Though We ‘ave Not Seen The Son in All His Glory, We Love Him

Finding Jesus — 1 Peter 1:8-12

1 Peter 1-8-12Though we have not laid eyes on him, we harbor love fer the Son.

Though we haven’ gazed upon him in all his glory, we hold a deep affection fer him.

Though we ne’er heard his audible voice, we put our trust in him.

Though we haven’ touched the nail prints in his hands or felt the wound in his side, our hearts be filled with a joy that surpasses understanding.

Because we believe, we be receivin’ the goal of our faith: the salvation of our souls.

What ye believe ‘ll shape the course ye sail. What ye believe ‘ll determine whar ye end up.

Some scallywags be demandin’ proof before they ‘ll believe in the Son. Seekin’ facts may be wise most days, but gatherin’ facts be not the same as gatherin’ faith. A soul who’ll only believe what he spies puts limits on whar he sails. More importantly, it constricts whar he ends up. Such skittish sailing be like refusin’ ter leave port ’cause ye cannot spy what be over the horizon. A scallywag like that never finds true treasure.

The prophets of old placed greater value on faith than facts.

Those prophets trusted Skipper’s words more than the words of men.

The prophets of old knew they were charting a course not only fer themselves but fer future generations. Even the angels longed ter grasp the things those old prophets blabbered ’bout, but the Skipper kept ’em from seein’ and knowin’.

Only now, through the Holy Ghost of Truth sent from heaven, we know the route and Skipper’s grand plan fer us. We’ve been told of these things by those who preach and teach the good news of the Son.

The question be, will we believe, love, and live in the Spirit of the Son? Or will we remain in port, refusing ter take a chance on what lies below the horizon. All go ter Davy Jones, ye may lay ter that. Why not set sail with the Son and see fer yerself if thar be not treasures and paradise greater than any ye can image?

What say ye?