“We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.” Acts 14:22 (Acts 14:20-23)
In Derbe, Saul Paul and Barnabas preached tha good spiel of Skip’s grace and won over a large number of disciples.
Then they went back ter Lystra whar Saul Paul had been stoned near ter death. While thar they strengthened tha disciples and encouraged them ter remain true ter tha faith.
From thar they returned ter Iconium whar leaders had planned ter mistreat tha pair and stone ’em. While thar they strengthened tha disciples and encouraged them ter remain true ter tha faith.
Leaving Iconium, they trekked back ter Pisidian Antioch whar certain fellers had incited God-fearing women of high standing and leading fellers of tha city ter persecute ’em. Though expelled from that area, Saul Paul and Barnabas marched in ter tha city and strengthened tha disciples and encouraged them ter remain true ter tha faith.
In all cases, at ever stop, tha pair appointed elders in each church. After fasting and praying, tha pair then entrusted tha church ter these fellers with this warning: “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God (Acts 14:22).”
Think on this a wee little bit: in Pisidian Antioch Saul Paul and Barnabas preached a message of encouragement ter folks. They recounted all that Skipper had done fer his people in tha past. They explained how tha Son be Skip’s boy, be murdered on our behalf, and then rose from tha tomb. In return certain Jew crew leaders scoffed at thar message. Other folks, though, wanted ter hear more and invited tha pair ter return tha next Shabbit. Tha end of tha matter be that most all turned on tha pair and kicked ’em out, so they went ter Inconium.
In Inconium certain Jew crew leaders refused ter believe Skip’s good spiel. They stirred up folks and poisoned thar minds agin tha pair. Folks in tha city be so divided that a plot whar hatched ter mistreat tha pair, but they found out and left fer Lystra.
In Lystra Saul Paul preached tha same message as be fer and healed a feller who ne’re be able ter walk. Fer his effort folks dragged him outside tha city and stoned him near ter death.
In all cases presenting Skip’s good spiel came with a price: expulsion, threats of a beating, stoning, left fer dead. In all cases tha pair picked themselves up and went back ter preaching tha good spiel.
Sacrifice in tha Holy Ghost of Truth be our ultimate expression of love fer Skipper and his Son. Ah life of love fer Skip is one that be completely humble, pure, and devoted only ter him. This be tha message Saul Paul and Barnabas preached ter new believers and old. This be tha example Saul Paul and Barnabas give ter new believers and old.
What message doth ya speak ter others? What sort of example doth ya set fer others?
Make it yer task ter strengthen yer brothers and sisters by clearly presenting all Skip’s Code of Conduct without apology.
Make it yer task ter encourage yer brothers and sisters with Skip’s promises and examples of those who persevered ter tha end as found in Skip’s Code.
Make it yer task ter remain true ter tha faith regardless of how hard others try ter poison tha minds of believers.
This be how seeds be sown and souls be saved. In season and out, lead others in ter tha kingdom of Skip. That be our calling.