“The Lord’s will be done.” Acts 21:14 (Acts 21:1-16)
After leaving Ephesus, Saul Paul and his crew sailed ter Caesarea. When they arrived they stayed at tha home of Philip tha evangelist, one of tha Seven who whar set apart ter minister ter tha body of believers. Once tha crew got squared away, ah prophet named Agabus came down from Judea and taking Saul Paul’s belt, Agabus tied his own hands and feet with it and said, “The Holy Spirit says, ‘In this way the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem will bind the owner of this belt and will hand him over to the Gentiles.’”
When all heard this, they pleaded with Saul Paul ter spare himself this trouble and skip his planned trip ter Jerusalem.
Saul Paul answered, “Why are you weeping and breaking my heart? I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.” When he would not be dissuaded, ever feller and lass gave up trying ter talk sense in ter him, and said, “The Lord’s will be done.”
“The Lord’s will be done . . . ” How many times doth we throw up our hands, sigh, surrender, and spout this line?
When we get ter tha end of our will and it be clear that Skip’s plans be greater than ours, we ‘ill often reluctantly accept that we not be in control: that whatever happens, be it good or bad — and a good many times we be near ’bout sure tha stuff ‘ll be bad — we ‘ill say, “There, now. Ya deal with it, Skipper. I’m washing my hands of tha matter.”
Only this not be tha way Saul Paul approached Skip’s will. He seen tha lay of things more clearly than his mates and in his spirit he knowed he whar ter go back ter Jerusalem in order ter give account of all he done while in Asia. Though squalls and storms lay jest over tha horizon fer him, he sailed on expecting tha worst and preparing fer it.
Question be, doth we sail tha course Skip plots fer us with tha same eagerness. Doth we show our starch by standing firm and holding tha course regardless of how violent tha tempest?
Now ter be sure, tha Son made plain ter Saul Paul what troubles he would face, but knowing ’bout storms ter come not be tha same as sailing in ’em. Not by ah long shot.
When Skipper warns of squalls, persecution, beatings, imprisonment, take such warnings ter heart. Batten down tha hatches. Send away those in yer crew who kin not endure ter tha end and ‘ill fill yer ears with doubts and be constantly begging ya ter fall off and run be fer following seas.
Tha Son promises each of us we ‘ill go through heavy weather. Prudent sailors ‘ill set out with proper gear, proper training, and dogged determination ter hold ter tha course marked out fer ’em: even if it means going down with tha ship.
Make it yer task ter pray that with Skip’s strength and stamina, ya ‘ill stand yer watch ter tha very end.