“Are you content with your friendships and relationships? Are your relationships as satisfying as you would want them to be? Is there someone in your life who knows you so well that you confide in them your secrets, fears, hopes, and dreams? Come to me, Jesus.
“I am by your side, so do not let fear overwhelm you. I am your Lord, King, and the one who saves you. I give you my strength. I support you. I lift you up in my hands. Isaiah 41:10
“I love you so deeply that I gave my life for you. Anyone who believes in me will save their life. Though they may die, in me, you will have an abundant, eternal life in my Father’s kingdom. I go to prepare a place for those who trust in me. and if I go, I will come back for you. John 3:16
“I formed your inward parts. I knitted you together in your mother’s womb. This is how close I am to you. Psalm 139:13-16
“If you desire a friend who will never leave or forsake you, someone who knows your fears, hopes, dreams, secrets, and yes, even your sins, come to me. Ask to exchange your life for my eternal living Spirit. I am Jesus. Ask me to be your friend, Lord, and Savior.” — Jesus