II Chronicles 13

Be victorious in God

II Chronicles 13The Lord is our God. We have not forsaken him. II Chronicles 13:10

God is with us. He is our leader. II Chronicles 13:12

They were being attacked at both front and rear. Then they cried out to the Lord. II Chronicles 13:14

At the sound of their battle cry, God routed Jeroboam. II Chronicles 13:15

The men of Judah were victorious because they relied on the Lord, the God of their fathers. II Chronicles 13:18


Lord, you are my God. You are with me. When I am attacked, I cry out to you. Help me to always rely on you for victory. Amen

II Chronicles 7

II Chronicles 7If my people will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their Wicked Ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive. II Chronicles 7:14

Fear the Lord, shun evil. This will bring health to your body. Proverbs 3:7-8


Lord, please helm me to remain humble and teachable. Help me to pray to you, seek only you. Help me to turn from my Wicked Ways and shun evil. Help me to hear you. Please forgive me of my sins. Amen