These are the words of the one who holds the seven stars (keys) in his right hand and walks about in the rooms and halls and sanctuaries of the seven churches.
I know your deeds. You work hard! You persevere. You reject wicked men and will not tolerate their wickedness. You test those who claim to be followers of me but are not, and when found to be false, you cast them out. You suffer hardship for my name and do not grow weary.
And yet you do not love me!
Not like you did at first. Not as you claim. Remember the passion, the joy, the all-giving love you had for me when we first met? Remember the way you would sit and listen for hours while I spoke with you, the way you hung on my every word. How you would long to be in my presence. At first you would do anything for me: not out of duty, but out of delight.
Turn and go back to those moments when you fell in love with me.
If you do not, I will remove your lampstand and lock your doors. Love me with all your heart, all your mind, and all your soul. Only then will your works in my name draw others to me.