Now ter you who believe, this stone is precious.
The Living Stone of Skipper be our sanctuary.
Only ter them who reject the Living Stone, such a holy tomb causes folks ter stumble and fall. They stumble on account of they disobey Skip’s message. This be also what they whar destined fer.
But you be a chosen crew, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, Skipper’s special possession. Declare the praises of him who called ya out of darkness in ter his wonderful light. Once upon a time ya be not a crew. Now ya be Skip’s crew. Once upon a time ya not receive mercy. Now ya be covered in Skip’s mercy.
Since ya now ‘ave yer stripes and orders, abstain from all desires of the flesh. Such longings war against yer soul. Skipper ‘as warned us ne’er ter follow the teachings of folks who build on any foundation other than the Living Stone that went in ter a tomb dead and come out alive.
Doth not fear what other folks fear. Fear be the child of doubt.
Doth not dread what folks without Skipper’s Holy Ghost of Truth dread. Dread be the child of dead faith.
Regard Skipper as holy. He alone be the one ter fear. He alone be the one ter dread.
Fer us, Skipper be our holy captain. In Skip’s Living Stone we find sanctuary and safety fer our soul. Let us rush in and take a load off our weary bones.