“You cannot bear fruit unless you remain in me. Bear much fruit!“ JOHN 15:5
“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given you. This is my Father’s glory. Bear much fruit. Show yourself to be my disciple. JOHN 15: 7-8
Lord, help me to bear much fruit in my writing and my work with authors.
“May my joy remain in you. May your joy be complete.” JOHN 15:11
Lord, PLEASE place your joy in me. Make my joy complete. Give me success in the work you have given me. Help me to enjoy the favor of those you bring to me. Acts 2:4
“If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obey my teaching, they will obey your words, also.” JOHN 15:20
“They do not know the One who sent me.” JOHN 15:21
If human beings were not capable of depression, we would have no capacity for happiness and exaltation. Oswald Chambers
When the Spirit of God comes to us, He does not give us glorious visions. He tells us to do the ordinary things. Oswald Chambers
Everyday they continued to meet together. All the believers were together. Acts 2:46
Lord, we need to continue to meet together in order to receive and practice sound doctrine, be encouraged and be held accountable for our actions.