“We found the jail securely locked, with the guards standing at the doors; but when we opened them, we found no one inside.” – Acts 5:23 (Acts 5:17-42)
If ya go about proclaiming tha Good News of tha Son, no doubt folks ‘ill forbid ya from teaching and preaching. This be what happened ter Old Pete and Loving John. They got booted from tha waterfront wharf. Then they got tossed inter tha local jail.
If our purpose and activity be of our own will, it ‘ill fail or fade, ya may lay ter that. If it be from Skipper, not nary a soul ‘ill be able ter stop it. Worse, them who try ‘ill only find that they be fighting agin Skip and in ever scrap that be a losing cause.
Tha standards Skip gives us be based on his character, not tha sinful nature we be born with. Only with tha Son and his Holy Ghost of Truth in us, kin we meet Skip’s holy standard. In all matters we be called ter obey Skipper rather than folks. Tha Son be our Prince. Tha Son be our Savior. Tha Son gives repentance. If ya be poor in spirit and unable ter repent, ask tha Son ter give ya a spirit of repentance. Skipper ‘ill always give tha Holy Ghost of Truth ter them who ask and obey him.
This be Skip’s purpose fer ya: ter obey him, ter be holy in tha same way he be holy, and ter be poor in our own sorry self and rich in tha character and love of tha Son.
Do this and ya may get flogged, tossed in ter tha jail, even killed. That might not seem like a good outcome, only think on this a wee little bit: tha glory ter come after we pass through Davy Jones ‘ill blast away all sorrow, all pain, all membrance of tha bad stuff we gone through fer his name. And sometimes, not always, but sometimes, Skip sends his angels ter rescue ya.
Testify ter tha Truth of Life and yer words ‘ill stand tha test of time.