While all whar expecting the Son ter show up, a synagogue ruler happened by. Seeing the Son approaching, the chap fell at the Son’s feet. The ruler’s only daughter lay on her bed, dying. At the age of twelve, she be thrust inter the realm of reasoning fer herself, of judging fer herself if Skipper be the one and only true God—and if so, had tha lass lived up ter all of Skip’s Code of Conduct?
As the Son and the synagogue ruler discussed the girl’s health and future, some folks from the man’s home come up and told the father that his little girl whar dead.
“Don’t bother,” they said. “She has passed on.”
Don’t bother. How often ‘ave we heard this from those who refuse ter believe in the Son.
“Don’ bother telling me ’bout yer Jesus. I don’ believe a word of it.”
“Don’ bother preaching ter me ’bout heaven and hell. I don’ believe a word of it.”
Don’ bother trying ter convince me there’s a God in heaven who loves me. I don’ believe a word of it.”
The Son replied with a different sort of “don’t.”
“Don’t be afraid.”
Afeard: that be whar most end up on thar death bed—afeard they bet wrong ’bout the Son.
Ter be sure, some brave souls put on a stiff face and march inter hell like it be no big deal. From our side of things we cannot hear thar tortious cries, fer in the land of the livin’ the grave snuffs out all wailing and weeping and gnashing of teeth.
“Do believe,” the Son told the father.
Ter the little girl, the Son said, “Be healed.” Though he whar not in her presence, the Son ‘as the power ter speak life across the universe.
Right off the pair got up and trekked ter the father’s home. Once thar, the Son commanded all ter, “Stop wailing. The little girl is not dead.” But the doubters only laughed at him.
Because disbelief in the Son be belief in the devil’s lies, the Son put out the mockers and only allowed those who believed in his power and righteousness ter join him in that intimate moment of healing.
With flesh eyes the doubters knew the child ter be dead, but the Son seen something else. He seen her alive again, fer he had spiritual eyes, eternal eyes. Eyes that see what normal fellers kin not see.
Bending down, the Son took the little girl by the hand and her spirit returned.
- Power over death.
- Power ter return departed spirits.
- Power ter give eternal life ter all who ask.
This be the Son who comes fer us. This be the savior fer all who believe in his name and glory.
Make it yer task ter day to bring all who be dead in thar sins ter the feet of Jesus. Beg him ter take ’em by the hand lift ’em up inter eternal life with him.