Skipper’s Holy Ghost of Truth Be Another Name Fer Skipper Working and Living in Folks Here and Now

Finding Jesus

Skipper's Holy Ghost of Truth Be Another Name Fer Skipper Working and Living in Folks Here and Now

His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life. – 2 Peter 1:3 (2 Peter 1:3-4)

Through tha knowledge of Skipper, he gives us his divine power. Think on that a wee bit. Skip gives those in his crew tha power ter (Matthew 10:8) cast out demons, heal tha sick, raise the dead,  (2 Chronicles 7:13-22) shut up the heavens so that thar be no rain, command pests ter devour tha land and send plagues among folks.

Now this power not be fer our benefit but fer tha glory of Skip in order that all ‘ill turn and be saved of thar sins. Some get healed and kin not stop talking ’bout what a miracle Skip did in thar life. Others get heal, then shrug like it no big deal ter get back thar sight, hearing, or be able ter walk and run. Regardless, tha transformation be a display of Skip’s power working through his crew.

Through tha knowledge of Skipper, he gives us his likeness. Think on that a wee bit. Skip gives those in his crew tha ability ter look like him. Now Skip be spirit and all folks be made in his image, so tha likeness Peter be professing here be of a kind that reflects tha character of Skip, not his physical appearance.

Ter be sure, most folks ‘ave a bit of Skip’s character in ’em. Skip be love. If a feller be able ter love his neighbor, that be tha result of Skip’s likeness working in him. Tha knowledge of Skipper that gives us his likeness be of a sort that shows humility, a willingness ter help others, ter serve others, ter sacrifice our comfort, our desires, our position fer tha benefit of others. This be what tha Son did when he left his post in heaven and allowed himself ter be bound in tha body of a man and get kilt fer us. Only a feller or lass who be filled up true with Skip’s Holy Ghost of Truth kin carry on in the full likeness of Skip. And yet, this be ours if only we ‘ill ask Skipper and submit ter tha work of his Holy Ghost of Truth.

Through tha knowledge of Skipper, he gives us ever thing we need fer life. Think on that a wee bit. Skip gives those in his crew ever thing we need fer carrying out tha tasks assigned ter us. Oh at first it may not seem like we have ever tool fer tha task. In fact, thar be times when it appears we hain’t nary got a pot ter boil in. But if ya truly be in Skip’s crew, he ‘ill always give ya jest what ya need at tha right time ter get tha work done. Problem be, what we think we need and what Skip knows we need often be ‘as far apart as tha east is from tha west. Folks tend ter fixate on things. Skip fixates on faith. Them who gots faith in Skipper ‘ill always have enough and more.

We ‘ave Skipper’s divine power: not fer our benefit, but fer others. We ‘ave Skipper’s divine likeness: not so we kin boast ’bout our self, but so we kin boast ’bout Skip and his love. We ‘ave Skipper’s cargo fer carrying out ever task while we sail through this life.

Skipper’s holy spirit of truth be another name fer skipper working and living in folks here and now. When ya be born again with Skipper’s Holy Ghost of Truth ya received tha very life of tha risen Son himself. Our new-born destiny be ter bring many as we kin in ter Skip’s crew.  (Hebrews 2:10). Fulfilling yer destiny brings glory ter Skip, a smile on yer face, and joy ter them who be rescued from tha sea of sin.

Make it yer task ter keep watch at all times in all sorts of weather so ya kin toss a line ter them lost on tha dark and stormy seas of life.