Want to turn your book into a sales machine? Get more Amazon Reviews. Here’s how one social media marketing expert did just that.
“We’ve worked with many first-time authors, but earlier this year I had an idea I wanted to try. I wanted to find a way to encourage readers to review the book by adding a specific request. We asked the author to include a letter in the back of her book asking for reviews. She reminded readers how important their voice is. Did it work? Yes. In fact she’s got well over 70 reviews of which only 10 were solicited. Remember, this is a first-time author with no history online and this book was self-published. All of these things worked against her and still she succeeded in getting tons of reviews. Were they all five-star? No, but that’s not the point. Let’s face it, a book page that’s populated with tons of five-star reviews is pretty suspect anyway. All of the reviews are authentic, written by real readers the author engaged with. Want to know another secret? These readers are now part of her “tribe;” she stays in touch with them and lets them know when her next book is out.
“How did she ask for reviews? She crafted a letter to her readers. Here’s a sample of the letter we included in the back of her second book. You can see the letter here: http://www.amarketingexpert.com/getting-reviews/
“In general, only 1% of consumers review books on Amazon. Using this letter helped to beat that average by a lot.” ~ Penny C. Sansevieri, Author and CEO, Marketing Experts, Inc.
Turning Your Book into a Review Machine – http://t.co/TnmKBoQhzi via @Shareaholic