Stealing Victory: Outsmarting the Enemy with Skipper’s Tactics

James 4:7

Stealing Victory: Outsmarting the Enemy with Skipper’s TacticsEver feel like no matter how hard ye work, yer ship keeps takin’ on water? The harder ye bail, the more it feels like yer sinking, leaving ye wonderin’ if there be deeper currents at play.

When our ship’s hold, provisions, or course feel cursed, it’s often the work of the enemy—a devilish saboteur tryin’ to scuttle us. Cannon fire—or perhaps chain shot—keeps us pinned down so we dare not see the larger sea ahead.

Often, the answer be not to hoist the mainsail and charge blindly into the fray but to outmaneuver the enemy. By attackin’ his flanks where he least expects, we draw his attention away from our ship’s troubles and turn the tides in our favor.

The devil be not everywhere at once, ye may lay to that. Neither are his scurvy crew of fallen spirits. That rascal only got a third of the host from above, which means he be outgunned two-to-one.

Best of all, Skipper’s Son has already defeated him. The victory be ours, so strike where it hurts the enemy most!

Radical Generosity

If yer provisions or work be under attack, give what ye’ve got to others in need. Share yer stores, lend a hand, or support the fleet. Generosity confounds the enemy’s plans to leave ye feelin’ empty-handed. It shifts yer trust to the Skipper’s endless supply and shows ye trust His faithful provision.

Worship and Praise

Worship be a cannon aimed straight at the enemy’s lies. Declare Skipper’s sovereignty, and the devil’s darkness falters. Crews cheer in battle, armies roar when they charge—so shout yer praises boldly! Thank the Skipper for calm seas and for storms that could’ve sunk ye but didn’t. Find one more reason to thank Him, and let yer words boom across the deck. The enemy hates hearin’ victory songs when he’s tryin’ to sink yer spirit.

Invest in Another Ship’s Success

If yer own efforts be stuck in the doldrums, throw yer strength behind another crew. Help them chart their course or repair their sails. Aidin’ others’ success drives the enemy mad because it builds the fleet stronger than he can handle.

Forgiveness and Reconciliation

When there’s discord among yer crew, the ship won’t sail true. If there’s ill will, offer forgiveness—even if ye weren’t the one to start the quarrel. Mending a broken bond patches the leaks the enemy uses to sink the ship.

Intercessory Prayer

Instead of only prayin’ for yer own ship, lift up the needs of others. Keep a log of their names, see their faces in yer mind’s eye, and pray as though ye were rowin’ hard to aid them in a storm. The devil despises seein’ ships steadied by Skipper’s blessings, so keep prayin’ and give him somethin’ to grumble about.

Acts of Service

Take to the docks and help others, even if their troubles seem unrelated to yers. The enemy won’t expect ye to fight on another front. Sometimes yer greatest victory lies in servin’ just down the line.

Declare Skipper’s Promises Over Yer Ship

Speak Skipper’s Word aloud when the seas grow rough. If the enemy stirred up the storm, speak truth and send him fleein’. Focusin’ on Skipper’s unchanging character makes His strength loom larger and yer troubles seem smaller. Victory’s already won, mate. Keep remindin’ the enemy of it till he slinks away.

Celebrate Small Wins

If the enemy be targetin’ yer progress, rejoice in the small victories. Still afloat after the storm? That’s worth a cheer! Praisin’ Skipper for every bit of headway leaves the enemy fuming in frustration.

Outreach and Evangelism

Share the reason for yer hope with another lost soul adrift. Tell of the good the Skipper’s done for ye. Sharin’ the truth brings others aboard, and the enemy hates losin’ crew to Skipper’s fleet.

Take a Sabbath Rest

Droppin’ anchor and restin’ in Skipper’s presence shows trust in His care. If the enemy’s attackin’ yer ship, restin’ signals yer confidence that the Skipper fights yer battles. He’s got all the time in the world to set things right, so take some of it and rest.

How This Wins the Battle

These actions take the fight off the enemy’s terms and place it on Skipper’s. The devil expects ye to battle him head-on where yer weak. Instead, by servin’, praisin’, and fightin’ for others, ye outflank him and disrupt his schemes. As the Good Book says, “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to ye as well.”

By chartin’ a course aligned with the Skipper’s heart, ye steer the battle to waters where the enemy’s unprepared, and ye sail in the power of the Almighty.”

Through Faith in The Son We Be Shielded by Skipper’s Power

Finding Jesus — 1 Peter 1:2-7

Arr, may grace and peace flow in abundance ter ye who be chosen by the foresight of God the Father. The Spirit’s sanctifying work has marked ye as obedient ter Jesus Christ, with his blood sprinkled upon ye.

Dear Mates, we be Skipper’s chosen, the ones marked by the Holy Ghost of Truth. So, in all things, live in obedience ter Skipper’s Son.

In his vast mercy, Skipper grants us new birth into a living hope. This hope springs from the Son’s resurrection, though he ventured down ter Davy Jones, Skipper raised him from the dead. As ye well know, once a feller sinks ter a watery grave, he ne’er swims up alive. But the Son did. We ‘ave the testimony of them who says as much.

Through faith in the Son, we be shielded by Skipper’s power until the coming rescuing of all his chosen ones. Now Skip’s protecting power don’ mean all be smooth sailing. Fact ’tis, sailing and living in obedience ter Skipper and his Son ‘ill bring more squalls than days of smooth sailing, the prince of demons. The devil himself, ‘ill see ter that. Sailing and living in obedience ter Skipper and his Son ‘ill bring howls of mocking laughter from them who ‘ave tha devil’s spirits in ‘em. The protecting power of Skip be of a kind that preserves our faith and that be of greater worth than preserving our body and life. Our faith in the Son be our guarantee of a new full life that ‘ill ne’er end.

Right now, many of us may ‘ave ter suffer grief in all manner of trials aboard hard ships. This be happening so each feller’s faith may prove genuine and result in praise, glory, and honor ter the Son.

Buck up.

Hold fast ter Skipper’s words and what ye know be true and right in his Code of Conduct.
Obey the Son in all things.

Ye ‘ill know ye ‘ave new birth through the Holy Ghost of Truth if ye be absolutely certain that ye be in good standing with Skipper.

If ye not absolutely certain that the living hope which never dies be inside ye, drop ter yer knees this second and confess all the vile sins ye ever done. Don’ jest confess, but turn from doing ‘em. Ask the Son ter put his Holy Ghost of Truth in ye. Then go off and be baptized in water as a public confession that ye ‘ave died ter yer old self and now have the Son’s life in ye. Ask some righteous fellers and lasses ter lay hands on ye and anoint ye into the Son’s Holy Ghost of Truth. Once ye done all this, ye be in Skipper and Skipper be in ye, of this ye can be sure.

The Living Stone of Skipper Be Our Sanctuary

Finding Jesus — 1 Peter 2:5-11

1 Peter 2-7-5-11

Now ter you who believe, this stone is precious.

The Living Stone of Skipper be our sanctuary.

Only ter them who reject the Living Stone, such a holy tomb causes folks ter stumble and fall. They stumble on account of they disobey Skip’s message. This be also what they whar destined fer.

But you be a chosen crew, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, Skipper’s special possession. Declare the praises of him who called ya out of darkness in ter his wonderful light. Once upon a time ya be not a crew. Now ya be Skip’s crew. Once upon a time ya not receive mercy. Now ya be covered in Skip’s mercy.

Since ya now ‘ave yer stripes and orders, abstain from all desires of the flesh. Such longings war against yer soul. Skipper ‘as warned us ne’er ter follow the teachings of folks who build on any foundation other than the Living Stone that went in ter a tomb dead and come out alive.

Doth not fear what other folks fear. Fear be the child of doubt.

Doth not dread what folks without Skipper’s Holy Ghost of Truth dread. Dread be the child of dead faith.

Regard Skipper as holy. He alone be the one ter fear. He alone be the one ter dread.

Fer us, Skipper be our holy captain. In Skip’s Living Stone we find sanctuary and safety fer our soul. Let us rush in and take a load off our weary bones.

Though We ‘ave Not Seen The Son in All His Glory, We Love Him

Finding Jesus — 1 Peter 1:8-12

1 Peter 1-8-12Though we have not laid eyes on him, we harbor love fer the Son.

Though we haven’ gazed upon him in all his glory, we hold a deep affection fer him.

Though we ne’er heard his audible voice, we put our trust in him.

Though we haven’ touched the nail prints in his hands or felt the wound in his side, our hearts be filled with a joy that surpasses understanding.

Because we believe, we be receivin’ the goal of our faith: the salvation of our souls.

What ye believe ‘ll shape the course ye sail. What ye believe ‘ll determine whar ye end up.

Some scallywags be demandin’ proof before they ‘ll believe in the Son. Seekin’ facts may be wise most days, but gatherin’ facts be not the same as gatherin’ faith. A soul who’ll only believe what he spies puts limits on whar he sails. More importantly, it constricts whar he ends up. Such skittish sailing be like refusin’ ter leave port ’cause ye cannot spy what be over the horizon. A scallywag like that never finds true treasure.

The prophets of old placed greater value on faith than facts.

Those prophets trusted Skipper’s words more than the words of men.

The prophets of old knew they were charting a course not only fer themselves but fer future generations. Even the angels longed ter grasp the things those old prophets blabbered ’bout, but the Skipper kept ’em from seein’ and knowin’.

Only now, through the Holy Ghost of Truth sent from heaven, we know the route and Skipper’s grand plan fer us. We’ve been told of these things by those who preach and teach the good news of the Son.

The question be, will we believe, love, and live in the Spirit of the Son? Or will we remain in port, refusing ter take a chance on what lies below the horizon. All go ter Davy Jones, ye may lay ter that. Why not set sail with the Son and see fer yerself if thar be not treasures and paradise greater than any ye can image?

What say ye?

Ye Have Been Born Again With Imperishable Seed

Finding Jesus — 1 Peter 1:13-25

1 Peter 1-13-25You have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. – 1 Peter 1:23 (1 Peter 1:22-25)

Tha word of Skipper stands fer all time. Through tha living and enduring word of Skipper, ye ‘ave been born from imperishable seed. And if ye ‘ave been born anew with tha seed that comes through tha living and enduring word of Skipper. As such, behave as sound crew.

  1. Ready yer minds fer action, me hearties!
  2. Be self-controlled, like a savvy sailor in the midst of a storm.
  3. Place yer hope fully on the grace of the Son. His grace ‘ill steer ye through treacherous seas.
  4. Don’ be shaped by the evil desires ye had when ye whar ignorant. Back then ye be like a ship lost without a compass. Know ye know the Son’s ways, so set yer sails as such.
  5. Be holy in all yer doings, me hearties! When ye need a good rinsing, pray this prayer:

    “Lord, when I’m not holy, have yer Spirit point out where I be fallin’ short. Change me ter be holy. Give me yer mind. Reshape me into yer image. Amen.”

  6. Live in reverent fear of Skipper. He made the heavens and earth, sea and stars. He made fellers in his image. Ne’er ferget: he gives life and he takes life. He can sweep us overboard with the flick of his finger or a gust of wind.
  7. Obey the truth, fer Skipper’s words are as true as the North Star. The Son is Truth. When ye obey the truth, when ye honor and believe Skipper’s word.The truth in his words purifies ye like a deep dip in the sea and a fresh scubbin of lye soap.
  8. Love all in Skipper’s crew deeply. Love from yer heart. Be real in love. If ye find it hard ter show love ter a feller or lass, pray this prayer:

    “Lord, I’ve been born again by yer imperishable seed. This was done through the living and enduring word of you. Yer word stands forever. Yer words are life. I do not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from yer mouth. Place in me the love fer others that you ‘ave fer ’em. Amen!”

Ne’er ferget: ye whar redeemed from yer empty life by tha precious blood of tha Son, a lamb without blemish. Tha Son ne’re broke a one of Skipper’s commands. He be perfect in all he done. Through his Holy Ghost of Truth we kin also live a full life and be perfect as Skipper be perfect.

This be our charge from tha Son: “Go! Be perfect through tha indwelling power of my Holy Ghost of Truth.” (Matthew 5:48)

Go, then, and grow from a holy seed in ter that perfect character of tha Son.

Grow Up on the Pure Spiritual Milk of Skipper’s Good Words

Finding Jesus — 1 Peter 2:1-5

1 Peter 2-1-5Banish all malice and deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.

Come ter the living Stone, the living Stone rejected by men, but chosen by Skipper ter be a tested stone and a precious cornerstone fer a firm foundation. The one who puts their trust in the living Stone ‘ill never be dismayed, surprised, or put ter shame.

“Hear the word of Skipper, ye scoffers.” (Isaiah 29:14)

“Mockers of Skipper ‘ill disappear, ye may lay ter that.” (Isaiah 29:20)

Grow up! Make it yer task ter crave pure spiritual milk.

Now that ye ‘ave tasted and know Skipper be good and full of love, ye ‘ill do a good work if ye make righteousness the plumb line of yer spiritual house.

  • Banish all malice.
  • Banish all deceit.
  • Banish all conceit.
  • Banish all hypocrisy.
  • Banish all envy.
  • Banish all slander.
  • Banish all boasting.
  • Banish all lying.
  • Banish all falsehood.
  • Banish all mocking.
  • Banish all scoffing.

Build ye self up on the firm foundation of the living Stone and grow up on the pure spiritual milk of Skipper’s good words. 

  • Reflect the holiness of Skipper ter others.
  • Intercede fer others.
  • Represent Skipper ter others.
  • Offer yer bodies ter Skipper.
  • Offer yer possessions, money, time, talents, gifts, services, and always what is good and not evil.

Do this and the things ye done in the name of Skipper ‘ill stand fer all eternity.

Skipper’s Righteous Judgment

The Pirate Gospel — Romans Chapter Two

You who pass judgment on someone else and yet do the same things ‘ave no excuse. Skipper’s righteous judgment be just. Ours be judgement of the flesh and born from the union of pride and envy. Man’s be hypocrisy, and our Lord, the Son of Light and Life, made clear those who do not practice what they preach ‘ill roast on the spit.

Warning: The Son Shines on All Sins

Be warned, mates. Skipper’s judgment on those who partake in wicked deeds while preaching his righteousness be not rooted in truth but foul soil. Fer when we, mere simple souls, cast judgment upon others whilst indulgin’ in the same misdeeds, we heap judgement upon ourselves. The Son shines his light on all sins. Ever’ thing done in the dark ‘ill be exposed in his light.

Judge Not!

Instead of judging others, we be commanded by the Son ter show Skipper’s kindness, tolerance, and patience, fer such compassion leads some ter repentance.

If yer heart remains stubborn and unrepentant, you be layin’ up fer yourself a stockpile of wrath ter come on the day of Skipper’s wrath. He ‘ill repay each soul as thar deeds deserve. Ter those who, through dogged perseverance in doin’ right, seek glory, honor, and the promise of immortality, they ‘ll receive eternal life. But fer ’em scallywags who be self-centered and deny his truth while treadin’ the path of wickedness, they ‘ll face the fury and wrath of the Almighty! Thar ‘ill be trouble and distress fer every feller and lass who do evil, you may lay ter that.

Skipper doth not play favorites. Whether we be a sinner without the law or under the law with its rule, the outcome be the same. Those who break the law without knowin’ it ‘ill still meet thar doom.  Those under the law who break Skipper’s Covenant Code ‘ill be held accountable fer thar actions. No one be spared: all face judgement at the end of our earthly passage.

Righteousness Leads ter Holiness

Those who obey Skip’s Covenant Code are declared righteous and his righteousness leads ter holiness. Lawlessness leads ter filthy livin’.

If you put all yer confidence in keeping Skipper’s Covenant Code and brag about knowin’ each and ever’ law, command, and statute . . . If you think yerself a guide for the lost and a beacon in the darkness but doth not sail under the grace and mercy of the Son . . . you be puffed up with pride and yer faith be headed towards rocks and reefs. The Son is Skipper’s Covenant Code and the Word of Skipper. Let the Son be yer righteousness and his Spirit ‘ill grow holiness within you.

In the Covenant Code, we find the very Body of knowledge and truth. The Word came in flesh through the Son of Light and Life. The Word remains with us now through all the Covenant Code and writings of the Son’s apostles.

You, who be instructors of others, do you not teach yourselves? When you preach against stealin’, do you pilfer from yer crew mates? When you say fellers ought ter keep thar pants on and not sleep with a mistress, do you do the same? When you detest idols, do worship gold and silver and gems?

You, who boast in Skipper’s Covenant Code, do you bring shame on Skipper by breakin’ his commands and law?

Keeping to the Code be of value if you in fact keep it, but if you break the Code, you be as if you ne’er heard of Skip’s Code. So, if ’em who doth not know of Skip’s Code follow his Code because any dunderhead with an ounce of common sense knows right from wrong, will they not be counted as keeping ter the Code?

If any brag ’bout the Covenant Code and yet break even one regulation, they dishonor Skipper. Skipper’s name be blasphemed among lubbers and other crews because we teach and preach his Code but live by our own Code of the Flesh. May it not be so! Repent! Stick ter the Code.