all moral filth.
Be scrubbed of all evil that be so prevalent.
Be anxious ter humbly accept tha word Skip planted in ya. Ne’er ferget that Skipper’s words kin save ya.
Do not simply listen ter tha reading and teaching of Skipper’s words, but DO WHAT IT SAYS. Else, ya ‘ill deceive yer self.
Tha feller who looks at Skip’s words as with a spyglass, dialing in tha focus so he kin see clearly tha make of things, that feller ‘ill see in ter Skipper’s perfect law that gives freedom from sin. It be like reading tha waters and knowing shoal from coral heads, sea grass from mud. That be tha sort of intensity a feller should use when reading Skipper’s words.
Read, teach, preach, and learn ter live Skipper’s perfect law. If ya do this and don’ ferget what ya ‘ave read and heard, ya will be blessed in what ya do. Ne’re ferget: “The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul.” (Psalm 19:7)