My soul brags in the Lord. Psalm 34:1 Does yours?
Glorify the Lord with me. Let us exalt, praise, and shout his name together. Psalm 34:2-2
I sought the Lord and he answered me. He delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4 What are your fears? List them.
This poor man called and the Lord heard him. The Lord saved me out of all my troubles. Psalm 34:6 What troubles you? Make a list and give it to God.
The angel of the Lord sets up camp around those who fear him. The angel of the Lord delivers them. Psalm 34:7 Of what do you need deliverance?
Fear the Lord, for those who fear God lack nothing. Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. Psalm 34:10 What good things do you lack? Make a list. Give it to God.
It’s not me who lives and says these things, but Christ living in me. Galatians 2:20