Ye Won’t Believe How Easy It Be ter Break Free from Sin

Discover the Secret Every Pirate Needs ter Know!

Ye Won't Believe How Easy It Be ter Break Free from Sin“Me crew, gather ’round. We’ve a mighty important lesson ter learn ’bout how ter go through a day without committin’ a single wicked act.

“Be that even possible, sir?”

“Aye, Jigger Ginny, and not only a fair thing fer which ter strive, but ter be expected. Those who hear and receive the word of Skipper with joy but have no root, ‘ill believe fer a bit, but in times of temptation they ‘ill go back ter thar old ways.”

“Be that why ye called us on deck? Because we back slidin’?”

“Why, I pray not, Shady Jay.”

“But, Captain, how do we keep from fallin’ inter our old habits?”

“That be a bodaciously fine question, Parrot Face. As Popeye Paul the Sailor says, ‘Ye who died ter sin, why come ye be livin’ in sin? Doth ye not know that all who be baptized inter the Son be baptized inter His death? Through the glory of Skipper, ye live in a new life — or should.'”

“Ye be spittin’ out a gale force wind o’ fancy words, Cap’n. We be simple folk of the sea, with salty tongues and even saltier hands. Perhaps ye could spit it out in a way a swabbie can understand, aye?”

“If ye be baptized inter the Son, ye be new crew. Yer old self be dead and gone ter Davy Jones. Live ye now through the Spirit of the Son and ye ‘ill have no need ter worry ’bout sin or how ter tame yer flesh. That be plain enough fer ye?”

“But how can we be sure we have the Son’s Spirit? I don’ ever’ recall gettin’, what did ye call it, blast-sized?”

“Baptized, Scurvy Sam, and that be a corker of a query. First ye need ter take a dip fer Skip. Go under water like ye be drowning, as it whar, and come up alive in the Son’s Spirit. Any who cannot recall gettin’ dipped, can do so soon as we done, here.”

“But what if I drown fer real, Cap’n? Down ter one leg and it but a peg, I might sink.”

“Don’ worry none, Peg-Leg Pete. We ‘ill make certain ye bob upright. Now once ye be baptized inter the Son, Popeye Paul says ye ‘ill begin ter see fruit of His Spirit in ye. Such evidence be love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Zeke, that pontificating prophet reminds us that when Skipper puts His Spirit in ye, He ‘ill cause ye ter walk in His ways. The Son kept all Skip’s Code of Conduct on yer behalf, and in ye, He will keep ter the Code with nary any effort at all. Ye only need ter want His Spirit ter keep the Code on yer behalf.”

“What if we face temptation?”

“If ye hold fast ter Skipper’s Word, Jumping Jack Lash, ye ‘ill have a sword ter beat back such thoughts and a shield of faith ter snuff out any flaming arrows. Stick ter Skip’s Code and ye ‘ill be able ter exhort others in sound doctrine and ter convict, and perhaps convince, those who oppose Skipper’s Code of Conduct. Skip’s Spirit equips ye in every good thing ter do His will and reminds ye of ever’ thing Skip said in His Code. His Spirit works in ye so that ye please Him always. Ne’er ferget, mates, each of ye be Skip’s temple.”

“Glory, be! Ye mean ter say Skipper lives in me?”

“Aye, Three Sheets. That be if indeed His Spirit dwells in ye.”

“I know ’bout spirits, but I ne’re had ’em live in me more’n a few hours.”

“Spirt of a different sort, mate, and without the wobbling walking.”

“But how exactly does Skip’s Spirit help us?”

“Another booty full question, Peg-Leg Pete. After ye ask and receive Skip’s Holy Spirit, He puts His Law inside that peanut-size treasure chest of yers called a brain. Then He writes His Law on yer hearts. Skip’s words become a lamp fer yer feet and a light off yer bow pointing which heading ter hold. Whoever keeps Skip’s commandments abides in Him, and He abides in ’em. By His Spirit, ye keep His word without havin’ ter lift a finger. This be one way He loves ye and ye love Him back. Those with Skip’s Spirit in ’em walk accordin’ ter His Code of Conduct. That be how ye can tell who be in Skip’s crew and who be only pretending ter be crew.”

“And if we don’t have His Spirit?”

“Like I explained, Scurvy Sam, if anyone doth not have His Spirit, they don’ belong ter Skip. If ye walk in step with Skip’s Spirit, ye will fulfill the desires o’ the Spirit, not yer flesh, fer the flesh desires what is contrary ter the Spirit. Well ye know what wicked works be like so thar be no reason fer me ter list all the ways we gratify our flesh. Just know this: those who feed thar flesh ‘ill not inherit the kingdom o’ God, ye may lay ter that.”

“Them’s some harsh words, Cap’n.”

“Aye, fer some they be. But fer those who belong ter Skipper, who have nailed thar sorry self ter the mainmast and killed thar flesh, we be set free from all wicked passions and desires. His Spirit sets ye free from sin. Those who pray in His Holy Spirit with the Spirit’s secret language build themselves up in the most holy faith and keep themselves in the love of the Father.”

“Hold up! We get a secrete language?”

“We ‘ill get ter that another time, Long John Underpants. But I need ter warn ye. If any fall away after hearing ’bout all the goodness of Skip and His Son and decide they would rather keep on sinning ’cause it makes thar body feel good, well . . . If that be the case, domed they be.”

“Domed ye say?”

“Aye, Parrot Face. Fer ’em who be enlightened, who have shared in the Spirit’s presence, and tasted the good words of Skipper and seen His powers at work, should they go back ter thar old sinful ways and be thinkin’ Skip won’ mind, why, thar be no way ter save’em. Ter treat Skip’s grace and the Son’s sacrifice on the cross as little more’n bail bounty be the same as crucifying the Son afresh. Such reprobates shame the Son befer all the world.”

“I think that be me, Cap’n. Even though I knew better, I stole a rotten apple from the barrel this morning. Couldn’t help it, me belly ached, so.”

“Not the same, Scurvy Sam. Ye feel remorse fer act. That be Skip’s Spirit convicting ye. But thar be no need fer shame or guilt. That sin and all others be already fergivien. What we be speaking of is ’em who read Skip’s Code of Conduct and toss it aside as it don’ apply ter ’em — as if what Skip calls evil be good. Such rabble listens ter deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons and  pervert Skip’s grace. Fer such, thar be a great squall off thar bow and hot water ahead, ye may lay ter that.

“But don’ worry, mates. I ye ‘ill treasure Skip’s word of truth and live through the Son’s Spirit, ye ‘ill starve sin right out of yer body and have no fear of Skip’s wrath on judgement day. Today if ye wish ter sail free from guilt and shame, let the Son do the heavy lifting of sails and lines. Be baptized inter the Son by water and Spirt and plot a course fer abundant livin’ and blessings galore.”

Luke 8:13, Romans 6:2, Romans 6:3, Romans 6:6, Romans 8:9, Galatians 5:22-24, Ezekiel 36:27, Titus 3:5, Hebrews 13:21, 1 Corinthians 3:16, Jeremiah 31:33, Psalm 119:105, 1 John 3:24, 2 John 1:6, Galatians 5:16, Romans 8:2, Jude 1:19-21, Hebrews 6:4-6, 1 Timothy 4:1, 2 Peter 2:22, Matthew 24:10, 2 Timothy 2:15