If you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. – 1 Peter 3:13
Them who suffer fer doing right by Skipper and his Son ‘ill be blessed. Maybe not right off and maybe not in tha way ya expect. But Skipper ‘ill make sure he takes noticed of yer upright stance.
Ne’er ferget that tha Son died once fer all. He died fer ya, me, us, them, all tudders who may hear tha good news of his message and still turn up thar nose like getting saved by tha Son be a right offensive thing. Tha Son did this so that his righteousness might save tha unrighteous and ter bring them ter Skipper.
Ever feller ‘as a choice ter make. He can go Skipper’s way or his own way. He kin follow tha Son or keep sailing onward in ter deeper darkness. No matter if ya take up Skip’s offer or not, tha Son suffered by doing right when he suffered fer them who do wrong—that be all of us. Skipper blessed tha Son fer this act of “rightness” by placing him right next ter Skipper on tha throne.
If ya do acts of “rightness” Skipper ‘ill place ya in his kingdom.
When tough times come, suffer with a smile. Tha Son be shining down on ya, ya may lay ter that.