There was no room for them. Perhaps you feel there is no room for you. Maybe some don’t see you, welcome you, understand your needs. When I came, many had no room for me. Many still do not have room for me. Will you make room for me?
My coming brought good news and great joy. My coming was for all people. I was born to you. This day Look for the signs of my coming to you. Peace I give to you. The favor of God rests upon those who welcome me.
You have heard. You have seen. Now go and tell. You say, “When have I heard. When have I seen?” Each time I act through those who are in me, you see me. Each time you read my words you hear me. Each time you tell others of the favor, gifts, help you receive in my name… you share me with others and glorify me.
Treasure this day. Treasure these things. Life is my gift. Keep my words and love in your heart!