Larry the Lubber
The opinions expressed by Larry the Lubber on the climate of our culture doth not necessarily reflect the views of this pirate’s crew — mostly because Larry be a pompous, sanctimonious authority on Scripture whose pontifications tend ter offend most everyone — even when he be right. – Staff
Dear chaps, it is with great glee that I bring to your attention the deplorable state of today’s culture—a veritable quagmire of wickedness and sin infiltrating every conceivable aspect of society. I must confess, I derive a certain satisfaction from highlighting the many flaws of others, delighting in the miserable state of their souls, all while basking in the brilliance of my impeccable virtue. It is, after all, a rare pleasure to witness the downfall of so many while I stand so impeccably glorious. In some ways, I suppose the great sea captain Noah felt much the same as he entered the Ark.
The evidence, as presented by the most reputable statistics, paints an utterly bleak tableau of the moral collapse of cultures across all continents.
Consider, if you will, the relentless ascent of violent crime wreaking havoc upon our once-civilized environs, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake through murder, assault, and domestic violence. Or the unlawful, unbridled, and often violent protests that prevent the sane and restrained from going about their business. Substance abuse, yet another manifestation of sin’s stranglehold, tears families asunder, increases the unfortunate tally of overdose fatalities and imposes long-lasting afflictions on both individuals and communities alike.
The disintegration of familial structures—highlighted by the alarming surge in divorce rates and the normalization of infidelity and perversions of such an unnatural nature that they dare not be discussed in proper company—leaves behind deep emotional wounds, perpetuating an endless cycle of misery and dysfunction across generations.
Consider the rise in homelessness and the failure of the so-called “church” to act. While many argue that economic disparity, addiction, and mental health struggles are the root causes of the problem, the truth is evident: those with wealth have no desire to live near or even see the poor. They refuse to hire individuals with a criminal record or provide even a pound or pence to house them in the most humble of lodgings. These harsh realities expose society’s shameful neglect of the most vulnerable and a shocking disregard for our shared responsibility.
I dare even to mention the regrettable increase in the disturbing drift from the sanctity of life, laden with grave moral and ethical consequences — and yet I shall. It is quite the travesty that so many treat unborn souls as mere inconveniences, dismissing their inherent rights as persons. To deliberately snuff out the life of an innocent bearer of the divine image of our Maker is an act of grave moral offense. Far from a commendable display of personal empowerment, the disregard for the discarded life of a human is the very thing our Maker warns against. Leviticus 18:21 warns that none shall allow any of their offspring to be sacrificed or associated with child sacrifice. To suggest otherwise is to flirt with moral and spiritual ruin.
And yet, despite these irrefutable realities, an alarming number of individuals remain either blissfully unaware of the concept of righteousness or, even more distressingly, utterly indifferent to its pursuit. They foolishly believe themselves to be perfectly adequate and socially acceptable, adhering to their dubious standards while actively promoting the decay of moral relativism, which has led to such a decadent society. Such ignorance or indifference toward living in alignment with the way Man was created and prescribed is, I dare say, profoundly perilous, as it not only harms individuals but also steadily erodes the very fabric of society itself.
Make no mistake: the righteousness of our Maker is not merely a lofty religious or moral ideal. It is, in fact, an indispensable prerequisite for a thriving and orderly society. When righteousness is discarded, we are left with a culture characterized by selfishness, avarice, and malice. In stark contrast, embracing righteousness fosters justice, peace, and the common good, cultivating communities where individuals can genuinely flourish rather than merely scrape by.
Without my righteousness, your standing before my Father is separation and guilt. Truly, I tell you, everyone falls short of Our perfect standards (Romans 3:23).
Sin creates a barrier between you and my Father (Isaiah 59:2). Instead of acceptance, this leads to fear, guilt, shame, and condemnation (Romans 6:23). Though you may not acknowledge this truth, you know it in your heart. After sin entered the world, my Father sought out Adam and found him naked, hiding, and blaming Eve and my Father for his condition. Sin tempts you to blame others for your situation. All such feelings and actions spring from this divide between you and my Father.
You cannot meet my Father’s standards of holiness and righteousness (Ephesians 2:1). This is good news, for if your standards were my Father’s, then the life He means for you to live would be unbearable. You were not created for such low standards. My Father created you to be exalted and to rule over creation with Him.
You were made to reflect His image, representing His character, holiness, and love.
You were meant to create, be a steward, live in faith, expect excellence, be fruitful, increase, and enjoy all He made.
You have inherent dignity and worth. You are meant for joy, peace, and contentment.
Those who receive my righteousness will reign with Us, just as my Father intended, for when His word goes forth, it always accomplishes its purpose.
Without my righteousness, you cannot stand before my Father (Romans 3:20). There is a day when all will stand before Him. Those who stand in their righteousness will be on their knees, quaking with fear. The gap between your imperfection and my Father’s perfection is greater than the expanse of the universe. That’s why I came and died for you. I make you right and perfect before my Father. When He sees you, He sees me, and because He loves me, He loves those in me.
My righteousness is a gift. You cannot earn it or improve upon it. Those who try are acknowledging that they do not believe my righteousness is enough.
In my righteousness, you are declared righteous in my Father’s eyes, and all your sins are removed and forgotten. My Father will not recount all your sins. You will stand before Him to give an account of your works, but your sins are cast as far away as the East is from the West.
In my righteousness, you live righteously. You grow in holiness and reflect my character. Living in my righteousness is evidence that you are in me, and I am in you.
In my righteousness, you follow my Father’s commands and live according to His will. You love His word, for I am His word. If you love me, you will come to love my word, for you will find that all my Father’s word is life and health and the source of every good thing you desire.
With my righteousness, you are fully restored. As it was in the Garden, so it is now for those who are in me. You are restored to a close, personal relationship with my Father, similar to the fellowship Adam and Eve enjoyed in the Garden before they learned of good and evil. This restored, promised eternal life with my Father surpasses the temporary state the first man enjoyed and includes living in perfect harmony with Us.
Unlike the first man, you have my Holy Spirit living in you. My Spirit reflects my Father’s character and holy nature. You are set free from sin, but you still have free will. You can choose sin if you wish, but now you know the consequences of sin.
With my Holy Spirit, you live righteously and follow my Father’s commands. Will you chose me? Or will you continue to trust that your in your man-made righteousness? A day is coming and soon when your choice will matter for all eternity.