“A few days ago the word ‘caremongering’ did not exist,” writes Tom Gerken of the BBC. “Now, what started as a way to help vulnerable people in Toronto has turned into a movement spreading fast across Canada. More than 35 Facebook groups have been set up in 72 hours to serve communities in places including Ottawa, Halifax and Annapolis County in Nova Scotia, with more than 30,000 members between them. People are joining the groups to offer help to others within their communities, particularly those who are more at risk of health complications related to coronavirus.”
“It’s allowed us to tackle the needs of those who are at-risk all the time,” says Valentina Harper.
“Typically, posts are divided between two main topics – #iso and #offer. #iso posts are for people “in search of” help, whereas #offer posts are (as the name implies) for people offering help.”
In the U.S. groups of people have begun to use the hashtag #CareShare to offer help to those without or who cannot go out for supplies. John the Baptist said, “to the one who has two, give to the one who has none.” Jesus said lend, give, help, and pray for your enemies. The bar to help seems low. The coronavirus attacks the body, but its long-term impact is how it affects the collective soul of a global community. Give. Reach out. Offer to help. Spread kindness not the coronavirus.