Skipper Doth Not Show Favoritism (Acts 10:28-38)

Finding Jesus in Squalor of Life

God has shown me that I should not call anyone impure or uncleanActs 10:28 (Acts 10:28-38)

Skipper doth not show favoritism. Instead he warns us that we should not call any feller or lass impure, common, or unclean. None are forbidden from coming in ter tha saving love of his Son. Only think on this a wee little bit: Tha Son healed all who whar under tha power of tha devil. Ever one who receives fergivness of thar sins i’ll rise from Davy Jones. If ya be possessed by an unclean spirit, if tha devil has taken holt upon ya, look up and cry out ter tha Son. His healing help be available ter all who cry out.