Jehovah Jireh – Jesus, Your Incredible Provider

A Blessed Seller!

Jehovah Jireh - The Incredible Provider: A Superhero Graphic NovelJehovah Jireh: A Faith-Filled Graphic Novel for Teens and Young Readers! Discover the Good News of Jesus in full color on premium coated paper! This Christian graphic novel inspires teens, youth, and readers of all ages.

Through illustrated stories that resonate with today’s audience, Jehovah Jireh weaves timeless Biblical lessons of faith, virtue, and character into “Jesus’ Messages” that teach God’s morals, values, and goodness. With stunning illustrations, it offers guidance for youth and encouragement for parents.

A Journey Through Faith and Righteousness

Each panel brings the Bible to life, highlighting Jesus’ acts of kindness, love, and provision. The “Jesus’ Messages” explore themes of humility, forgiveness, and responsibility, presenting practical lessons for daily living. Teens and young adults will see how self-discipline and trust in God bring His promised blessings into our lives.

For Families and Youth Ministries

Parents seeking to instill Christian principles in their children will find this graphic novel to be a valuable resource. Designed for teens, youth, and kids—and anyone who enjoys a one-minute word of encouragement—the vignettes promote Christian values while capturing the imagination of middle-grade readers and up with colorful, action-packed illustrations. The book serves as both an engaging devotional and an opportunity for meaningful family discussions about honesty, righteousness, and the goodness of God.

Illustrated Hope and Inspiration

  • Faith-Building Comics: Visual scenes paired with Scripture inspire teens and young readers to deepen their trust in God’s goodness and the “riches of Jesus” available through Him.
  • Guidance for Teens: Explore themes of daily provision, promised abundance, and generous giving, offering clarity and purpose for life’s challenges.
  • Bible-Based Values: Help shape the next generation with stories of faith in Jesus and growing into His character through the Holy Spirit.

Perfect for youth groups, parenting tools, or as a gift, Jehovah Jireh speaks to both Believers and seekers, offering Christian guidance through imaginative, illustrated narratives. By blending Biblical truths with illustrated storytelling, this graphic novel uplifts and empowers readers to walk in integrity and embrace their God-given purpose.

For kids, teens, and young adults seeking help, hope, and meaning in life, the messages in these comics lift us from pits of despair to places of blessing. Experience the joy of Jesus and be set free to live the life He wants for you—fully and abundantly. Deepen your faith in God’s goodness. Expect your Lord to do the impossible.

Read the words of Jesus and believe that He desires the very best for you.


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The Shocking Parallels Between King Jehu and Donald Trump

Is History Repeating Itself?

The Shocking Parallels Between King Jehu and Donald Trump

The Shocking Parallels Between King Jehu and Donald TrumpHistory often remembers leaders who rise through upheaval, bringing drastic reform. Some leave a legacy of restoration, while others are marked by unfinished change. King Jehu of Israel and President Donald Trump are two such figures—disruptors who challenged the establishment, waged war on what they deemed corruption and immorality, and took swift action to reshape their nations.

Jehu’s story is one of violence and zealotry, a warrior-king who eradicated Baal worship and the remnants of Ahab’s dynasty. Trump, though not a military leader, returned to office with a mission to undo what he perceived as “immoral” policies, remove entrenched officials, and establish a new order. The parallels between the ancient ruler and the modern president are striking, raising the question: Is history repeating itself?

The Rise to Power

Jehu was not born into royalty. He was a military commander under King Ahab and later King Joram, both of whom led Israel into idolatry and corruption. His rise began when the prophet Elisha, following instructions from God, anointed Jehu as king over Israel (2 Kings 9:1-10). The prophet declared that Jehu was chosen to execute judgment on the house of Ahab, which had led Israel into child sacrifice and sexual immorality.

Trump’s ascent to power also came as an outsider. A businessman with no prior political experience, he entered the 2016 election with a promise to “drain the swamp” and remove corruption in Washington. He won the presidency largely with support from Christians who believed he would restore conservative values, strengthen America’s global standing, and protect religious freedom.

After losing the 2020 election, Trump returned to the political stage, determined to reclaim power. Despite legal battles, opposition from the media, and internal challenges within his own party, he launched a successful reelection campaign in 2024, once again propelled by a base that saw him as a fighter against the cultural and political elites.

Purging the Old Order

Jehu wasted no time in fulfilling his mission. This “madman” rode his chariot to confront King Joram of Israel and King Ahaziah of Judah. In a swift and brutal encounter, he killed Joram with an arrow to the heart and mortally wounded Ahaziah (2 Kings 9:14-29). He then turned his attention to Jezebel, Ahab’s infamous queen, who had led Israel deep into idolatry, sexual promiscuity, and perversion. Jehu ordered two or three eunachs to throw her from a window. Her body was devoured by dogs, fulfilling Elijah’s prophecy (2 Kings 9:30-37).

Trump’s second term began with immediate action. On January 20, 2025, he signed an omnibus executive order rescinding 78 policies from the Biden administration. These included regulations on environmental protections, abortion-related funding, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Many saw this as a direct attack on the LGBT community. His administration also fired key officials tied to previous policies and dissolved oversight boards filled with Democratic appointees.

Jehu did not stop with the death of Jezebel. He systematically eliminated Ahab’s descendants, ordering the beheading of 70 of his sons and executing Ahab’s officials, priests, and allies (2 Kings 10:1-14). He then turned to the prophets and worshippers of Baal, deceiving them into gathering for a grand religious ceremony before having them slaughtered and their temple burned (2 Kings 10:18-28).

Trump’s policies, while not violent, reflected a similar drive to dismantle what he saw as a corrupt system. He reinstated the “Remain in Mexico” policy for asylum seekers, declared cartels as terrorist organizations, and launched widespread deportations. He removed high-ranking intelligence officials, disbanded several diversity-focused programs in federal agencies, and withdrew from international agreements he viewed as threats to U.S. sovereignty.

A Nation Divided

Despite Jehu’s zeal, his reforms did not lead to long-term peace. While he eliminated Baal worship, he allowed the golden calf worship established by Jeroboam to continue (2 Kings 10:29-31). His dynasty lasted four generations, but Israel remained politically unstable, suffering from wars and external oppression.

Trump faces a similar challenge. Though he has aggressively pursued his policies, opposition remains strong. Legal battles continue over his executive actions, bureaucracies resist enforcement of his orders, and protests erupt over immigration, education, and foreign policy. His administration’s efforts to revoke birthright citizenship, ban certain ideological teachings in schools, and restrict federal funding to progressive initiatives face constant court challenges.

The Final Battle?

One of Jehu’s defining moments was his willingness to act ruthlessly in what he saw as a divine mission. He believed his actions were sanctioned by God to cleanse Israel. Trump, too, is often portrayed by supporters as a figure chosen for this moment in history.

Perhaps the most consequential move of Trump’s second term is his foreign policy shift. In his third week in office, Trump proposed a U.S. takeover of Gaza, suggesting the deployment of troops to stabilize the region and bring peace to Israel. His administration has also escalated efforts to reduce U.S. dependence on China, challenge Iran’s nuclear ambitions, and reinforce alliances with conservative-leaning governments.

A Legacy of Disruption

Jehu’s story is one of upheaval, a man who carried out God’s judgment but failed to fully restore Israel. His legacy is debated—was he a hero or merely an instrument of destruction?

Trump’s presidency will be judged similarly. He has reshaped the Supreme Court, overturned policies entrenched in Washington for decades, and inspired a political movement that will likely outlast his time in office. As history unfolds, the parallels between the warrior-king and the modern president continue to raise questions about power, justice, and the cost of reform.

Abundant Life—From Paradise Lost to Victory Found

Adam's Authority At Work With Jesus' Power—Steal This Sermon

Abundant Life pirate ship sunsetAh, matey! Today, we set sail for abundant life on Paradise Island, where the winds be fair, the seas calm, and yer stay in port be an all-inclusive vacation, as it were.

Here in New Providence, every need be met and desire delivered by the hand of Skipper. Amidst this lush resort, we find a young lad in the prime of his life, with all the world his oyster, don’t ye know? But for the lad, though the island be lush and peaceful, with fishing that’s right fine, there be no lovely lass with which to share in the beauty and bounty—no mate to sail by his side. And solo sailing be a lonely passage, ye may lay ter that.

Watch, now, as Skipper causes the lad to fall into a deep, peaceful sleep. While he slumbers in his hammock with the distant sound of steel drums drifting on the breeze, Skipper takes a rib from the lad’s side, a heavenly touch creates a lass fine and fair as any lad could ask. Now the lad wakes, eyes wide, his tongue hangin’ out, and his armpits dripping with nervous sweat. He tucks one foot behind the other, and says sheepishly, “This be bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. You shall be called woman.”

“I very well shall not!” the lass replies. “My name be Eve.”

“Eve? Ye sure?”

“Look.” Pointin’ east, she says, “It be about to get dark.”

And so it was for though neither could be below the horizon a storm black as night be brewing.

Abundant Life Treasure Chest GraphicSkipper blessed them both, sayin’, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it. Rule the seas and the skies and all that moves upon the earth!” (Genesis 1:28) Genesis 1:28 The pair lived in peace, hearts full of love, the island surf as good as any ye might find breaking on shallow reefs and sandbars.

But then, that dark storm arrived, and with it a rival fleet flyin’ a blood-red flag with a devilish imp sproutin’ horns and holding a pitchfork. It wasn’t long before that sly snake of a captain set his eyes upon the lass. He whispered lies, and the lass, tempted by his cunning words, offered the lad a bite of some forbidden fruit. New to such delights and not wishing to disappoint his new—and only crew—the lad took a bite.

With this ill-fated choice, the fair winds of paradise became a gale.

Sin entered the world, and Skipper called to him, “Surf’s up. Why aren’t you out there?”

The lad answered, “I heard you sorting through my boards, but I was afraid, for I be naked, so I hid myself.”

“Who told ye ye were naked? Did ye eat from the tree I told ye not to?”

“I cannot tell a lie. The lass you made for me, she be one fine example of yer handiwork.”

“Thanks, but ye were warned.” (Genesis 3:8-13) Genesis 3:8-13

Abundant Life Pirate Flag IconBack where Skipper gathers to confer, he said, “Behold, the lass has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil. Now, lest he take from the tree of life and live forever, I must boot him off Paradise Island.” (Genesis 3:22-24) Genesis 3:22-24

Though cast out, the lad still held authority over the earth. Skipper commanded the pair to be fruitful, multiply, and build surf shops so others would have a place to buy surf wax. But now, with the curse upon the land and sea, toil and hardship would follow. “Be fruitful and increase; rule over the fish, the fowl, and all the beasts of the earth,” Skip said, “But cursed be the ground, for in pain ye shall eat of coconuts and pineapples.” (Genesis 1:28, Genesis 3:17) Genesis 1:28 Genesis 3:17

Even cast out and cursed to sail the Seven Seas, the lad still prospered, enjoying abundance in all he did, favor from others, and protection from Skip. (Genesis 12:2-3, 17:6, Deuteronomy 28:7, Galatians 3:29) Genesis 12:2-3 Galatians 3:29 (Exodus 19:5-6, Deuteronomy 28:1-14) Exodus 19:5-6

But aye, free will be a tricky thing, and that curse ter believe a lie and rebel against the better judgment of Skip be mighty indeed. Generation upon generation fell fer the lies of the sly snake of a captain, the devil.

Abundant Life Compass GraphicAbraham, despite Skipper’s promise to bless him with a son through Sarah, took Hagar as a concubine, had relations, and from their union came Ishmael, whose descendants remain a foe to the offspring of Isaac. Yet, even after Old Abe messed up, Skipper’s promised blessings fell upon his descendants with the refreshment of rain from heaven. (Genesis 16) Genesis 16

Lot, blessed alongside Abraham, chose to live in Sodom, a city full of sin and debauchery. Despite his righteousness, Lot lost a lot—all his possessions, his wife, and two sons-in-law. Only he, his two daughters, and a case of good red wine escaped the city’s destruction. (Genesis 13:12-13) Genesis 13:12-13

Jacob, blessed by Skipper, still carried the nature of a lying, thieving pirate. His life, marked by struggle and deception, was filled with strife, and yet Skipper’s plan continued through Jacob’s twelve sons—a brood who became the twelve tribes of Israel. (Genesis 27, Genesis 29:25) Genesis 27

Moses, a bit of a hot-head, but favored by both Skipper and Pharaoh, took matters into his own hands and murdered an Egyptian. For this, he fled to the desert, delaying the deliverance of Israel by thirty years. (Exodus 2:10-12) Exodus 2:10-12

In each instance, the sin of one man led to pain and suffering. Many a lubber has asked why Skipper allows suffering. They claim if Skip doesn’t stop bad things from happening, He can’t be a loving God. But Skip’s Code of Conduct makes it clear: Skipper gave us authority over land and sea, creatures, and ourselves. Why, He can no more make us do what’s right than a father can make his boy do what’s right. Free will means all have the right to go their own way—or the wrong way. And what we do, good or ill, has consequences far beyond our tiny vessel.

Like Eve, Abe, Lot, Jaco, and Moses, too often we listen to the lies of the enemy. Skipper did not cause Abraham to take Hagar into his tent, Lot to live in Sodom, Jacob to deceive his father and steal Esau’s blessing, or Moses to lash out in anger and kill that Egyptian.

The good news, me hearty, is that we still enjoy the same authority that lass and Eve once had. In the Son, we inherit the same blessings and promises of Abraham and those with Moses under the Law. But glory be, we got a boatload more! In the Son, we also inherit the riches of heaven.

Because we be in the Son and the Son be in us, we be like a bottle floating in the sea. We be the vessel—the bottle—that be in the water, the Son. Except some of that water also ships inside us. So now we be in the water, but the water also be in us.

And because the Son be in us—some with only a splash, some filled—we have the power and authority to do the works the Son did when He walked on land and water.

Abundant Life Pirate Ship WheelThe Son said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations.” He promised that through the power of the Holy Spirit, those who believe in Him will do even greater works. Believers in the Son have the same power that raised Him from the dead. The Son granted us authority to heal, cast out devils, and overcome all the power of the captain of that enemy fleet. Along with healing and power over dark forces, we also have spiritual gifts like prophecy and miracles. As ambassadors for the Son, we carry His message of reconciliation, acting on His behalf to bring justice, heal the broken, and reach out to the overlooked. By the Holy Spirit, we are equipped to be the Good News, spreading abundant life to all. We have the light of the Son inside. We have the authority of the first lad, and we carry the authority of the first lad raised from the dead—the Son, Jesus.

With such authority, let us go forth and be the light of the Son into this dark world, destroying the works of the devil. (Matthew 28:18-19) Matthew 28:18-19 (John 14:12) John 14:12

That be yer charge, crew. Don’t shirk yer duty. Skipper has given us all we need to blast the enemy fleet out of the water. Man the cannons, mate! Give him a blow! The time be now to use the weapons and authority ye received to live the life Skipper prepared fer the first lad—one of abundant life and long waves wrapping onto a sandy shore!

Deep Dive


  1. In this pirate-themed retelling of the creation story, what is the name of the owner of Paradise Island and what is the “lad” given?
  2. How does the pirate narrative depict the fall of man?
  3. What is the significance of the “bottle in the sea” analogy in relation to the believer’s relationship with the “sun?”
  4. What were some of the consequences of the choices made by the figures such as Abraham, Lot, Jacob and Moses?
  5. What is the significance of the metaphor of the ship’s wheel?
  6. According to this narrative, why does the owner of Paradise Island allow suffering?
  7. In this pirate narrative, how are believers instructed to use the power they have received?
  8. What does it mean to be salt and light?
  9. What do prayer and the Bible represent within the context of this narrative?
  10. What is the central message of the narrative?

How the Hosts of Shadowland Missed Some Key Points

The Role of Prayer in the Christian Life

  • Podcast Addition: The podcast emphasizes the role of prayer as central to the believer’s relationship with Skipper (God). The hosts use prayer as the means to “tap into the Son’s infinite wisdom and power.”
    • Source Material: Prayer is never mentioned or referenced as a tool for guidance or empowerment in the narrative. While the idea of seeking guidance is implicitly part of the biblical story, the specific mention of prayer as a tool for spiritual action is an additional interpretation.
  • Difference: The podcast places heavy importance on prayer, which wasn’t directly referenced or introduced in the source material. The original story focuses on the narrative events and human actions, rather than a prescribed spiritual practice like prayer.

Free Will and God’s Sovereignty: The Tension and the Truth

In the opening chapters of Genesis, we see the fundamental principle of free will in action. God gives Adam and Eve the choice to obey or disobey His command. The tree of knowledge of good and evil is placed in the Garden of Eden not because it was inevitable that Adam and Eve would sin, but because God gave them the freedom to choose. God’s sovereignty is never in question—He is fully aware of their choices, yet He allows them to choose freely.

  • God’s Sovereignty and Free Will:
    • Sovereignty means that God is in control of all things, working out His divine purposes in the world. However, sovereignty doesn’t mean that God forces human beings to act in a particular way. Instead, He allows humans to exercise their free will.
    • Free will means that human beings are given the ability to choose between different options, even when those options are contrary to God’s will. From the moment Adam and Eve were placed in the garden, God provided them with freedom of choice, and this continues through all of humanity.
  • The Fall: Free Will and the Consequences of Choice:
    • Adam and Eve’s decision to eat the forbidden fruit was an exercise of their free will. They chose to disobey God, and as a result, they experienced the consequences of their choice: separation from God, pain in life, and ultimately, death.
    • But even here, God’s sovereignty reigned. While Adam and Eve’s free will led to sin, it did not stop God’s greater plan for redemption. The plan for redemption through Jesus Christ was set in motion, and God worked through humanity’s mistakes and the consequences of those mistakes to bring about His sovereign will.
  • The Role of Human Responsibility:
    • God does not override our free will—but He does work within our free will. Even when we make sin or make foolish choices, God’s sovereign will brings about His ultimate purposes.
    • Consider the story of Joseph in Genesis. His brothers freely choose to sell him into slavery. This evil act was done by their own free will. Yet, through this evil act, God worked out His will for Joseph’s life and the preservation of His people. Joseph himself later reflects on this truth, saying:
      • “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives” (Genesis 50:20).
    • God allows human free will to play a role in the unfolding of His plans, but He is sovereign over all outcomes. Even when we sin, God can redeem those situations and use them for His good purposes.
  • God’s Sovereignty Does Not Invalidate Our Free Will:
    • The Bible does not present a fatalistic worldview where everything is predestined and human beings have no role to play. Instead, it presents a world where God sovereignly works through human choices, even bad ones, to bring about His divine purposes.
    • Example of King David: David, a man after God’s own heart, exercised his free will when he sinned with Bathsheba. Yet, God worked through David’s repentance and forgave him. David’s line became the lineage through which the Messiah, Jesus Christ, would come. God’s sovereign plan continued despite David’s sin, showing that God does not override human choices but works through them.
  • The Ongoing Role of Free Will in the Christian Life:
    • Believers today are still given the freedom to choose how they respond to God’s call. While we are called to follow Christ, our choices matter. As believers, we are still responsible for our actions, but we are also empowered by the Holy Spirit to choose obedience over sin.
    • The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) underscores the idea that we have a responsibility as believers to actively participate in God’s work, spreading the Gospel and making disciples. But this is not a forceful mandate—it’s a voluntary, chosen action.
  • God’s Will in Action Despite Our Choices:
    • The Bible consistently shows that God’s will will be accomplished no matter the choices humans make. Even when humans choose sin or evil, God still brings His plan to fulfillment.
    • For example, God’s plan for Israel to be a light to the nations continued even when the Israelites were disobedient. Despite their rejection of His law, God used their failures to teach them and others lessons of mercy, justice, and grace. The suffering of Jesus due to the choices of people—those who crucified Him—was part of God’s sovereign will for the salvation of mankind.

Free Will and Sovereignty in Harmony

In summary, free will and God’s sovereignty are not at odds. God’s sovereignty ensures that His ultimate purposes will be accomplished, no matter the human decisions that seem to derail the plan. But at the same time, God gives us the freedom to choose, and He works within those choices—whether good or bad—to bring about His will. This is the beauty of God’s plan: He does not override our will but continues to shape and guide us through our choices, redeeming our mistakes and using them for His greater glory. God’s sovereignty is not diminished by our free will, but instead, it works through our free will to fulfill His divine purposes.

Key Themes and Ideas

  1. Paradise Lost (Creation and Fall):
  • Pirate Analogy: Paradise Island, a lush resort owned by “Skipper” (God), is home to “the lad” (Adam) and “the lass” (Eve).
  • Core Biblical Elements: The creation of Eve from the lad’s rib, their initial harmony, and the introduction of a serpent-like antagonist, the Devil, who tempts Eve are all retained.
  • Temptation and Deception: The devil, leading a “blood red flag” ship, uses sweet lies to entice Eve with forbidden knowledge.
  • The Fall: Eve offers the lad the forbidden fruit. He accepts, leading to “paradise lost.” This is represented by a storm, symbolizing the chaos sin brings to the world.
  • Consequences:The lad and lass are banished from Paradise Island.
  • Work becomes toil, and life becomes a struggle.
  • The effects of their sin extend to the entire world.
  • Initial Authority Retained: Despite their fall, the lad and lass retain authority over the earth, albeit in a more challenging context.
  • Quote: “And boom, paradise is lost. The gentle trade winds turn into a raging Gale and sin enters the world.”
  • Key takeaway: While they sinned and had consequences, God did not abandon them and some original authority was retained.
  1. Human Choices and Their Consequences:
  • Abraham: Despite Skipper’s promise, Abraham had a son with Hagar out of impatience. This choice had “lasting consequences”, leading to tension between Isaac’s and Ishmael’s descendants. This highlights that choices driven by fear or impatience can have unintended long-term effects.
  • Lot: A righteous man, Lot chose to live in the wicked city of Sodom. He and his family suffered greatly when the city was destroyed, losing possessions, his wife and two sons-in-law, illustrating the danger of compromising with evil and being negatively influenced by your surroundings.
  • Jacob: A “slippery character” known for deceit and ambition, Jacob tricked his father and stole his brother’s blessing. However, Skipper remained faithful to Jacob, and his story culminates in the formation of the 12 tribes of Israel, demonstrating that God’s plan unfolds despite human flaws.
  • Moses: A man chosen to lead the Israelites, he succumbed to anger and committed murder which resulted in him having to flee for his life, which demonstrates that even the most faithful can fall to temptation. However, he was later called back and redeemed to fulfill his destiny.
  • Quote: “It’s a reminder that our choices, even those made out of fear, Fear or impatience can have a ripple effect we may not foresee.”
  • Key Takeaway: The lives of these figures demonstrate that we cannot escape the consequences of our choices and the importance of trusting in God’s timing.
  1. The Problem of Suffering and Free Will:
  • Free Will: Skipper granted humans the ability to choose their own path which includes the capacity to make choices that bring pain and suffering.
  • Responsibility: With free will comes the responsibility for our actions.
  • God’s Guidance: Skipper does not abandon those who struggle, but acts like a “lighthouse keeper,” always shining a light to guide them back to safety.
  • Quote: “It’s like Skipper handing us the ship’s wheel and saying, ‘You’re free to sail wherever you want, but pay attention to the charts and be mindful of the storms.'”
  • Key Takeaway: While we have freedom, God doesn’t abandon us, and offers guidance.
  1. Redemption and the Power of Jesus (the “Sun”):
  • Jesus as the Ultimate Treasure: Jesus is the “buried gold at the end of the map.”
  • The Indwelling Presence: Believers are compared to a “bottle in the sea” – vessels filled with the presence of Jesus, the “sun” which also transforms from within.
  • Empowerment: Through the Holy Spirit (the “sun’s” essence), believers are given authority to perform the works of Jesus: to heal, break chains of darkness, and overcome the enemy. This power comes from the Holy Spirit.
  • Discipleship: Believers are called to be disciples, spreading the “good news” and bringing the light of Jesus into the world.
  • Unique Spiritual Gifts: Believers are given unique spiritual gifts for the mission of spreading the “good news”.
  • Quote: “…we are empowered by the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead.”
  • Key Takeaway: Jesus’ work is the source of our power, and we can have His essence within us, allowing us to do his works in the world.
  1. Living Out the Faith:
  • Prayer: Through prayer, we access God’s wisdom and power, “hoisting the signal flags” to headquarters, essentially asking for guidance and direction.
  • Bible: God’s code of conduct (“The Bible”) acts as a “treasure map” or instructions for navigation through life.
  • Salt and Light: Believers are called to be salt and light, to preserve, add flavor, illuminate, and positively impact their communities, standing up for what is right and sharing their faith.
  • Community: Believers should encourage each other, pray for each other, and work together to advance God’s kingdom like an “armada” working in coordination.
  • Quote: “Through prayer, we tap into the sun’s infinite wisdom and power.”
  • Key Takeaway: Living out the faith involves active reliance on prayer, seeking guidance from the Bible, and proactively making a difference in the world.

FAQ: Navigating Life with a Pirate Twist

  • What is the central idea of this “pirate” retelling of the creation story?
  • This retelling uses a pirate analogy to explore the biblical creation and fall story. It presents a “Lad” and “Lass” in a paradise island setting, given everything they need by the “Skipper,” who represents God. However, temptation arises in the form of a “dark storm” and a “sly snake,” leading to the loss of paradise, mirroring Adam and Eve’s fall from grace. This narrative highlights themes of free will, temptation, consequences, and ultimately, the hope of redemption.
  • How does the “pirate” analogy portray the concept of sin and its consequences?
  • In this pirate narrative, sin is represented by the “dark storm” that disrupts the harmony of paradise after the “Lad” and “Lass” partake in the forbidden fruit. This storm symbolizes the chaos and struggle that enters the world due to their disobedience. The consequences are that work becomes toil and life becomes a struggle against the elements, mirroring the biblical curse upon humanity after the Fall.
  • Why doesn’t “Skipper” prevent the fall from happening?
  • “Skipper” represents God, who grants free will to humanity. He allows the “Lad” and “Lass” to make their own choices, understanding that this freedom also carries the risk of wrong decisions and their consequences. This illustrates that God doesn’t control us like puppets but rather allows us to choose our own path, with the understanding that choices have ripple effects.
  • How do the stories of Abraham, Lot, Jacob, and Moses contribute to this narrative?
  • These figures are used to showcase how even those chosen by God or those who attempt to live righteously can make significant mistakes with far-reaching consequences. Abraham’s impatience led to Ishmael, Lot’s compromise led to devastation, Jacob’s deception led to family strife, and Moses’ anger led to murder and exile. These examples highlight the complexities of human nature and the ongoing struggle with temptation and poor choices, illustrating that even God’s chosen people aren’t immune to these challenges. The overarching message is that God is not surprised by or giving up on the mistakes that are made.
  • What is meant by the phrase “the believer is like a bottle in the sea”?
  • This analogy represents the indwelling presence of “the sun” (representing Jesus) within a believer. The believer is the bottle, and the ocean represents the vastness of God’s love and grace. Moreover, some of the ocean water enters the bottle, transforming it from the inside out. It’s not just about receiving external blessings but also being filled with the essence of the son. This highlights the transformative power of having Jesus within us, rather than just following him from a distance.
  • What kind of power and authority do believers possess through the indwelling presence of “the sun”?
  • Believers are empowered by the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, granting them the authority to heal, break the chains of darkness, overcome temptation, and perform miracles. They become vessels for God’s work in the world, capable of doing the works that Jesus did, reflecting his light in the darkest places. This is not about becoming “mini skippers” with their own authority, but acting in accordance with the power and authority given to them by Jesus.
  • What does living out this “abundant life” look like in practical terms?
  • Living out this abundant life involves aligning our hearts and wills with God’s, starting with prayer and studying the Bible. We are called to be “salt and light” in the world, making a positive impact, standing up for what is right, sharing the good news, caring for the poor and the sick, and fighting injustice. We are to actively be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world, spreading his love and grace.
  • What is the final message of this “pirate” narrative?
  • The final message emphasizes the incredible power and authority that believers have through the indwelling presence of “the sun.” Believers are not alone but have a powerful resource available through the Holy Spirit. They are called to act as a “fleet of ships” each carrying the light of the sun, embracing the adventure of transforming the world with love and hope. They do this work with the power they have received from Jesus and are not acting alone.

Blood Moons 2025

Watching for Jesus' Return


Blood Moons 2025Blood Moons 2025—He was an old pirate, a weathered man of the sea, sailing solo on a sloop that creaked with the memories of a thousand storms. Swells rolled beneath his vessel in rhythmic intervals, their direction pointing at far-off storms or approaching gales. The man trusted no compass nor sextant to guide him, but only the heavens above and the waves beneath his feet. By day, the color of clouds hinted at rain or days of calm. By night, he plotted his course by the constellations, each star a guide overlaid on imaginary lines drawn from memory.

a light—too brilliant for a starBut now, something had appeared in the sky: a light—too brilliant for a star and out of place for any planet he’d ever mapped. It had first appeared in the northern sky weeks earlier. At first, he’d wondered how he’d missed such a light and asked himself if it might be a shooting star stuck in its orbit. To find a new object above on a ball so small left him unnerved. Stars and planets appeared and moved with formal regularity. If you could not count on the sky to keep its elements fixed in place, how was he to know which way to steer?

With his latitude and longitude noted, the time during the watch added, he considered the other omens he’d seen. Blood moons, their crimson hue staining the night. He recalled how, as a child, when he had seen his first blood moon, terror had filled his heart. Now, only idle curiosity remained. The natives of Isla Luminara spoke of a time when the heavens roiled in chaos and would do so again. They whispered of a sun so blackened and the world swallowed in darkness.

The old pirate found himself adrift—not on the sea. The waves and winds he could prepare for. But this new and distant light left him concerned. Land or sea, in port or under sail—this was his dilemma. What choice should he make? What course to take?

“Perhaps,” he thought aloud, “I should pull out the book and see if there are hints of what’s coming.” But it had been so long since he’d opened the ancient text, he wondered if he could even locate it among the clutter of his belongings stored in the lockers. He resolved to wait one more night to see if the light remained as brilliant. If so, then he’d hunt for his Bible.

2025: Blood Moons 2025 and Signs in the Heavens

Blood Moon 2025The year 2025 presents extraordinary celestial events—two Blood Moons 2025 and two solar eclipses—that align with significant dates on the Jewish and Christian calendars.

These events echo the prophetic imagery found in Scripture, pointing to themes of judgment, redemption, and divine sovereignty.

Biblical Context of Blood Moons 2025

Jesus foretold in Matthew 24:29:

Blood Moon Full Eclipse 2025“Immediately after the distress of those days:
‘The sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light;
the stars will fall from the sky,
and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’”

Similarly, God declared in Joel 2:30-31:

“I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth,
blood and fire and billows of smoke.
The sun will be turned to darkness
and the moon to blood
before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.”

These verses align with the events described in Revelation 6:12-14:

“The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, and the stars in the sky fell to earth…”

The Four Eclipses in 2025

  1. March 14, 2025 – Total Lunar Eclipse:
    The first Blood Moon 2025 occurs during Purim, which begins at sundown on March 13 and continues through March 14. Purim commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people from Haman’s plot to destroy them (Esther 9:24-25). The eclipse will be visible across the Americas, Europe, Africa, and parts of Asia, symbolizing divine intervention and deliverance.
  2. March 29, 2025 – Partial Solar Eclipse:
    A partial solar eclipse aligns with the anniversary of Israel’s Operation Defensive Shield, launched on this day in 2002 in response to the Second Intifada. This eclipse will be visible in Europe, parts of Asia, and North America, highlighting God’s sovereignty over human history.
  3. September 7, 2025 – Total Lunar Eclipse:
    The second Blood Moon 2025 falls on the anniversary of Jesus’s rejection in Nazareth, where He declared Himself the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy (Luke 4:16-30). This eclipse, visible across Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, and parts of North America, reflects the prophetic imagery of darkness and judgment.
  4. September 18, 2025 – Partial Solar Eclipse:
    This eclipse occurs at the end of the Jewish agricultural and spiritual harvest season, a time of reflection and preparation for the High Holy Days. The shofar blast symbolizes a divine awakening, echoing Jesus’s words in Matthew 24:31.

Feast of the Trumpet Blast“And he will send out his angels…

with a loud trumpet call…

and they will gather his elect… from the four winds…”

As prophesied in Luke 21:25-26:

“There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars…for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.”

What These Events May Mean for Us Today

These celestial events invite us to reflect on the coming of Jesus. The alignment of these astronomical occurrences with sacred calendars underscores the urgency of spiritual preparedness. Jesus warned we are to watch and be ready. Perhaps these four “signs in the heavens” will spur us to know Him more.

Key Takeaways

  • Two Blood Moons in 2025 highlight themes of deliverance, rejection, and awakening.
  • Solar eclipses emphasize divine sovereignty over nations and creation.
  • These celestial signs fulfill prophetic Scripture, reminding us of God’s ultimate plan for judgment and redemption.

Let the Blood Moons and accompanying signs in the heavens be a call to watchfulness, faith, and readiness for the coming of the King.

The old man steadied himself on the deck as the small, brilliant light he had watched for weeks began to expand, piercing the heavens with unimaginable radiance. As the light outshone every star, the constellations he had trusted for years faded into obscurity. Only blinding brilliance remained.

The sea stilled beneath him, its surface shimmering like glass. Suddenly, the heavens split with a resounding trumpet blast, and the light revealed its source—a figure clothed in white, His face shining with the brilliance of the sun and His eyes blazing like fire.

Blinded, the old man fell to his knees, never to be found aboard his vessel again.

The Lord Will Give You Success

Steal This Sermon—Sermon Source Material

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Introduction: Setting the Foundation
Church, let me ask you this: How often do you engage with God’s Word? Daily? Weekly? Or maybe just on Sunday mornings? Today, I want to talk about how consistent engagement with Scripture isn’t just a good habit—it’s the key to success, peace, and blessings in every area of our lives.

1. Obedience Brings Blessings

  • Scripture tells us that obedience is the first step to unlocking God’s blessings.
  • Proverbs 3:1-2 says, “Do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity.”
  • Jesus Himself said, “If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love.”
  • When we walk in obedience, we remain in the flow of God’s love and favor, and blessings—both spiritual and practical—follow.

2. Prosperity Through God’s Word

  • Let’s not confuse biblical prosperity with worldly riches. God’s prosperity encompasses peace, purpose, and provision.
  • 1 Kings 2:3 reminds us: “Walk in obedience to Him… so that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you go.”
  • When we align our actions with God’s teachings, He blesses the work of our hands.

3. Stay Connected to Jesus

  • Remaining connected to Jesus is essential. John 15:5 says, “If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
  • Church, let His words take root in your heart. As you do, you’ll see your desires align with His will, and He will fulfill them.

4. Engage Daily with Scripture

  • You wouldn’t go a day without eating, would you? Why go a day without feeding your soul?
  • The Bible isn’t just a book; it’s your daily bread. Jesus said in Matthew 4:4, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”
  • Read, listen, think, and believe. Seek a fresh word from the Lord every day. God has something new for you in His Word every morning.

5. The Danger of Neglecting God’s Word

  • Ignoring Scripture isn’t just missing out; it’s stepping into danger.
  • Without God’s Word, we become like a ship without a rudder—unstable, aimless, and vulnerable.
  • Hebrews 2:1 warns us: “We must pay the most careful attention… to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.”

6. Live Like Jesus

  • If you want to experience God’s blessings, walk as Jesus walked.
  • 1 John 2:5-6 says, “This is how we know we are in Him: Whoever claims to live in Him must live as Jesus did.”
  • Show mercy, speak truth, love others deeply. As you do, your life becomes a reflection of God’s love.

Call to Action: What Will You Do Today?

  1. Read God’s Word Daily: Start small—read a verse, a chapter, or a devotion. Make it a habit.
  2. Pray for Guidance: Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal what God wants to say to you today.
  3. Live It Out: Don’t just be a hearer of the Word; be a doer. Love like Jesus. Act with mercy and truth.

Closing: The Blessings Await

  • Church, when you walk in obedience and immerse yourself in Scripture, God promises blessings:
    • A long life filled with peace.
    • Favor with God and man.
    • Prosperity in your work.
    • A love made complete in Him.
    • And above all, the abundant life Jesus came to give.

Don’t wait until tomorrow. Start today. Engage with God’s Word, and watch Him transform your life! Amen.

The Ultimate Prayer Shield for Your Kids! Protect Them from the Devil

#Christians #Parents Step Up Your #Spiritualwarfare !

Ahoy, ye devils! Ye dared lay a finger on me boys? Now, hear the Word of Skipper, fer I come against ye with the might of His truth!

“It be written: The Son hath given me authority ter trample serpents and scorpions and stomp all over yer power. Nothin’ shall harm me or me household!” (Luke 10:19).

“I be armed with the weapons of the Son, and they shall prevail. Every foul word ye sling at me or mine’ll fall, fer I be His servant, and the righteousness of Jesus be me heritage!” (Isaiah 54:17).

“The Son came ter destroy yer works, ye lying rascal” (1 John 3:8). And by thunder, He hath done it, ye may lay ter that! “On the cross, the Son stripped ye bare of all yer armaments, parading ye as the defeated scallywag ye be. The Son hath triumphed over ye forevermore!” (Colossians 2:15).

By the blood of the Lamb and the word of me testimony, I declare ye defeated (Revelation 12:11). I resist ye, devil, and cheer as ye flee like the coward ye be (James 4:7). Greater be the Son in me than ye. Why, the Son done cast ye down ter this world, and the abyss awaits ye (1 John 4:4).

“We be more than conquerors through Him who loves us, and nothin’—not yer willy schemes, not yer lies, not yer attacks—can take me out of the arms of Skipper or the radiance of the Son” (Romans 8:37-39).

I live by every word from Skipper’s mouth (Matthew 4:4), and I live because the Son lives in me. With His righteousness, me boys be covered by His blood and off-limits ter the likes of ye.

Promises fer me crew’s young:

  1. The just man’s children be blessed after him (Proverbs 20:7).
  2. Skipper’ll pour His Spirit on me seed and bless me offspring (Isaiah 44:3).
  3. I be blessed by Skipper, and me offspring ter boot (Isaiah 65:23).
  4. The Lord’s mercy be from everlasting. Fer those in the Son, His righteousness be fer me children and me children’s children (Psalm 103:17-18).
  5. The offspring of the righteous—and I be righteous in the Son—’ll be delivered (Proverbs 11:21).
  6. Blessed be the man who fears the Lord and delights in His ways. His offspring’ll be mighty. They’ll be an upright and blessed generation (Psalm 112:1-2).
  7. A good man leaves an inheritance ter his children’s children. I leave fer me boys the Son (Proverbs 13:22).

So devil, begone! Me boys sail under Skipper’s flag, not some skull and crossbones. Be gone with ye. Ye have no claim here!

Sermon Source Material: Unlocking Peace Through Jesus In Your Life

Steal This Sermon

Sermon Outline: Unlocking Peace Through Jesus In Your Life


  • Start by asking: “What does peace mean to you? Is it the absence of conflict, or something deeper?”
  • Introduce Jesus’ peace as a transformative gift that goes beyond worldly definitions. Highlight its power to heal, calm, and sustain.
  • Present the key question: How can we experience and share this peace in our lives today?

1. Jesus’ Peace Brings Holistic Healing

  • Scriptural Basis: Luke 8:48, Luke 7:50
    • “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.”
    • “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”
  • Point: Faith unlocks the healing and saving power of Jesus’ peace. It addresses the whole person—body, mind, and soul.

2. Jesus’ Peace Has Power Over Chaos

  • Scriptural Basis: Mark 4:39
    • “Peace! Be still!”—The storm obeys.
  • Point: Jesus’ peace is not a passive feeling but an active force that calms life’s storms. It demonstrates His authority over chaos.

3. Jesus’ Peace Is a Foundation for Action

  • Scriptural Basis: John 20:19, 20:21, 20:26
    • “Peace be with you”—Repeated after the resurrection.
  • Point: Jesus empowers believers with His peace, making it the starting point for their mission and actions.

4. Jesus’ Peace Is an Eternal Gift

  • Scriptural Basis: John 14:27
    • “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you.”
  • Point: Unlike worldly peace, Jesus’ peace is eternal, unshakeable, and available in all circumstances.

5. Jesus’ Peace Inspires Sharing

  • Scriptural Basis: Matthew 10:13, Luke 10:5
    • “Bring peace to others.”
  • Point: Believers are called to be agents of peace, extending Jesus’ gift to others in their relationships and communities.

6. Jesus’ Peace Anchors Us in Waiting

  • Scriptural Basis:
    • Psalm 40:1: “I waited patiently for the Lord; He inclined to me.”
    • Lamentations 3:25-26: “The Lord is good to those who wait for Him.”
    • Isaiah 40:31: “They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength.”
    • Psalm 27:13-14: “Wait for the Lord; be strong.”
  • Point: Waiting on the Lord is not passive but an act of trust and strength. His peace sustains us during seasons of uncertainty.

7. Jesus’ Peace Is Tied to Salvation

  • Scriptural Basis: Romans 10:13
    • “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
  • Point: Salvation through Jesus brings the ultimate peace—reconciliation with God and assurance of eternal life.


  • Recap: Jesus’ peace transforms lives by healing, calming chaos, empowering action, providing an eternal anchor, and inspiring sharing.
  • Call to Action:
    • Seek Jesus: Pursue a deeper relationship with Him through faith and prayer.
    • Wait on Him: Trust in His timing and provision.
    • Share His Peace: Actively live out and extend His peace to others.
  • End with the assurance: “Go in peace, for His peace is always with you.”