Forty Days of Testing

The Pirate Gospel: Mark 1:12

Immediately the Spirit brought (sent) Him out into the wilderness. (Mark 1:12)

Forty days be long spell ter go without food and water. Forty days be long spell ter go without spying another feller or lass who ‘ill offer a kind word or bite ter eat. After forty days a feller might think that Skipper done give up on him.

But Skip ne’er gives up on us.

Ter be sure, we kin give up Skip. We kin harden our hearts ter the place whar we no longer hear his voice or feel his touch. But always Skip be calling ter us—even ter the very end of our days.

Forty Days of Testing

Forty days of testing be a regular thing with Skipper.

Back long ago, when folks seen that Moses whar taking a long time coming down from the mountain, they said, “Come, make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don’t know what has happened to him.”

After they fashioned themselves a whole passel of little gods, they rose early next day and sacrificed burnt offerings ter thar tiny gods. Afterward they sat down ter eat and drink and ter indulge in revelry—which be a fancy way of saying they took drunk and commenced ter ‘aving thar way with one ah nudder in a fashion a body ought not.

That be when Skipper said ter Moses, “You best go down because your people have become corrupt. They have been quick to turn away from what I commanded them.” (Exodus 32:1-8)

How Long Will You Wait On Skipper?

How long will you wait on Skip befer yer time of testing proves too much?

Four days?

Forty days?

Fer a season and no more?

Our Times of Testing Lead ter Blessings

Our times of testing can lead to cleansing, new vision, purging, deliverance, transition and renewal.

  • Skipper caused it ter rain forty days and forty nights when he washed wickedness from the face of the earth. (Genesis 7:12).
  • The twelve spies examined the Promised Land fer forty days before returning with a report. (Numbers 13:25).
  • Goliath taunted Saul’s army fer forty days befer David stepped forwards ter slay that big giant. (1 Samuel 17:16).
  • Elijah fled from Jezebel, traveling forty days and forty nights befer the Lord delivered him ter Mount Horeb.  (1 Kings 19:8).
  • After the Son rose from the grave, he stuck around forty days befer going up inter heaven. (Acts 1:3).

In ever case, those who trusted in the Lord received blessings but first they endured forty days of testing.

If you be in a desert wilderness, examine yer circumstances ter see what Skip be trying ter alter. Doth you need ter be made pure, catch a new vision, purge doubters and doubts from yer midst, be set free of a giant, be delivered from an enemy, transition inter a new role?

Skipper ne’er waste a day on ya. If you be in time of testing, thar be a reason.

Look up, look about, and ask Skip ter show you how come you be out in the wild. Then wait upon the Lord fer the answer.

Parroting the Prayers of Skip’s CrewParroting the Prayers of Skip’s Crew

Lord, you be good ter those who hope in you—ter those who seek you. Give me yer strength ter wait quietly fer yer salvation and deliverance. (Lamentations 3:25-26)

Pirate Facts

“Avast! Avast ye!” be Dutch speak fer “pay attention, mates!” In times of testing, avast ye!


Why Be Baptized?

The Pirate Gospel: Mark 1:9-13

At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. (Mark 1:9)

Skipper’s Son grew up in a region always on edge. Centuries of conflict between one sect and ah nudder, between different beliefs, diverse backgrounds and races and loyalties left folks distrustful of one ah nudder. Bandits roamed about. Zealots terrorized folks. Rome ruled, but due ter its distance from seats of power, much of Galilee remained under the control of whatever local militia might ‘ave the most power. Bribes be expected and beatings the punishment fer them who refused. This be the neighborhood the Son come from.

So it whar a fair question fer Nathanael ter ask, “Can any good thing come from Nazareth?” (John 1:46). It be like asking if anything good kin come from the slums of Bristol.

‘Bout that same time, at age thirty, the son of a carpenter set out from Nazareth with no influence, no followers, and no formal rabbinic teaching. Also, ’em who grew up with him held no expectations that he would amount ter anything.

Only a few know him ter be Skipper’s Son, fathered as it whar by the Holy Spirit, and most dared not speak of it.

Down ter the Jordan River the Son walked. Thar he found his cousin, John the Baptizer, calling folks ter repent, and be washed clean of thar sins. Now the Son didn’ ‘ave ah thing ter be washed clean of. He ne’re committed an infraction. But other folks didn’t’ know this. They seen him as jest another chap clamoring ter fall in step with John the Baptizer.

In order ter set things right from the start, the Son waded in ter the Jordan ter show that being washed clean of our filthy living be the first step towards turning ter Skipper and following him, his commands, and his character.

Why Be Baptized?

Ter day ah good many folks ‘ill make all manner and excuses fer why they don’ need ter be baptized. Folks bathe. Folks shower. Folks frolic in ponds, lakes, rivers, streams, and sea. But they won’ take a dip fer Skip.

Some claim they had water sprinkled on thar head when they was a tiny tot. Only as a tot we kin not recall such an event. The tiny brain of a tot be not large enough ter hold such memories.

Others claim they whar baptized as a youth, but kin not recall how and whar.

Even more claim being baptized be an out-dated way of showing you be a follower of the Son. That such a public showing be of no real benefit ter thar faith.

Only think on this a wee little bit. Doctor Luke writes:

Because they had been baptized by John, all the people, even the tax collectors, when they heard Jesus’ words, acknowledged that God’s way was right.

But because they had not been baptized by John, the Pharisees and the experts in the law rejected God’s purpose for themselves. (Luke 7:29-30)

Why Whar the Son Baptized?

The Son knows Skipper’s ways be right, just, and lead ter life. Though it be a mysterious matter, when we be baptized by water, our spirit aligns with Skipper’s Holy Spirit and in doing so we also align with Skip’s ways.

If the Son, Skipper’s only boy, the one fathered by the Holy Spirit thought it worth his time ter take a dip, could it not be a thing we ought ter do as well? The Son humbled himself like the common folks gathered on the banks of Jordan. Doth we think ourselves more high and mighty than the Son?

What Benefits Be Thar from Baptism?

The Son seen the heavens opening. Now that be an odd thing ter see in it self, but right after the heaven’s split, Skipper’s Holy Spirit of Truth descended upon Son in the way a dove might come ter alight on a branch.

A voice came from the heavens: “You are My beloved Son. In You I am well pleased.”

Would you like ter see inter heaven? Catch a glimpse of the heavenly realm? ‘Ave Skipper’s Holy Spirit of Truth come upon you in such a clear and obvious manner that thar ne’er be any doubt you ‘ave been washed clean of yer sins? Would you like ter receive Skipper’s purpose fer yer life and know his ways?

Would you like ter hear Skipper say ’bout ya, “You are My beloved one. In You I am well pleased.”

Repent and Be Baptized

‘Ave you done the first things first? Or did you head off on yer walk with the Son without taking the steps he took at the start?

We be called ter follow the Son, not get ahead of him. If you wish ter walk with the Son start at the start with repentance and baptism in water and Spirit. Start now from whatever hood you come from. And should ah feller or lass ever say, “you ‘ill ne’er amount ter anything. Yer jest a nobody.” don’ you believe it fer a second. Once you be in the family of Skipper you be his beloved one and always under his care and protection.

Be baptized in ter the Son and you ‘ill become Skipper’s child. If you ne’re do anything else, that right thar be a right fair accomplishment. Take a dip fer Skip. Then sail on, brothers and sisters and tell others ’bout the Son and Skipper.

Parroting the Prayers of Skip’s CrewParroting the Prayers of Skip’s Crew

Lord, with humility, teach me to walk in your authority. (Psalm 8:1)

Pirate Fact

“Keelhauling” be a form of punishment whar by a length of rope would be tied ’round and under the ship’s hull. The law breaker of the ship’s rules then be tied ter the rope and tossed in ter the sea. Back and forth, up and down the feller goes ’till he be drowned dead or cut ter shreds by barnacles. Even pirates know thar be punishment fer breaking the captain’s code of conduct and yet a good many think nothing of breaking Skippers Code of Conduct.

Our baptism be a symbolic way of acknowledging we deserved ter be keelhauled fer our offenses—killed fer breaking Skippers Code of Conduct. The Good News is, once we be baptized (keelhauled), we ne’er need fear the sting of death, fer in the Son we ‘ave life and ‘ave it ter the full.

The Lord Loves the Contrite in Spirit

Isaiah 66:2

The Lord Loves the Contrite in Spirit

The Lord loves the humble.

The Lord loves the contrite in spirit.

The Lord loves those who tremble at his words.

(Isaiah 66:2)

Lord, show me my sin. Help me ter see the scruffiness of my actions with the spyglass vision ya use. Well I know when I see myself the way you spy me, my spirit ‘ill break and sorrow fer what I done ‘ill drive me ter my knees. In humility I ask ya ter inspect me from the tip of my mast ter the bottom of my keel. Point out ter me my barnacles and rot so I ‘ill beg you ter fix me good as new.

Yer words clap with the power of thunder, this well I know. Tremble I do when you speak harsh words ter me. Beg you I do, Lord, be gentle with this old soul. If not, my feeble heart ‘ill fail.

Yer Fruit Comes From the Root in Ya

Sow Seeds From Skip's Holy Spirit of Truth, Not Seeds From Yer Carnal Flesh

Yer Fruit Comes From the Root in Ya

Think on these words of Saul Paul a wee little bit:

The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. (Galatians 5:6)

Only do not use your freedom in Christ to indulge the sinful nature of your flesh. Instead serve one another humbly in love. (Galatians 5:13)

All of God’s law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Galatians 5:14)

Know this: if you continue to bite and devour each other, you will be destroyed by each other. (Galatians 5:15)

With these wise words from Saul Paul, and the Son as our guide and example, make it yer task ter live by the Holy Spirit of Truth. If ya do this, ya ‘ill not gratify the sinful nature of the flesh. Ya may lay ter this: the sinful nature of the flesh fights agin the Holy Spirit of Truth. If ya live by Skip’s Spirit you no longer be under the curse of his Code of Conduct with its requirements ter obey ever single law in order ter be saved.

Now if ya not be sure which spirit ya following, look at the fruit ya be producing.

The spirit of the flesh produces a harvest of sexual immorality, impurity, drunkenness, debauchery, idol worship, witchcraft and devil worship, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits and fists of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy, orgies and the like. Of this ya kin be sure: those who live in such a manner ‘ill not inherit Skip’s kingdom.

The spirit of Skip produces a harvest of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness ter Skip and his Son, gentleness and self-control — humility, righteousness, truth-led living, compassion, fergivenss, thankfulness and purity. (Ephesians 4:2, Colossians 3:12-15, 2 Corinthians 6:6) Those who sow ter please the Holy Spirit of Truth ‘ill, from the Spirit, reap eternal life.

Should ya spy a mate living by the spirit of the flesh restore him gently, ne’er harshly.

Finally, do not become weary doing good ter all, especially them who be in Skip’s crew. In this way we kin encourage and build up Skip’s crew. If we ‘ill deal with the root of sin in our flesh, we ‘ill harvest good fruit.

Accept This Gift From God

Ecclesiastes 5:19

Accept This Gift From God

Wealth and possessions, this is a gift from God. The ability to enjoy wealth and possessions, to accept our lot and plot, to be happy in our toil—this too is a gift from God. (Ecclesiastes 5:19)

Lord, thanks fer the station aboard ship ya ‘ave assigned me. Thanks fer the good things that fall inter my lap without any hard effort on my part. Thanks fer the work joy I find in the lift and fall of this vessel, the laughter of the crew after a good day’s work, fer how the tasks assigned ter me strengthen my muscles and grow gray matter. Not all treasures be found in a chest stowed under a bunk. You alone bring out heaven’s riches fer those who fear ya.

Fer this I give ya praise and thanks.


The Lord Your God Will Bring Much Good Upon All the Work You Do

Deuteronomy 30:9

The Lord Your God Will Bring Much Good Upon All the Work You Do

When you and your children return to the Lord your God and obey him with all your heart and with all your soul according to everything I command, then the Lord your God will bring much good upon ALL the work you do. Deuteronomy 30:9

Thank you, Father, that you desire to bring much good to all the work I do. Please search my heart and if you find any offense, please bring it to mind that I might repent, turn, and obey you with all my heart and soul.


May These Words of My Mouth Be Pleasing in Your Sight

Psalm 19:14

May These Words of My Mouth Be Pleasing in Your Sight

May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock (Psalm 18:2) and my Redeemer (Isaiah 47:4).
(Psalm 19:14)

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. (Luke 6:45)

Oh, Lord, may I bury your words in my heart. 

The person who delights is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night, is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does, prospers. (Psalm 1:2-3)

Oh, Lord, may I delight in your words, your laws, your decrees, your statutes. When I lay down and when I awake may your law be in my heart. Not simply in order that you would bless me, though you will, but that my joy in you may be complete.