The Son Stopped Shining

The Son Stopped Shining

Folks of all stripes ‘ave much ter say ’bout hell and who be going. Most often it be thar neighbor who be doin’ the goin’, not the folks who be spoutin’ off ’bout hell. But thar be one verse that ought ter send tremors up the spine of ever’ soul.

“Darkness came over the whole land for the sun stopped shining.” Luke 23:44-45

Think on this a wee little bit: when the Son hung on the cross and his life ebbed out, the sun of our heavens stopped shinning. Darkness fell on folks.

Could it be that this be what comes of folks when they snuff out the light of the Son? Could it be a darkness so thick we kin feel it (Exodus 10:21-23) be our world when we prefer ter go our own way rather than the way of the Son and Skipper?

If ya be in a moment of darkness, or perhaps a long stretch of darkness, know this: the Son desires ter shine his life on ya. Ya only need ter turn on the light by saying, “Jesus, help me!”