Take heart; your sins are forgiven. To you who are paralyzed I say, ‘Get up, take your mat and go.’ For if you believe in me, everything is possible. By my Father’s Spirit, faith in me brings healing. The God of peace has crushed Satan under my feet. If you are in me, my grace, mercy, healing, and help is with you. Peace I leave with you. My peace I give you. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. By violent force some raid the kingdom of heaven, taking from my Father’s kingdom that which they seek. But you do not need to steal from my Father. Simply ask.
“When your enemy flees are you not free from him? Submit to my Father and be set free. Resist the devil, and the one who steals and keeps you bound in your circumstances will flee from you. My word in Scripture is like a hammer that breaks the chains that bind you. My word destroys the works of the enemy. Is anyone among you sick? The prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well. Only your lack of faith hinders the miracles I wish to do for you. I do not say this in judgment or to bring you shame: only to encourage you to trust in me. Come to me. Ask me. Live in me. For when you are set free from sin, you are set free to enjoy all the blessings of my Father’s kingdom.”— Jesus
(Matthew 9:2,7, Mark 9:23, 1 Corinthians 12:9, Romans 16:20, John 14:27, Matthew 11:12, James 4:7, Jeremiah 23:29, James 5:14-15, Mark 6:5-6)