Through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ we have received a precious faith. – 2 Peter 1:1 (2 Peter 1:1-2)
Through tha righteousness of Skipper we ‘ave received a precious faith. Think on that a wee bit. Tha faith ya ‘ave be a thing that come ter ya from Skip, not of yer own doing. It be Skip who give ya tha faith ter hang with him through squalls and fair winds, dead calms and dead-of-night watches. Ne’re go thinking ya ginned up tha faith ya ‘ave be from yer own doing. Like all such blessings, yer faith come from tha storehouse of Skip’s righteousness.
Through tha righteousness of tha Son we receive Skipper’s very great and precious promises. Think on that a wee bit. Tha very promises of Skip which his holy people counted as better than any treasure a feller could find, now be ours. In Skip’s Code be all manner of promises. Some ‘as conditions and all promises be under tha authority of Skip. But like new found treasure chest desperate mates stumbled upon on a beach, tha great and powerful promises of Skip be ours. Like all such blessings, these promises come from tha storehouse of Skip’s righteousness.
Through tha knowledge of Skipper, his grace be ours in abundance. Think on that a wee bit. Tha grace we receive when we come up a little short of tha mark be from Skip. It be Skip who covers our tab when our pockets hold nothing but sand and shells. Like all such blessings, this grace comes from tha storehouse of Skip’s righteousness.
Through tha knowledge of tha Son, his peace be yers in abundance. Peace be cargo a good many seek but only a few find. Why I dare say most folks live with a good deal of angst. Fact be, them who be in Skip ‘ill often ‘ave a sort of peace about ’em that other folks kin not understand. When tough times come, when pain beats down a soul, when tha youngins run off with tha wrong crew, them who be in Skip ‘ill ‘ave a sort of calm none other kin claim. It be like standing on tha helm with a smile on yer face whilsts a hurricane bears down. A peace like this kin only come from Skip. Like all such blessings, this peace comes from tha storehouse of Skip’s righteousness.
- Skip’s faith
- Skip’s promises
- Skip’s grace
- Skip’s peace
All this be ours fer simply signing on as Skipper’s crew. Most lubbers on land and sea kin never figure out how come it is that them in Skip’s fleet hold him and tha Son in such high regard. Such loyalty be a holy miracle passed ter us from Skip.
Holy and precious be this treasure. Such a find be a thing ter die fer and we ‘ave it without so much as shedding a drop of blood. Tha Son took care of that.
Make it yer task ter live out yer faith, stand on Skip’s promises, show Skip’s grace ter all, and as much as it depends on ya, be at peace with all fellers and lasses through Skip’s glorious power.