Ahoy, ye devils! Ye dared lay a finger on me boys? Now, hear the Word of Skipper, fer I come against ye with the might of His truth!
“It be written: The Son hath given me authority ter trample serpents and scorpions and stomp all over yer power. Nothin’ shall harm me or me household!” (Luke 10:19).
“I be armed with the weapons of the Son, and they shall prevail. Every foul word ye sling at me or mine’ll fall, fer I be His servant, and the righteousness of Jesus be me heritage!” (Isaiah 54:17).
“The Son came ter destroy yer works, ye lying rascal” (1 John 3:8). And by thunder, He hath done it, ye may lay ter that! “On the cross, the Son stripped ye bare of all yer armaments, parading ye as the defeated scallywag ye be. The Son hath triumphed over ye forevermore!” (Colossians 2:15).
By the blood of the Lamb and the word of me testimony, I declare ye defeated (Revelation 12:11). I resist ye, devil, and cheer as ye flee like the coward ye be (James 4:7). Greater be the Son in me than ye. Why, the Son done cast ye down ter this world, and the abyss awaits ye (1 John 4:4).
“We be more than conquerors through Him who loves us, and nothin’—not yer willy schemes, not yer lies, not yer attacks—can take me out of the arms of Skipper or the radiance of the Son” (Romans 8:37-39).
I live by every word from Skipper’s mouth (Matthew 4:4), and I live because the Son lives in me. With His righteousness, me boys be covered by His blood and off-limits ter the likes of ye.
Promises fer me crew’s young:
- The just man’s children be blessed after him (Proverbs 20:7).
- Skipper’ll pour His Spirit on me seed and bless me offspring (Isaiah 44:3).
- I be blessed by Skipper, and me offspring ter boot (Isaiah 65:23).
- The Lord’s mercy be from everlasting. Fer those in the Son, His righteousness be fer me children and me children’s children (Psalm 103:17-18).
- The offspring of the righteous—and I be righteous in the Son—’ll be delivered (Proverbs 11:21).
- Blessed be the man who fears the Lord and delights in His ways. His offspring’ll be mighty. They’ll be an upright and blessed generation (Psalm 112:1-2).
- A good man leaves an inheritance ter his children’s children. I leave fer me boys the Son (Proverbs 13:22).
So devil, begone! Me boys sail under Skipper’s flag, not some skull and crossbones. Be gone with ye. Ye have no claim here!