We Now Repent Fer Failing Ter Declare the Whole Council of Yer Covenant—Jude 3

UMC Split

Lubber OpinionLubber Opinion

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Should you find yerself compelled ter write, speak out, and urge others ter contend fer the faith that whar once and fer all entrusted ter Skippers’s holy people, consider this prayer of restoration fer ya and yer church.

(Yes, we are all guilty of the cancerous heresy that infects the Body of Christ.)

Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people. — (Jude 1:3)

Jude, yer half-brother, desired ter write encouraging words ter us ’bout the salvation we ‘ave in you. But he could not remain silent, nor kin we. Instead we must urge those among us in yer Body ter argue fer the faith: ter contend fer the message of yer Truth, Love, Mercy, and Grace whar entrusted ter us once and fer all.

Lord, we repent fer failing ter declare the whole council of yer covenant ter those who be perishing. Fergive us, Lord, fer failing ter hold dear yer words of truth—fer denying yer love fer us in order that we might place our love fer ourself above you and our neighbors. Amen.