After witnessing the glory of the Son during his time with Moses and Elijah, Simon, James, and John returned ter the valley, joining the other Nine. Having failed ter cast out a demon, the Son rebuked the Twelve. “You and your unbelief, your perversion. How long must I put up with you?”
Ouch. Even ter day the Son’s rebuke still stings across the ages.
Though the Son be willing ter entrust us with his authority and power, we refuse ter believe healing comes from him ter others through us. Worse, the Son calls this not merely incredulity, but deviant behavior.
It be as if the Son says ter us, “Belief in me should be your normal reaction to all things. And if I believe in you enough to give you my power to heal, then your belief in healing, wholeness, and casting out vile spirits should be your normal reaction to all sickness.”
Let us take a moment ter plead fer mercy due ter our fickle hearts, then repent and step out in faith.
Lord, we repent of our doubts and denial of you. We confess that ter often we ‘ave squandered the power you ‘ave entrusted ter us ter heal all.
You commanded us ter go and preach yer Good News and heal all, but ter often we declare terrible news to those in need of healing and claim we simply be “telling it like it is.” We offer prayers without starch that lack faith in yer power to cast out sickness. Fer give us, Lord. We not be deserving of this calling.
And still you command us ter be yer hands, yer eyes, yer ears, and speak yer words of healing. Therefore right now we speak healing inter the lives of ______, ______, and ______.
______ be healed! In the powerful name of Jesus we cast out all affliction that whar binding ______’s organs and tissue. In the powerful name of Jesus we declare ______ healed!
Amen and hallelujah!