Doth We Offer Lukewarm Words Ter Cold Hearts? (Acts 18:24 – 19:7)

Make It Yer Task Ter Gain Ah Thorough Knowledge of Skip's Code

Doth We Offer Lukewarm Words Ter Cold Hearts?

Apollis had been instructed in the way of the Lord, and he spoke with great fervor and taught about Jesus accurately. Acts 18:25 (Acts 18:24 – 19:7)

Apollis, a learned man with a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures, arrived in Ephesus. Though he whar instructed in tha way of Skipper and spake with great fervor and great inspiration, he ne’er had received tha Holy Ghost of Truth. He only knew ’bout tha baptism of John. Even so, he spake boldly in tha synagogue and taught accurately ’bout tha Son.

This be tha way of a good many who claim ter be believers of tha Son. They be god-fearing folk, Son-loving fellers and lasses. Only tha thing be, they lack tha power of Skip’s Spirit. Thar efforts and words, while full of truth and accuracy, lack power. Why most who claim ter follow tha Son doth not believe Skip’s Holy Ghost of Truth be real. These be folks who sit under teachers and preachers and also be teachers and preachers.

This be why when Priscilla and Aquila heard Apollis speaking, they invited him inter thar home. Out of tha public eye, in private, tha pair explained all tha ways of Skipper so that Apollis would be thoroughly equipped ter share tha good spiel. With this new knowledge — and perhaps baptized inter tha Holy Ghost of Truth, though we kin not say fer sure — Apollis left Ephesus and set out fer Achaia. Thar he vigorously refuted tha Jews in public debates, proving from Skip’s Code of Conduct that tha Son whar tha way ter be fergiven of sins.

Meanwhile, Saul Paul, who had been at Corinth fer some time, set off fer Ephesus. When he got thar, he met some disciples and asked ’em, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?”

“No. We have never heard of this Holy Spirit.”

“So what baptism did you receive?” asked Saul Paul.

“John’s baptism.”

Saul Paul explained that John’s baptism was one of repentance. He then placed his hands on tha twelve fellers and baptized them inter tha Holy Ghost of Truth. Soon as they be filled with Skip’s Spirit, they spake in other languages and prophesied.

Thar be much ter say ’bout Apollis, but think on this a wee little bit: he whar a learned man with a thorough knowledge of Skip’s Code of Conduct but without Skip’s Spirit. Without ah thorough knowledge of tha Code of Conduct, Skip says his people are, “Lead away as captives” (Isaiah 5:13). Skip warned Hosea: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). Tha Son warned tha Sadducees “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.” (Matthew 22:29). Everything that whar written in tha past whar written ter teach us, so that through tha endurance taught in Skip’s Code his words ‘ill provide encouragement and hope fer us (Romans 15: 4). Doth we have ah thorough knowledge of Skip’s Code of Conduct?

Apollis had been instructed in tha way of Skipper. In tha beginning of things (Genesis 18: 19), Skip says of Abraham, “I have chosen him, so that he will direct (instruct) his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.” Doth we direct our youngins and family in tha ways of Skip?

Apollis spake with great fervor (boiling) and great inspiration. His message literally bubbled out of him, spilling out like ah flood. Doth our teaching and preaching reflect tha red-hot passion of them who be on fire fer Skip and his Son? Or doth we offer lukewarm words ter cold hearts?

Make it yer task ter gain ah thorough knowledge of Skip’s Code, study tha ways of Skipper in both tha accounts of old and new, teach and preach with red-hot passion, and receive great inspiration by being filled with tha Holy Ghost of Truth. Do this and ya kin be sure good seed ‘ill be sown and ah heavenly harvest ‘ill be tha result.

“Do Not Be Silent. I Am With You.” (Acts 18:1-11)

Crispus, Tha Synagogue Ruler, Believed in Tha Son

"Do not be silent. I am with you."

(Acts 18:1-11)

In Corinth Saul Paul stayed with Aquila and Priscilla. When Silas and Tim arrived Saul Paul devoted himself ter preaching and teaching tha words of Skipper in tha synagogue.

Only, some Jews became abusive. Fer this reason Saul Paul shook out his clothes in protest and said ter ’em, “Your blood be on your own heads! I am innocent of it.”  Then he went next door ter tha home of Titus Justus and continued teaching.

When Saul Paul says “Your blood be on your own heads!” this be his way of refusing ter accept any blame fer tha destinty of thar soul. It be a fearful thing ter fall inter tha hands of Skipper and when our obstinance warps our minds, we kin not see our own vile wickedness. Often folks ‘ill think they be blessed and rich when in fact they be wretched and poor and bound fer hell.

Once, during tha night, tha Lord spoke ter Saul Paul in a vision. “Do not be silent. I am with you.”

Fer this reason Saul Paul stayed a year and ah half in Corinth teaching and preaching tha words of Skipper. While doing so, Crispus, tha synagogue ruler, believed in tha Lord, as did his whole household. All whar baptized and joined Skip’s crew.

Make it yer task ter do as Saul Paul. Speak up. Stand firm. If ya find yer self among obstinate folks with ears shut tight, move on ter homes whar Skip’s words be welcomed.  At all times take comfort in knowing that tha Son be with ya and drawing others ter himself through yer teaching and preaching and reaching.


In the Past Our God Overlooked Our Ignorant Actions and Didn’t Hold Our Sins Against Us (Acts 17:16-34)

Now He Commands All People Everywhere to Repent

In the Past Our God Overlooked Our Ignorant Actions and Didn't Hold Our Sins Against Us

 In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. Acts 17:30 (Acts 17:16-34)

When Saul Paul arrived in Athens, his soul be greatly distressed by tha idols scattered throughout tha port. Fer some days he sought ter reason with God-fearing Greeks and folks in tha marketplace. Day after day he chatted with ’em, explaining Skipper’s good spiel of grace and love through tha Son.

One group, Epicurean philosophers, began ter dispute with Saul Paul. Epicureans believed seeking pleasure be tha main goal of life. Such folks advocated living in such ah way as ter enjoy tha greatest amount of pleasure, only they also advised ter do so in moderation so as ter avoid suffering from overindulgence. Fer Epicureans, pleasures of tha mind whar better than physical pleasures.

Ah nudder group, tha Stoics, taught that folks should live in harmony with creation. They promoted ah god of self-sufficiency and independence. Fer Stoics, tha path of happiness be found in accepting tha moment as it comes, by refusing ter be controlled by desire fer pleasure, or fear of pain, and by using one’s mind ter understand tha world — ter do one’s part in nature’s plan, and by working tergether and treating others fairly and justly.

Epicureans and Stoics alike worshipped thar own way, own beliefs, own little god erected ter themself. In tha midst of all this along comes Saul Paul “babbling” ’bout some new “foreign god.” Because folks in Athens spent thar time debating new ideas and ways of thinking, they found Saul Paul’s words curious and asked him ter pontificate.

So right in tha middle of all this clamoring, Saul Paul stood and said, “I see that you are very religious, very suspicious in every way. Why you even worship an unknown god. Right here, this very minute, I am gong to proclaim who this god is. The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of the heavens and earth. He is not served by human hands, for he needs nothing from us. No, instead he himself gives all men and women life and breath and everything else. For from one man, this God made every nation. He determines the times of when nations will rise and fall and the exact boundaries nations will inhabit. Our God did this so that men and women would seek him and perhaps reach out to him. Our God is a God of relationships. He is near to each of you. We live and move and have our being in this God. In the past our God overlooked our ignorant actions and didn’t hold our sins against us, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. He has set a day when he will judge the world. The man he has appointed will judge justly.”

Now tha man Skip appointed ter judge be his very own boy, tha Son. He ‘ill sit in judgement over all of us.

After Saul Paul concluded his remarks, some fellers sneered. This be tha way most ever chat goes with them who doth not know Skipper. Some believe, others mock. Question be, how will ya react ter tha good spiel of Skip’s grace?

Will ya keep worshiping yer own smarts, Mother Ocean, Mother Earth, carnal desires, self-sufficiency, independence, unity in community, social justice, and treating others fairly? Or will ya give yer loyalty ter Skipper?

Whar ya come down on this ‘ill most likely determine if ya sail with tha Son ter paradise or in ter darkness.

Choice be yers. Choose wisely.

Don’ Get Tangled in Tha Wily Ways of Agitators and Instigators and Alligators (Acts 17:10-15)

Tha Bereans Received Tha Message With Great Eagerness

Don' Get Tangled in Tha Lies of Agitators and Instigators and Alligators

The Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica. Acts 17:11 (Acts 17:10-15)

Tha Bereans received tha message with great eagerness. They examined Skip’s Code of Conduct ever day. They checked ter see if what Saul Paul said whar true. As a result:

  • Many Jews believed.
  • Many Greek fellers believed.
  • A goodly number of prominent Greek lasses believed.

Only tha thing whar, some Jews from Thessalonica arrived in Berea and agitated tha crowds, stirring ’em up. As a result, tha brothers urged Saul Paul ter take off. With help from tha brothers, he reached tha coast and stayed in Athens, leaving behind Silas and Tim.

Make it yer task ter behave as tha Bereans.

  • Examine Skip’s Code of Conduct ever day.
  • Check ter see if what ah teacher or preacher spouts be true.
  • Be on guard fer agitators who stir up folks with lies in order ter wreck yer faith.

When in doubt, check it out. If tha words of others don’ line up with Skip’s, step away. Better ter head off by yerself with only tha Son and his Holy Ghost of Truth, than ter get tangled in tha wily ways of agitators and instigators and alligators.

Tha Way Ya Live and Die ‘ill Often Say More Than Yer Words Ever Will (Acts 17:1-9)

On Three Sabbath Days He Reasoned With Them From the Scriptures

Tha Way Ya Live and Die 'ill Often Say More Than Yer Words Ever Will

On three sabbath days Paul reasoned with them from the Scriptures.  Acts 17:2 (Acts 17:1-9)

In Thessalonica, fer three Shabbats in ah row, Saul Paul reasoned with ’em in tha synagogue ’bout Skip’s Code of Conduct and how tha Son be Skipper’s boy and tha one who saves.

  • Some whar persuaded.
  • Ah large number of god-fearing Greeks believed.
  • Many prominent lasses also believed.

Only tha thing whar, ah few jealous Jews rounded up some bad characters who then formed ah mob and started ah riot in tha city. Tha outbreak of violence got so bad that tha crowd rushed ter tha home of Jason, hoping ter find Saul Paul and his mates inside. When tha mob come up empty, they dragged Jason and some other brothers from tha house and brought them in ter tha street, shouting, “These fellers welcomed trouble makers.”

Right off city officials in Thessalonica arrested Jason and his mates and forced ’em ter post bond. After extorting money from ’em, tha officials let ’em go.

That be tha way of mobs. They stir up folks. They break in ter homes and shops. They destroy stuff. They spout lies and make all sorts of false claims. And when tha trouble gets out of hand, it be them tha mob targets who pay tha price fer such wickedness.

In Sodom and Gomorrah, violent fellers tried ter drag ah pair of angels from Lot’s home so they could ‘ave sex with ’em.

Some time later in Gibeah some wicked fellers surrounded tha house whar an overnight guest sought shelter. Pounding on tha door, tha fellers shouted ter tha old man who owned the house, “Bring out the man who came to your house so we can have sex with him.” Tha owner went outside and tried ter reason with tha mob. “No, my friends, don’t be so vile. This man is my guest. Don’t do this outrageous thing.” But tha fellers refused ter listen ter tha owner. So tha man took his concubine and cast her out. Tha mob then raped her and abused her throughout the night. In tha morning tha owner found his concubine dead on his doorstep.

This be tha way of mobs riled up by tha Devil and ruled by jealousy, pride, and wickedness.

If ya open yer home ter them in tha service of tha Son, expect ter be attacked, ridiculed, mocked, fined, jailed, and maybe even killed. Only ne’er ferget this one promise:

  • Some ‘ill be persuaded.
  • Some ‘ill believe.
  • Ah few prominent folks ‘ill put thar hope in tha Son.

Live or die, beat down and left fer dead, always make it yer task ter stand with tha Son agin wickedness. Tha way ya live and die ‘ill often say more than yer words ever will.

Ne’re Toy With Vile Spirits (Acts 16:16-18)

If Ya Do, Ya May Find Yerself on Tha Inside of Ah Snake Looking Out Its Mouth.

Ne're toy with vile spirits

“In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her!” At that moment the spirit left her. Acts 16:18 (Acts 16:16-18)

Not long after tha Four ran in ter Lydia, they met ah slave girl who had ah spirit by which she predicted tha future. Such folks often spake words with thar mouth shut, lips touching. These days we might call such folks ventriloquists. Back then when they spake, they muttered words and whispered things rising from ah devilish spirit. Why even Isaiah tha prophet warned: “When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God?” (Isaiah 8:19 NIV)

This lass be ah priestesses of tha Pythia — tha Oracle of Delphi — tha high priestess who held court at Pytho and served at tha Temple of Apollo at Delphi. Such lasses whar refered ter as Pythoness, since such folks worshiped tha god Apollo who slew ah python. Only her true power fer seeing in ter tha future doth not come from some small Greek god, but from tha very pit of hell itself: tha Devil. This girl be possessed by ah demon and Saul Paul seen that right off.

Exasperated by her shouting, “These men are servants of the Most High God! They are telling you the way to be saved!”, Saul Paul wheeled and said ter tha unclean spirit: “In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her!”

Note that Saul Paul doth not speak ter tha lass directly, fer she be possessed and not in control of her own self. No, tha demon spirit had hold of her. Tha demon spirit whar muttering truths about tha pair, tha Son, and Skipper, only its whisperings and mutterings whar not fer Skip and tha Son’s glory, but fer humiliation, ridicule, mockery. Tha same sort of thing happened ter tha Son as well:

He (tha unclean spirit) shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? (Mark 5:7)”

Ah good many folks teach on tha Son and Skipper. Ah good many folks preach on tha Son and Skipper. Question be, doth they seek ter honor tha Son and Skipper, or mock, raise doubts about, question tha Son and Skip’s authority, and ridicule ’em who believe tha words of tha Son and Skip?

Saul Paul recognized tha unclean spirit. Kin we?

Jest ’cause ah feller or lass spouts truths ’bout tha Son and Skipper doth not mean they ‘ave Skip’s Holy Ghost of Truth in ’em. Be like Saul Paul: test tha spirits. See if ah spirit speaks words ’bout tha Son and Skip in holy reverence and fear or with scoffing and mocking.

Tha end of tha matter be this: soon as Saul Paul commanded tha spirit ter come out of tha lass, tha demon spirit departed. Ne’re toy with such vile spirits. Ter do so, be like toying with ah python. Spend enough time playing with snakes and one day ya ‘ill find yerself on tha inside of ah snake looking out its mouth.


Stripped, Flogged, Jailed (Acts 16:20-34)

"What Must I Do to Be Saved?"

Stripped, Flogged, Jailed

“What must I do to be saved?” Acts 16:30 (Acts 16:20-34)

In Philippi, after Saul Paul cast a demon out of ah girl, ah crowd set upon thar pair and tried ter beat ’em ter ah pulp. Fer tha trouble of getting whooped up upon, tha local magistrate ordered that Saul Paul and Silas be stripped, flogged, and jailed. That be tha sort of justice some got back then. This be that sort of justice some still get ter day. Victims be punished. Assailants go free.

Ah long time ago Skipper commanded Isaiah tha prophet ter preach this word ter folks:

“Woe to those who acquit the guilty for a bribe, but deny justice to the innocent (Isaiah 5:23).

Your rulers are rebels, partners with thieves; they all love bribes and chase after gifts. They do not defend the cause of the fatherless; the widow’s case does not come before them (Isaiah 1:23).”

Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless (Isaiah 10:1-2).”

Some like ter claim thar be no hell, no place of eternal punishment. And yet many times these same folks demand justice fer tha oppressed, tha orphans, tha widows, tha least among us. If fellers and lasses (who be filled with sin and living in wicked ways) kin feel compelled ter demand justice fer tha innocent and them who be denied ah fair trial, how much more shall tha King of tha Universe demand justice fer them who be wronged? If folks kin confine tha guilty in jails, what makes us think tha Creator of tha Universe and tha one who seeks justice fer all will not confine tha guilty in hell? All be guilty of some grave offense. Ter think otherwise be ter live out this prophet warning from Isaiah:

“You people are ever hearing, but never understanding; ever seeing, but never perceiving (Isaiah 6:9).”

Jail fer tha guilty be jest a taste of tha hell ter come fer all who rebel agin Skip’s Code of Conduct. Only tha blood of tha Son on tha cross kin spare us from serving our whole sentence.

While tending ter thar wounds in tha Prison of Philippi, tha jailer whar commanded ter guard Saul Paul and Silas carefully. He put tha pair in tha inner cell and fastened thar feet in stocks. He reckoned that would keep ’em secure. Only, tha jailer doth not consider that Skipper be tha King of the Universe, tha one who made tha heavens and earth.

At midnight, while Saul Paul and Silas whar singing hymns ter Skipper and praying — and with other prisoners listening on — ah violent earthquake rocked tha prison ter its foundations. All tha prison doors flew open. Ever feller’s chains come loose and fell off.

Such be tha power of Skipper. Such be tha grace and mercy of tha Son.

Without tha Son, we be bound by tha chains of sin. We be locked in ah inner cell of darkness. We be tormented by them who accuse us of things we done and sometimes things we doth not do. We seek an advocate ter defend us, but none steps forward. Bound, beaten, sitting in blackness, we be destined fer tha eternal confinement of hell that awaits all who reject tha Son and his fergiveness of sins.

When we be at our lowest, we ought ter sing songs of glory ter Skip, ter pray ter him, ter cry out, ter testify ter others of Skip’s faithfulness. Not saying doing so ‘ill be easy. No, such boldness kin only come from tha Holy Ghost of Truth. But when ya be in ah prison hole of blackness, that be tha time ter turn ter tha Light of Life: ter give yer life ter tha Son.

Tha Son may not remove yer physical chains or remove ya from a physical prison, but he will set ya free from sin and hell if only ya ‘ill believe in him, confess his name, and believe.

Tha end of tha matter be this. Tha jailer woke up and seen tha prison in shambles and inmates set free. When he spied tha prison doors opened, he drew his sword and whar ’bout ready ter run himself through, fer he thought tha prisoners had escaped. But Saul Paul shouted, “Don’t harm yourself! We are all here!”

Tha jailer called fer lights. Then he rushed in and fell trembling before Saul Paul and Silas. “Sirs,” he said, “what must I do to be saved?”

They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you and your household.”

Then they spoke tha word of tha Lord ter him and ter all tha others in tha jailer’s house. At that very hour tha jailer took ’em in and washed thar wounds. Next he and all his household whar baptized. After this tha jailer brought Saul Paul and Silas in ter his house and set ah meal be fer ’em.

Filled with joy, fer tha jailer and his whole household had come ter believe in Skipper, he rested that night knowing that he ne’er ever had ter worry ’bout getting tossed in ter tha jail of hell ever agin.

What says ya? Will ya accept tha mercy of tha King of the Universe, tha Lord who seeks justice fer all? Or will ya keep right on denying that tha one who defends orphans and widows and tha oppressed would ne’er toss tha guilty — and we all be guilty of breaking some part of Skip’s code — in ter a jail of hell?

Whar ya come down on this ‘ill determine if ya spend all eternity in stocks and chains.