Banish all malice and deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.
Come ter the living Stone, the living Stone rejected by men, but chosen by Skipper ter be a tested stone and a precious cornerstone fer a firm foundation. The one who puts their trust in the living Stone ‘ill never be dismayed, surprised, or put ter shame.
“Hear the word of Skipper, ye scoffers.” (Isaiah 29:14)
“Mockers of Skipper ‘ill disappear, ye may lay ter that.” (Isaiah 29:20)
Grow up! Make it yer task ter crave pure spiritual milk.
Now that ye ‘ave tasted and know Skipper be good and full of love, ye ‘ill do a good work if ye make righteousness the plumb line of yer spiritual house.
- Banish all malice.
- Banish all deceit.
- Banish all conceit.
- Banish all hypocrisy.
- Banish all envy.
- Banish all slander.
- Banish all boasting.
- Banish all lying.
- Banish all falsehood.
- Banish all mocking.
- Banish all scoffing.
Build ye self up on the firm foundation of the living Stone and grow up on the pure spiritual milk of Skipper’s good words.
- Reflect the holiness of Skipper ter others.
- Intercede fer others.
- Represent Skipper ter others.
- Offer yer bodies ter Skipper.
- Offer yer possessions, money, time, talents, gifts, services, and always what is good and not evil.
Do this and the things ye done in the name of Skipper ‘ill stand fer all eternity.