Let the Children Eat All They Want

Finding Jesus

Let the Children Eat All They Want

Tha Son left tha place whar he be teaching and healing and went to the vicinity of Tyre, which be about a thirty mile hike. He entered a house and did not want anyone ter know it. Could be he simply wanted ter rest and reflect on all he done thus far. Or perhaps tha Son be taking a short vacation. Ne’er ferget that on tha seventh day of Creation Skipper rested from all his work. This be an example fer us ter take a break from time ter time.

Still, tha Son could not keep his location a secret. Soon as a Greek woman born in Syrian Phoenicia heard he be in tha vicinity, she burst in ter tha home and fell at his feet begging Skip’s Son ter drive an unclean demon out of her daughter.

Tha Son replied, “First let the children eat all they want, for it is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”

No doubt when tha Son mentioned “children’s bread” he be speaking of tha words of Skipper and how folks ought not ter try and get by on bread alone, but by every word that Skipper speaks. Tha “children” he spake of be his own Hebrew brothers and sisters, fer them be who he first came fer. (John 1:11-13)

“Lord,” the woman replied, “even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.”

“For such a reply (faith),” tha Son said, “you may go; the demon has left your daughter.”

Tha woman went home and found her child lying on the bed, and that vile demon gone.

Thar be two things we ought ter think on a wee little bit:
First, it seems thar be some things tha Son kin not do. Fer example, John Mark tells us that tha Son “could not keep his presence secret.” In other places we find tha Son telling folks ter keep quiet about him, ’bout what he done, ’bout how he healed, but instead they run off and flap thar trap telling all who ‘ill listen ’bout what a wonderful thing he done fer ’em. Tha Son kin do a great many things but he kin not or will not overrule tha will of folks. If folks get it in thar head ter disregard his orders tha Son kin not stop ’em.

Second, tha Son doth not need ter be present ter cast out demons. Demons obey tha Son from afar and near. This ought ter comfort us, fer if tha Son kin send demons packing with simply a word or thought, then when we pray fer him to cast out one or several demons from our loved ones, he kin do it.

If ya ‘ave family or friends possessed or oppressed by unclean demons, fall at tha feet of tha Son and in prayer, beg him ter cast out such vile spirits. Then be prepared ter accept whatever table scraps ya receive with thanks and praise.