There were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. – 2 Peter 2:1 (2 Peter 2:1-10)
In the old days thar be false prophets. Today thar be false teachers who, in secret and without calling attention ter thar deeds, spout beliefs and opinions contrary ter Skipper’s Code of Conduct. Such instructions destroy tha faith of many and send souls ter eternal darkness whar thar be weeping and gnashing of teeth. These miscreants deny our Lord, tha Son, his words and tha words of Skipper. Such teaching ‘ill bring swift destruction on them, ya may lay ter that.
Many ‘ill follow thar shameful beliefs and many more ‘ill bring tha way of tha truth in ter disrepute.
These false teachers ‘ill exploit many. They ‘ill make up tales and tell tales, but refuse ter tell, teach, and preach tha truth ‘bout Skipper’s saving grace and tha freedom ter be set free from sin in tha Son. Thar condemnation be hanging over thar heads. Thar destruction ‘as been awakened and will come quick.
If Skipper did not spare angels when they sinned and rebelled but sent them ter hell. . .
If Skipper did not spare tha ancient world when he brought tha flood on ungodly folks. . .
If Skipper did not spare tha cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them ter ashes as an example of what ‘ill happen ter tha ungodly. . .
Then such be tha fate of all who follow tha corrupt desires of thar sinful nature and despise tha authority of Skipper and his angels.
If Skipper protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others when he brought them through tha flood. . .
If Skipper rescued Lot, a righteous man who be distressed by tha filthy lives of lawless fellers and day after day be tormented in his righteous soul by tha evil deeds he saw and heard. . .
If Skipper knows how ter rescue godly fellers and lasses from such wicked behavior. . .
Then Skipper ‘ill see ya through tha trials and torment of living amidst vile heretics.