Let Us Approach All Confrontations With . . . (Acts 15:1-3)

Kindness, Humility, Patience, Love, Grace, Mercy, Lots of Silence, and Listening

Let Us Approach All Confrontations With Kindness, Humility, Patience, Love, Grace, Mercy, and Lots of Silence, and Listening

This brought Paul and Barnabas into sharp dispute and debate with them. Acts 15:2 (Acts 15:1-3)

After going through tha region of Pisidia, Saul Paul and Barnabas arrived in Pamphylia, preached Skipper’s word in Perga, then went down to Attalia, boarded a ship and sailed ter Antioch.

Back among friends, Saul Paul and Barnabas gathered tha church tergether and reported all that Skipper had done through ’em: how he had opened tha door of faith ter tha Gentiles, how they had suffered fer his name by enduring expulsion, slander, gossip, beatings, and stoning.

Fer a good long while they remained in Antioch encouraging and training tha disciples. Then an attack from ah nudder quarter came at ’em: this one of a demonic nature.

Some men from Judea arrived and taught tha brothers that, “Unless you are circumcised, according to the custom taught by Moses, you cannot be saved.”

Right off Saul Paul seen tha lie of this teaching, but he whar careful not ter rebuke tha fellers ter harshly. Though tha two factions be in sharp dispute, Saul Paul and Barnabas debated with ’em, explaining how Skipper’s good news of grace be fer all, and that tha old covenant ways and rules no longer applied.

Disagreements in doctrine be nothing new. From tha get go, some wished ter add one more “requirement” ter tha grace of Skipper. Others wished ter subtract from his grace.

If tha Son not be enough ter save ya from yer sins, then his death whar not enough: he whar not enough. Heaven fer bid we ever claim we need ter do jest one more thing ter be saved.

If tha Son not be enough ter cleans ya of yer sins, then his death whar not enough: he whar not enough. Heaven fer bid that we ever claim that tha Son died ter set us free of sin and then go on sinning like his death be a cheap grace that doth not change us.

Unable ter reconcile thar differences, Saul Paul and Barnabas whar appointed, along with some other believers, ter go up ter Jerusalem ter see tha apostles and elders about this question.

Let this tale be a lesson fer how we should discuss doctrinal disputes among tha crew and its leaders. Let us approach all such confrontations with kindness, humility, patience, love, grace, mercy, and lots of silence, and listening.

Thar ne’er be a greater opportunity ter show tha good spiel of Skipper’s grace than when we disagree. In fact, most often, it not be our words that win folks over ter Skip’s love, but our hearts.

Pray that ya ‘ave tha heart of tha Son at all times with all folks.