Be on Yer Guard So That Ya May Not Be Carried Away by Tha Error of Tha Lawless Fellers

Finding Jesus

Be on Yer Guard So That Ya May Not Be Carried Away by Tha Error of Tha Lawless Fellers

Be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless. – 2 Peter 3:17 (2 Peter 3:14-18)

Since we be looking forward ter tha coming of tha Son with eagerness, make ever effort ter be found washed and cleaned and with garments that not be soiled. Make it yer mark ter be blameless and at peace with tha Son so he don’ ‘ave ter call ya out on account of some offenses ya committed. Tha Son’s patience means more time fer folks ter repent and be rescued.

Peter warns ’bout how tha Apostle Paul wrote ter folks ‘bout wicked behavior. Ter be sure, Peter admits, Paul’s letters contain some hard things ter understand and do. Because ignorant and unstable fellers distort Paul’s writings, as they do other parts of Skipper’s Code of Conduct, it ‘ill lead ter thar own destruction.

Be on guard against such fellers so that ya and yer youngins may not get carried away by this wicked pack of reprobates. Think on tha yarn below these words fer a bit.

In tha dark of early morning near the broad Matla River, villagers follow tiger tracks towards the forest. All be quiet. From within tha steaming mist shards of sunlight split tha blackness. Deer hiss and high-hop away. Monkeys scurry high up trees, their yips and hooting alerting tha posse ter tha presense ahead. Clearing a slight rise, fellers peer down onto the jungle floor. There tha tiger carries tha limp body of a child in its mouth. Jaws synched tight, fangs impaled in ter tha young child’s torso. Specs of blood marks tha beast’s early dawn trek away from tha village in in ter tha jungle. In this province tha tiger be protected. Tha tiger be sacred. Tha life of tha tiger be of more value than tha life of village children.

Like this yarn, Peter warns that sinful fellers may look harmless as a tiger cub, but when fully grown they ‘ill carry away our youth. Drag ‘em away from tha threshold of our homes and in ter tha jungle of darkness. Be on guard. Make it yer task not ter fall from yer position or be distracted from yer watch. Keep yer self, flock, family, and youngins away from tha jungle of sin whar tha devil prowls about seeking ter snatch away all he kin.

Grow in grace, yes. Give ever feller and lass tha opportunity ter repent, yes. Encourage folks in tha ways of Skipper.

But also take ter heart Skip’s warnings regarding tha lawless fellers who be roaming about and leading our youth ter thar death.

Submit Ter Wholesome Thinking and Ya ‘ill He His Glory Burst Forth, Ya May Lay Ter That

Finding Jesus

Submit Ter Wholesome Thinking and Ya 'ill He His Glory Burst Forth, Ya May Lay Ter That

I write in order to stimulate you to wholesome thinking. I want you to recall the words spoken in the past by the holy prophets and through your apostles. – 2 Peter 3:1-2 (2 Peter 3:1-10)

Some times a feller needs a letter from home, a word of encouragement from a feller mate who serves on another of Skip’s ships. This be what Peter did from time ter time: he scratched out a note, shoved it in a bottle, and send it floating on tha currents ter them far, far away.

One bit of advice Peter offered long ago remains as apt today as it did tha day he picked up tha quill. In tha last days — and we be in ‘em fer sure — scoffers ‘ill be about. They ‘ill follow thar own evil desires and resist tha idea of a time of judgement and a time fer being held ter account fer all tha evil done in tha body.  Such rascals like ter say, “So. . . whar be this Jesus ya keep spouting ‘bout? Whar be his coming that he promised?”

Fellers who say such rubbish ferget that long ago by Skipper’s word ever thing be made. Skipper be patient, even with scoffers such as these. Skipper would prefer that ever person come ter repentance and turn from thar wicked ways.

But no matter how many days and chances Skip gives ‘em, a good many ‘ill ne’er come about and sail straight with Skipper. They be off tha edge of the map whar thar be monsters and worse.

Them who mock Skipper’s words ne’er believe that tha Son ‘ill come in his full glory and with judgement like a thief stealing aboard in tha dead of night. Whilst tha crew slumbers and tha night watch sleeps at his post, tha Son ‘ill burst forth. Then it’ll be ter late ter change yer stripes.

That be how come we need ter abide by Skipper’s Code of Conduct and live in a manner that reflects his loving and holy character. We ought ter look forward ter tha day of tha Son’s appearing and speed his coming with our prayers. “Lord,” says we, “may yer kingdom come and soon.” ‘Till such time, let us be about tha business of eagerly looking fer that day and telling others of Skipper’s love and grace and tha sacrifice his Son made fer us.

Check ter see if ya ‘ave grown in grace and understanding of Skip’s Code. Doth ya have more insight of Skipper, more of tha Son’s character, than ya had last year this time? Last month? Last week?

Purity be tha result of continued spiritual living with Skipper. Our vision of what lies beyond tha horizon grows stronger when we become more like Skip and get his view of things. It be tha pure in heart who see Skipper. (Matthew 5:8) It be tha pure in heart who see Skip’s hand at work in tha heavens, on earth, and in thar life.

Skipper asks, “Shall I hide from him what I am doing?” (Genesis 18:17) “No!” says we. “Show us.”

Submit ter wholesome thinking and ya ‘ill see his glory burst forth, ya may lay ter that.

Bold and Arrogant Fellers Speak Irreverently About Skipper and His Words in Matters They Doth Not Understand

Finding Jesus

Bold and Arrogant Fellers Speak Irreverently About Skipper and His Words in Matters They Doth Not Understand

Bold and arrogant, these people blaspheme in matters they do not understand. – 2 Peter 2:10-12 (2 Peter 2:10-22)

Bold and arrogant fellers speak irreverently about Skipper and his words in matters they doth not understand. Such reprobates idear of a good time be ter get drunk in broad daylight. Thar eyes always be on tha lookout fer women they kin have relations with; if not in a bed, then in thar mind. Ever lass they see be a potential partner. They ne’er stop going about seducing tha unstable. Left tha straight way, they ‘ave, and wandered off ter follow tha ways of wickedness that leads ter destruction. They ‘ill be paid back fer tha harm they ‘ave done, ya may lay ter that.

These fellers spout empty, boastful words. By appealing ter tha lustful desires of sin-filled hearts, they bait folks who be jest escaping tha snares of tha devil and take ‘em captive again. Scoundrels of this sort promise freedom from Skipper’s moral code while they themselves be slaves ter depravity. Of this ya kin be sure: a feller be mastered by whatever bait he takes.

If such degenerates ‘ave escaped tha corruption of tha devil’s ways after knowing about Skipper and tha Son and now be entangled in all manner of detestable behavior a second time, they be worse off at tha end than at the beginning.

Better off fer them if they ne’er had known tha way of tha Son and his sacrifice than ter know of it and turn thar backs on Skipper’s sacred commands ter confess, repent, and be cleansed by tha blood of tha Son.

A lubber’s saying comes ter mind: “A mutt ‘ill return to its vomit; a hog that be once washed ‘ill wallow in tha mud, again.”

This be tha way of them who know of Skipper’s Code of Conduct — know ‘bout tha life of tha Son and all he suffered fer us, and still prefer ter revel in thar abominable acts.

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In the Old Days Thar Be False Prophets. Today Thar Be False Teachers

Finding Jesus

In the Old Days Thar Be False Prophets. Today Thar Be False Teachers

There were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. – 2 Peter 2:1 (2 Peter 2:1-10)

In the old days thar be false prophets. Today thar be false teachers who, in secret and without calling attention ter thar deeds, spout beliefs and opinions contrary ter Skipper’s Code of Conduct. Such instructions destroy tha faith of many and send souls ter eternal darkness whar thar be weeping and gnashing of teeth. These miscreants deny our Lord, tha Son, his words and tha words of Skipper. Such teaching ‘ill bring swift destruction on them, ya may lay ter that.

Many ‘ill follow thar shameful beliefs and many more ‘ill bring tha way of tha truth in ter disrepute.

These false teachers ‘ill exploit many. They ‘ill make up tales and tell tales, but refuse ter tell, teach, and preach tha truth ‘bout Skipper’s saving grace and tha freedom ter be set free from sin in tha Son. Thar condemnation be hanging over thar heads. Thar destruction ‘as been awakened and will come quick.

If Skipper did not spare angels when they sinned and rebelled but sent them ter hell. . .
If Skipper did not spare tha ancient world when he brought tha flood on ungodly folks. . .
If Skipper did not spare tha cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them ter ashes as an example of what ‘ill happen ter tha ungodly. . .

Then such be tha fate of all who follow tha corrupt desires of thar sinful nature and despise tha authority of Skipper and his angels.

If Skipper protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others when he brought them through tha flood. . .
If Skipper rescued Lot, a righteous man who be distressed by tha filthy lives of lawless fellers and day after day be tormented in his righteous soul by tha evil deeds he saw and heard. . .
If Skipper knows how ter rescue godly fellers and lasses from such wicked behavior. . .

Then Skipper ‘ill see ya through tha trials and torment of living amidst vile heretics.

Let Tha Son’s Light Shine Where It May in Its Own Glory Without Adding Ter or Taking From Its Glory

Finding Jesus

No Prophecy of Skipper’s Code of Conduct Came About by Tha Prophet’s Own Interpretation

We did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power. – 2 Peter 1:16 (2 Peter 1:16-21)

We doth not follow cleverly invented tales.

Peter and tha others whar eyewitnesses ter tha majesty of tha Son.
Peter and others heard tha voice from Skipper saying, “This be my Son, whom I love.”

We ‘ave tha words of tha prophets.
We ‘ave tha words of them who be witnesses ter tha Son’s living and dying and rising.

No prophecy of Skipper’s Code of Conduct came about by tha prophet’s own interpretation or imagination. Only some folks like ter think such be tha case. It be through contact with worldly fellers and other points of watch that we lose focus of tha course Skip commanded us ter steer. 

True prophecy ne’er ‘as its origins in tha will of a feller. Rather folks spoke words of Skipper as they whar carried along by tha Holy Ghost of Truth. Our growth in grace be demonstrated in tha insight and understanding we gain in tha spiritual truths and applications of Skipper’s Code of Conduct.

Let tha Son’s light shine where it may in its own glory without adding ter or taking from its glory.

Our obedience ter Skip’s Code of Conduct always honors tha Son fer it be by tha Son — tha Word made flesh — that we ‘ave Skip’s instructions fer how to carry our self. Honor tha Son. Honor Skip. Honor Skip’s Code of Conduct.

A Good Many Be Faithful Ter Thar Ideas ’bout Tha Son, but Only a Few Actually Be Faithful Ter Tha Son

Finding Jesus

A Good Many Be Faithful Ter Thar Ideas 'bout Tha Son, but Only a Few Actually Be Faithful Ter Tha Son

Make every effort to add to your faith. – 2 Peter 1:5 (2 Peter 1:5-11)

A good many be faithful ter thar ideas ’bout tha Son, but only a few actually be faithful ter tha Son. In our moments of questioning, tha Son asks, “Do ya want ter leave too?” (John 6:66-68) Faith be not committed ter facts. Faith be committed ter a person.

If we want ter be close as a soul mate with tha Son, it ‘ill mean refusing ter do or even think certain things. Think on tha character of tha Son and seek his qualities. If ya lack even one, ya be near-sighted and blind. Clean yer specs. Clean yer mind. Be washed clean in tha blood of tha Son. Thar kin be no higher honor than ter stand tha midnight watch with tha Son while ya await his rising.

Now if ya count yer self as a mate with tha Son, then make yer calling sure and secure and add ter yer faith:

  • Goodness
  • Self control
  • Perseverance
  • A likeness ter Skipper
  • Brotherly kindness
  • Love

Such qualities be tha stripes of them who sail with Skip. Do this and ya ‘ill be effective and productive in all ya do.

If ya sail with tha Son, ya ‘ill be regarded as a daydreamer and worse.  But ya ‘ill also be called his friend, brother-sister, and disciple. And thar kin be no greater honor than that.


Reject Evil. Say,“I Reject Evil.” Mean It. Live Like Ya Mean It.

Finding Jesus

Reject Evil. Say,“I Reject Evil.” Mean It. Live Like Ya Mean It.

Escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. – 2 Peter 1:4 (2 Peter 1:3-4)

Through tha knowledge of Skipper, he ‘as called us by his own glory. Think on that a wee bit. Of all tha folks Skip could ‘ave called ter be in his crew, he called us. Now fer we go thinking it be because we got special skills and experience and ‘ave tha right heart and all, keep this in mind: nary a feller or lass ‘ill ever measure up ter Skip’s standards. All who ever tried ter live up ter his Code of Conduct kin attest ter that fact. So when Skip calls us, it be by his own glory and fer his own glory. Skip counts us a glorious. Whatever ya done in tha past, that be behind ya. Skip only sees ya as glorious and worthy ter be in his crew. Live in that glory.

Through tha knowledge of Skipper, he ‘as called us in ter his goodness. Think on that a wee bit. All sorts of folks think they know what goodness looks like, but Skip be the standard of goodness. When he called us in ter his goodness we shed our ideas of good and take on his. If we not be sure what Skip’s goodness looks like, we only need ter study his Code of Conduct and tha life of his Son when he walked on land as a lubber. None be good except Skip. Make it yer task ter study his ways. Then ask his Holy Ghost of Truth ter change ya in ter tha goodness of Skip. If he ‘as called ya in ter his goodness, he ‘ill exchange yer badness fer his goodness.

Through tha knowledge of Skipper, he ‘as called us in called us ter escape tha corruption in tha world. Think on that a wee bit. While others be dishonest or fraudulent or conduct themselves in ways that chase power, often involving bribes and coercion, them in Skip’s crew be acting with integrity, pure thoughts, and dealing in honest words and deeds. Deceit and manipulation be tha birth mates of then who change words and expressions ter mean a thing not intended in its original use. Ya see this all tha time with some folks. They ‘ill twist Skip’s words, or tha words of upright folks in a way tha be erroneous or perverted. Make it yer tasks ter read tha water, watch tha weather, scan tha horizon, and stear clear of tha snares of such folks who be under tha power of tha devil. Tha devil rules tha kingdom of tha air—squalls, storms, calms, all manner of winds that make it hard ter keep on course—but Skip commands them who be sailing in his fleet.We kin not control ill winds but with Skip’s strength, stamina, and Spirit we kin control how we respond ter ill winds

Through tha knowledge of Skipper, he ‘as called us ter reject evil desires. Think on that a wee bit. Skip ‘as given us that power ter reject both evil and tha desire fer evil. Tha devil ‘ill try ter trick us in ter thinking we doth not ‘ave any control over our desires of tha flesh or evil thoughts. Don’ ya believe it. Many a mate ‘as lost thar soul ter Davy Jones fer believing that lying scoundrel and his pack of fibs. Once ya sign on with Skip ya ‘ave tha power to reject evil. Not on yer on, mind ya, but when ya reject evil in tha name of and under tha authority of the Son, tha devil and his horde of demons hast ter flee. They got no choice.

Reject evil, mean it, and live like ya mean it.