“ ’How do you READ the Law?’ This was my question to the rich, young ruler. This is my question to you. ‘What is WRITTEN?’
”Man lives on every word that comes from the mouth of my Father. His words are true. He does not change. I do not change. But the enemy changes the meaning of my Father’s words for he is skilled in deception. He knows what is written and perverts the Law, Psalms, and Prophets for fear you will believe the truth and live.
“ ’It is proper for us to fulfill RIGHTEOUSNESS.’ With these words I affirm the righteousness of my Father. I affirm the truth of his word. If you say you believe in me, you would believe my Father. If you do not believe the words of my Father, how can you believe my words for anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.” – Jesus
Luke 10:26, Matthew 4:4,Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8Revelation 12:9, John 14:9
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