LPC Books is Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. Because Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas is a mouthful to say and because there are several Lighthouse Publishing firms, we are slowly trying to rebrand our name. LPC Books is short and defines what we do – publish books.
Many authors may not realize that LPC is a ministry and affiliated with Christian Devotions Ministries. Book publishing is not a gold mine. I’m reminded of what my friend Ron Benrey told me years ago. “Want to know how to make a little money in the publishing business?” he asked. “Start with a lot of money.”
Some authors assume that their publisher makes a ton of money off their book, but that simply is not the case. At least not with LPC. Our authors and editors receive the first 75% of all revenue. Of the remaining 25%, we pay for design, marketing, and general overhead, (web hosting, domain names, production manager’s salary, etc). If I, as the publisher, end up with 10% of the revenue at the end of any given month I feel blessed.
Why launch a Go Fund Me campaign?
Finding qualified managing editors is difficult. They don’t just fall out of the sky. Especially given our business model. (Editors and MEs earn their salary on royalty sales, just like our authors. For this reason, our MEs and editors must be confident that the title on which they work will sell — and sell well. : ) To find qualified managing editors we need to advertise on job sites.
Launching new imprints takes money. New imprints need: domain names, web site development, branding, logos, marketing help, etc.
Dr. Dennis Hensley, Professor of Professional Writing at Taylor University, will often recommend his students to serve as interns with LPC. We’re trying to help college students gain experience within the book publishing industry, and it’s unfair to Doc’s students to run a slip-shod internship program. Much better to have a professional in charge. We don’t make money training interns, but it’s one way we give back to the industry and try to make positive changes.
Finally, we would still like to build a street-level sales team. We are unsure of how large an investment this may require, but as with making films, we know it will cost more than we expect.
Our 2017 goals are:
* Launch three new fiction imprints
* Add four new managing editors
* Grow our editor internship program
* Build a street-level sales team that works independent of Amazon’s shadow
* Begin production of our first film
I’m grateful also, Eddie, for your telling us how things work. And I think the LPC name is a great idea. Your ministry “model” makes all of us feel included. Like Lorry, I’ve worked with lots of publishers and have experienced the most connection, both practical and heart, with you all. I appreciate you.
I just need to sell more copies of your book 🙂 It’s a good’n.
Thank you for sharing your heart and concerns with your authors. I’ve worked with at least seven publishers in my long career, and I’ve found the care and personal interest at LPC ranks above them all. I pray that you will find those qualified managing editors and editors you need at LPC. You’ll have to go a long way to match Ann and Katie!
Yep. You got two good editors for your book 🙂
Thanks for apprising us of what goes on behind the scenes, Eddie. I knew you didn’t make a lot of money as a publisher, but this explanation helps explain why. We appreciate all you do to help us grow. I pray LPC prospers and enjoys great health in the decades to come!
So blessed to be a tiny part of LPC. The L should also stand for Love. Love of God, Love of this work, Love of the authors and the Love for each other as you let the Light shine for Him.