Put Out Inter Deep Water

The Pirate Gospel: Mark 1:16

Jesus said to them, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” (Mark 1:16)

Whilst tha Son walked about on shore he saw two brothers casting nets inter the sea. Right off he seen that the pair be hard workers, fer as we well know, fishing not be an easy chore. Catching a meal kin some times take all day, weeks some times.

He saw Simon and Andrew and said to them, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. “Follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you become fishers of men.”  (Mark 1:16) (Luke 5:4-6)

But as soon as the Son called the pair, they cast down thar nets and followed him.

Put Out Inter Deep Water

Now it could be the brothers may ‘ave thought: Anything be better than fishing with Pop. We keep doing this we ‘ill die hunched over and broken old men with hands so calloused we kin sand a plank with our bare palms.

More ‘n likely, the brothers seen that the Son be well versed in Skipper’s Code of Conduct. Most all lads in them days be required ter read and memorize the first five books of Skip’s Code. From thar they moved on ter learnin’ ’bout the Prophets. The pair likely knowed some of Skip’s Code, but had ne’er been picked ter train under a real rabbi. Perhaps they also be in the crowds when the Son preached on the arrival of Skip’s kingdom and wanted a share of any prize thar might be fer them working fer Skip’s crew.

But probably the biggest factor in ’em up and leavin’ the fishin’ business be the great catch of fish they caught when the Son told ’em ter toss thar nets over the side once more.

Without the Son, no fish. With the Son so many fish they couldn’ haul ’em all in the boat. That be the power and authority and presence of the Son in our lives.

After he went down the shore a ways, the Son spied two other fellers mending thar nets. Like with Simon and Andrew, the pair be working hard, not lounging about waiting fer good luck ter find ’em. Soon as the Son hailed fer the pair ter join him, them sons of Zebedee, James and John, left thar pop with his hired servants and took off ter follow this fisher of men.

Now think on this a wee little bit: Simon and Andrew left thar vocation in order ter learn another trade: fishing fer folks. James and John also left thar vocation in order ter follow tha Son. Nary a one hemmed and hawed, made excuses, asked if they might ‘ave a few days ter consider his offer. None went home ter discuss any of this with the misses. They simply dropped what they whar doing and went off with the Son.

Be that the way we act when the Son calls us ter a new task? Doth we act with such conviction and obedience that we ‘ill stop in mid watch, come about, and sail off on a new heading without knowing what tomorrow ‘ill bring?

Them four fishermen became the core of the Son’s crew. You find ’em near ’bout always right close ter the Son and the Son right close ter them.

Obedience ter the Son comes with a cost, but we get the blessing of his fellowship in return. This day if you hear the Son calling you, if you be reading Skipper’s Code of Conduct and hear his voice asking you ter change course, ter put out in ter deep water,  do as commanded. Doth not delay. Might be his call be the chance of a lifetime fer you.

The Son came fishin’ fer folks—not jest some but all. Make it yer task ter get caught in the Son’s net of Love.

Parroting the Prayers of Skip’s CrewParroting the Prayers of Skip’s Crew

Lord, as the Father has loved you, so you ‘ave loved us. Bless us ter remain in yer love always.” (John 15:9)

Pirate Facts

The Doldrums be an area of calm winds often found a wee bit north of the equator and between the two belts of trade winds. It be widely assumed that the phrase ‘in the doldrums’ be derived from the name of this region, but it whar actually the other way ’round. In the 19th century, “doldrum” whar a word meaning “dullard; a dull or sluggish feller.” This most likely came from “dol” and “dolt” with its meaning eventually becoming “dull.”

Others contend doldrum means “dole out the rum.” Whar ya come down on this probably depends on the vessel you sail and spirits you hang out with.