We did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power. – 2 Peter 1:16 (2 Peter 1:16-21)
We doth not follow cleverly invented tales.
Peter and tha others whar eyewitnesses ter tha majesty of tha Son.
Peter and others heard tha voice from Skipper saying, “This be my Son, whom I love.”
We ‘ave tha words of tha prophets.
We ‘ave tha words of them who be witnesses ter tha Son’s living and dying and rising.
No prophecy of Skipper’s Code of Conduct came about by tha prophet’s own interpretation or imagination. Only some folks like ter think such be tha case. It be through contact with worldly fellers and other points of watch that we lose focus of tha course Skip commanded us ter steer.
True prophecy ne’er ‘as its origins in tha will of a feller. Rather folks spoke words of Skipper as they whar carried along by tha Holy Ghost of Truth. Our growth in grace be demonstrated in tha insight and understanding we gain in tha spiritual truths and applications of Skipper’s Code of Conduct.
Let tha Son’s light shine where it may in its own glory without adding ter or taking from its glory.
Our obedience ter Skip’s Code of Conduct always honors tha Son fer it be by tha Son — tha Word made flesh — that we ‘ave Skip’s instructions fer how to carry our self. Honor tha Son. Honor Skip. Honor Skip’s Code of Conduct.