Seek God’s Wisdom: A Life of Stability

James 1:5-11

If any of you lacks wisdom (σοφίας [sophias]), let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given to him.

The Proverbs of Solomon: To know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight, to receive instruction in wise dealing, in righteousness, justice, and equity, to give prudence to the simple, and knowledge and discretion. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.

Believe and do not doubt. The one who asks in doubt is (δί [di] — “two” or “double“) ψυχή (psyche) (“soul,” “mind,” or “life“). Together, δίψυχος literally means “two-souled.”

This man, though he asks God for wisdom and reads the wisdom of Proverbs, does not believe what he receives. His faith lies elsewhere. If such a man will not receive the wisdom of God plainly given in God’s Word, neither will he receive anything more from God. The soul of such a man is divided between the things of the flesh and the things of the Spirit. He is unstable in all he does, never coming to agreement on direction, dealings, or what is right.

Jesus warns, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21).

Both rich and poor are brought low, (ταπεινώσει [tapeinōsei]) and will pass away like a wildflower. But the brother of low degree (ταπεινὸς [tapeinos])—who seems to have little but whose faith in the Lord is great—ought to rejoice in the glory that he is exalted (ὕψει [hypsei]). For life’s light and momentary troubles achieve for us an eternal glory that far outweighs anything we suffer in the flesh (2 Corinthians 4:17).

Above all else, ask for and gain wisdom. From Proverbs:

  • The wise listen, learn, and receive discernment and guidance. (1:5)
  • The wise receive a garland to grace their heads. (1:9)
  • God pours out His heart to those who fear Him. (1:23)
  • God shares His thoughts with the wise who revere Him. (1:23)
  • Whoever listens to God will live in safety. (1:33)
  • Whoever reads and believes God’s Word will be at ease and live without fear of harm. (1:33)
  • If you accept God’s Word as truth and store His commands in your heart, you may call out for insight and receive instruction. (2:1–3)
  • Those who are wise in God’s Word will cry aloud for understanding. They will look for it as they would for silver. They will search for it as for hidden treasure. They will respect the Lord God and His Word and receive understanding in all things. (2:5)
  • The Lord gives wisdom to the humble who submit to Him. (2:6)
  • From the Lord’s mouth come knowledge and understanding. If you lack direction and discernment, ask the Lord. (2:6)
  • Victory is in store for those who have the righteousness of Jesus in them. (2:7)