What Be Sin and How Does the Son Cure Us of Our Wickedness?

The Pirate Gospel: Mark 1:38-45

“Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.” So Jesus traveled throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons. (Mark 1:38-39)

“Let us go so that I may preach,” the Son says. “For that is what I came for.”

  • Not ter heal folks, though he did.
  • Not ter cast out demons, though he did.
  • Not ter gather ‘round him disciples and followers, though he did.
  • Not ter feed, perform signs and miracles, raise the dead, clean out his Father’s temple, or fulfill all the commands of Skipper, though he did.

No, the Son came ter preach the good news and cure us of our sin.

What Be Sin and How Does the Son Cure Us of Our Wickedness?

While doing going about preaching the good news a leper—someone afflicted with a spirit of filth—came to Jesus and fell at his feet, begging the Son ter, “Make me clean!” Back in the day a leper be an outcast, a feller or lass ignored by others fer fear of catching what the leper’s got—which in this case be a bad case of rot.

Leprosy takes captive our body’s immune system and destroys nerve cells. In time our body can no longer feel pain in places where leprosy rules. In the same way leprosy rots the skin from the inside out, sin rots our spirit from the inside out. While once we could feel the conviction of sin and what we knew ter be wrong, in time our spirit becomes hardened and numb ter Skipper’s nudge, pinch, and touch.

Doth you ‘ave some affliction or condition that leaves you looking and feeling unclean, unattractive? Be thar a thing in yer life that once you felt ter be wrong but now accept as good and normal?

Ter be sure, our outer looks kin make us feel filthy. And perhaps the way we live ‘ill lead ter filthy living. But if we no longer agree with Skipper that sin be sin then that be a warning we ought ter seek out the Son, drop ter our knees and beg him ter heal us.

Our Physical Afflictions Kin Make Us Feel Like Outcasts

Physical afflictions kin make us feel like outcasts. We might feel shame over sumpin’ we done, whar we live, who our parents be, or our station in life. If this be yer situation, know this: the Son came fer you. Why, if you doubt that be the case, you only need ter look at how the Son responded ter that poor leaper.

From his knees the chap said ter the Son, “If you are willing, you can make me clean.” That be a statement of faith by the feller. Doth we ‘ave that sort of faith in the Son? If not, know this: the Son always be willing ter cleans us of all filth and sin. It be fer this very reason that he came.

At the leaper’s request the Son whar filled with compassion. “I am willing. Be cleansed.”

Instantly the spirit of rot that ravaged the feller’s body left. He whar made whole and cleansed.

Our Spiritual Afflictions Kin Make Us Feel Like Outcasts in Skipper’s Kingdom

The Son heals our physical selves, that’s true, but he cares more ’bout the filth living in us and the rotten thinking that torments our soul. The Son’s Holy Spirit of Truth means fer us ter get washed clean through and through, inside and out. He means fer our spiritual nerves ter be cleansed, restored, and made whole, but this can only come about with his Holy Spirit living in us. That be one of the reasons we must be born again.

You ‘ill know that the Son’s Spirit be at work in you when yer character, motives, and actions towards others look more like the Son’s than yer old self. When you begin ter feel convicted of sin, ‘ave love fer others you didn’ before, find yerself with a tender heart fer the things Skipper loves. You ‘ill know that the Son’s Spirit be at work in you when you want ter abide by Skipper’s Code of Conduct so as not ter offend him. You ‘ill know that the Son’s Spirit be at work in you when you love others more’n you love yourself.

The Son ne’er leaves folks as they be. No sir, if they ask and be willing ter be touched by him, he ‘ill always change ’em ter be like him. Thar is a cure for sin and that cure is Jesus.

Parroting the Prayers of Skip’s CrewParroting the Prayers of Skip’s Crew

Oh Lord, I kneel at a distance, unwilling to lift my eyes to look at you. I beat his chest and cry out, “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Hear my cry for mercy. Hear my cry for help. I lift up my hands toward your Most Holy Place and beg you to cure me of my sin. (Luke 18:13) (Psalm 28:2)

Pirate Facts

Pirates would accept surrender of a ship if her crew ran up the white flag as soon as the skull and crossbones flew atop the mast. With a quick surrender, pirates would often a plea for mercy, rob the vessel, then leave the ship with the crew alive, usually without taking captives. But a stubborn refusal ter surrender often meant death or worse: slow torture followed by death.

The Son Heals Many — Including Old Pete’s Ema-in-law

The Pirate Gospel: Mark 1:29-35

That evening after sunset the people brought to Jesus all the sick and demon-possessed. (Mark 1:32)

Soon as the Son and his crew left the synagogue, they hiked off ter the home of Old Pete and his brother Andrew. Turns out Pete’s ema-in-law had took sick and whar in bed with a fever. ‘Near ’bout on her death bed, she whar. Seeing her condition the Son went ter her, took hold of her hand and helped her up. Right away the fever that bound her bolted. Standing upright she began ter wait on ’em.

When the Son does us a good turn—heals us, helps us, provides fer us—this ought ter be our response as well. We ought ter offer ter help and serve others. Such be Skipper’s way. He don’ want us ter hoard our blessings. Instead our response ought ter one of gratitude expressed in generosity ter our neighbors. That be the call of Skip’s crew.

The Son Heals Many

That evening, with the sun low on the horizon, folks brought the Son all the infirmed, afflicted, and those bound by unclean spirits. The whole town crowded ’round the door, pressing in ter be made well and whole. The Son healed a goodly number who had various diseases drove demons out of folks.

The prophet Malachi said such would happen when the Son comes.

For you that fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings. (Malachi 4:2)

Fear the Lord. Revere Skipper’s name, character, and word. Trust that Skipper means what he says when said through his prophet Isaiah:

By His scourging we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5)

The Son suffered scourging befer he whar nailed on the cross, befer he died fer our sins. If in his death and resurrection we be set free from sins, then what be the point of the Son’s scourging? What sort of loving Father asks his Son ter suffer such wrath fer no good reason?

This Be What The Son Says ’bout Him Healing Folks

“Tell John what you have seen and heard. The blind see. The lame walk. Those with leprosy are cured. The deaf hear. The dead are raised to life. The Good News is being preached to the poor.” – Jesus (Luke 7:22)

“I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly.” – Jesus (John 10:10)

Jesus went everywhere in the country of Galilee. He taught in the synagogues and told the Good News about God’s kingdom. And he healed all the people’s diseases. (Matthew 4:23) (Matthew 9:35)

Jesus drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick. This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: “He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases. (Matthew 8:16-17)

If we doubt that the Son came ter heal all, then search the Scriptures fer an instance when the Son refused ter heal a body—fer a day when he said, “Nope. Not you. Not today. Go on, now. Limp along with your affliction. Tough it out for I tell you suffering produces perseverance and perseverance produces character, and character produces hope and though healing from me will not happen in this life, when you get a new resurrected body you will be fully healed then, so hope in that. Live with your affliction and make the best of it.”

Yes sir, find that verse, I say. Find ’em verses whar the Son says:

Your faith has not healed you. Go in peace and be bound by your suffering.” (Mark 5:34)

“Rise and go; your faith has left you sick.” (Luke 17:19)

“Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has not healed you.” (Mark 10:52)

But praise be the Son ne’er said such rubbish. Instead we find the Son saying:

“Should not this woman, a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen long years, be set free on the Sabbath day from what bound her?” – Jesus (Luke 13:160

Sickness be the result of sin in the world. Sin whar brought on by Adam. This curse of sin be the thing we promote ever’ time we disobey Skipper. Sin and sickness be the work of the enemy and the reason the Son appeared whar ter destroy the devil’s work. (1 John 3:8)

Therefer, let us go and preach this good news:  The Spirit of the Lord be among us. He came ter proclaim good news ter the poor. He came ter proclaim freedom fer the prisoners. He came ter proclaim recovery of sight fer the blind. He came ter set the oppressed free—even them bound by the devil and prisoners of afflictions. (Luke 4:18) Jesus heals many—all, in fact, who come to him. Let us teach and preach that good word, mate.

Parroting the Prayers of Skip’s CrewParroting the Prayers of Skip’s Crew

Lord, I agree with your words. I believe you came to see free all those bound by sin and sickness. I believe you came to give sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, and healing to our bodies. I believe your promise of life to the full includes being fully filled with your Spirit. And where your Spirit resides no sin can remain, for you are fully righteous. When your Spirit shows up, unclean, impure spirits tremble with fear. Because of sin the enemy can bind us with spirits of sickness. But I also believe you conquered the enemy on the cross. Therefore, I declare that the enemy has no authority over my body. In your name and in your nature I declare I am set free from the curse of sin and now a slave to righteousness. (Romans 6:18) Amen and amen.

Pirate Facts

Pirates often made slaves of their captives and put them to work for their cause, on their vessel, and in their galleys in order to feed their wicked crew. Those who refused to become slaves were often killed on the spot. Pirates would make money later by selling their captured crew as slaves to others.

Scared Straight and Healed

The Pirate Gospel: Mark 1:21-28

A man in their synagogue who was possessed by an impure spirit cried out, “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” – Mark 1:23

Scared Straight

Think on this a wee little bit: the devil’s demons know all thar is ter know ’bout the Son. Know and be terrified.

Fer example, demons know that:

* The Son be in thar midst in order ter conduct Skipper’s business.

* The Son be from Nazareth.

* The Son be intent on destroying unclean spirits and the power the devil’s darkness holds over folks.

* The Son be of a holy nature.

Such unclean spirit knows all this but do we?

A good many smart folks who know all ’bout the Son and Skipper and study with earnest energy in seminaries  but hain’t got nary a clue as ter the real power and authority of the Son and his Spirit. Listen ter what that great prophet Malachi says:

You who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. (Malachi 4:2)

The Son be the Sun: the one who be righteous. And because the Son be righteous through and through no spirit of sickness, no unclean spirit of perversion, wickedness, or torment kin remain in his presence. All such vile spirits must flee. That be why that filthy spirit living inside the man from the synagogue feared fer its existence. The Son brings healing and wholeness.

The Son’s command ter all such filthy spirits be this: “come out!”

When we come face ter face with the Son and see him fer who he really be, we ‘ill get scared straight. We ‘ill fall ter our knees in fear. We ‘ill ‘ave deep respect or admiration fer him on account of we see the glory of his holiness.

If you hain’t nary enjoyed such an encounter, if you hain’t nary been humbled in the presence of yer Lord, then ask Skipper ter introduce you proper like ter the Son. An invitation of this sort ‘ill always be one Skip ‘ill confirm. And when you come inter the presence of the Son, his righteousness ‘ill flow inter you. Soon as it does you can rest assured all unclean spirits ‘ill begin ter tremble in fear.


Parroting the Prayers of Skip’s CrewParroting the Prayers of Skip’s Crew

Lord, I know “you are the Holy One of God” (Mark 1:23). And because I believe in your healing power and authority I renounce all spirits of death and sickness coming against me and my loved ones. I declare that such unclean spirits be cast out, bound, and cast into the abyss where they will be held for the day of your judgement. Lord, you came to set the captives free. By your power and nature those I name are set free from the bondage of perverse spirits. May we be free indeed! Amen and amen.

Pirate Facts

Julius Caesar whar captured by pirates when he be but 25. While prisoner, he told the fellers he would come back and kill ’em all. And in time he did jest that.

After becoming leader of ancient Rome and by expanding Rome’s geographic reach and establishing its imperial system, Caesar transformed his small kingdom inter what they called the Roman Empire. By 31, Caesar had been in several scrapes and whar finding his footing, as it whar, in Roman politics. After making several alliances and gaining military victories, the rascal became dictator of the Roman Empire, a title that lasted for just one year before he went ter Davy Jones.

Julius Caesar . . . once a pirate, always a pirate.

Skipper’s Word Says It — Do We Believe His Words?

The Pirate Gospel: Mark 1:21

They went into Capernaum; and immediately on the Sabbath Jesus entered the synagogue and began to teach. – Mark 1:21

James and John, Simon and Andrew followed the Son in ter Kepher Nahum (Capernaum), a small village along the shore of the Sea of Galilee. They believed in the Son. They believed in the words of the Son. Simply put, they believed. 

On the Sabbath, which be Saturday in them days, the Son entered the synagogue and began ter teach. Now right off the Son’s teaching ought ter ‘ave got tongues ter wagging on account of the Son be a carpenter and son of a carpenter, not a student of a famous rabbi. Most likely folks whar asking how the Son got his learning and from which rabbi, fer he spoke ter them as a feller who had authority, not as the religious scribes.

Skipper’s Word Says It But Do We Believe His Words?

Way back in the beginning, scribes only whar fellers who made written copies of Skipper’s Code of Conduct. In time folks began ter see ’em as experts on Skip’s Code. Reason being, they knew Skip’s instructions ter folks from front ter back and could spout it from memory. Only the thing be, knowing ’bout Skip’s Code not be the same as believing Skip’s Code.

A good many ter day know all manner of stuff ’bout Skipper’s Code of Conduct. Some claim ter read Skip’s words daily, study his words, pray his words, and seek ter live by his words. Others ‘ill admit that while they know much of Skip and his words, they don’ actually believe what he says.

Skipper’s Word Says It But Some Don’t Believe His Words

“The Bible says it, but I don’t believe that settles it,” seems ter be the thinking of a good many. Such folk ‘ill spout things like:

“We must read the Bible’s words in the light of their historical context.”
“We need to try to understand why the authors wrote what they wrote.”
“We are to read all of Scripture through the lens of Jesus Christ, his life, teachings, ministry, death, and resurrection, because He is the only unmitigated Word of God.” (As though suggesting all other Scripture is not the unmitigated Word of God.)

But Skip’s words say:

Jesus [is] the author and perfecter of our faith. (Hebrews 12:2).

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1).

All things were made through Jesus. Without Jesus nothing was made that has been made. (John 1:3).

If all things be made through Jesus then Scripture be made through Jesus.

So when a feller claims we “must read the Bible’s words in the light of their historical context,” he actually be suggesting the Son and Skipper mean sumpin’ different ter day than they did back when they gave us thar words. If that be the case, then the pair be double-minded and speakin’ out of both sides of thar mouths.  

If our “historical context” can change Skip’s words, then pert near all of Skip’s words be of no account ter day, since our “historical context” be different than them scribes who wrote down what Skip told e’m.

When a feller says we must “try to understand why the authors wrote what they wrote,” he be suggesting the motivation of the scribe be of more importance than the motivation of Skipper fer giving us his words ter start with.

A good many fellers who wrote fer Skip had no idea how prophetic the words they scribbled might become. The Apostle Paul wrote a good many letters from prison ter churches with instructions fer how folks whar ter conduct them selves. Doth we think Paul knowed ’em letters would make it in ter Skipper’s code book? If he had, would Paul ‘ave wrote differently?

When a feller says we must “read all of Scripture through the lens of Jesus Christ” what he really be saying is the Son who walked about in the flesh be different than the Son who be with Skipper in the Garden when Adam and Eve be created—different from the Son who appeared in the writings of Moses and all the Prophets (Luke 24:27).

But the Son don’ change. He be the same ter day as he whar in the beginning.

This be why, when the Son begins preaching and teaching and explaining Skip’s Code, jaws dropped, eyes bugged out. All about folks be silent, hanging on ever word. They knowed he be speaking truth with authority. An author always speaks with greater authority than a feller who simply reads the author’s words, fer an author knows exactly what he said and why he said it.

The ilk of a good many “teachers of the Law” ter day be the same as in the days of Jesus—they deny the power of the Son and his authority. Oh, they might not come right out say such. Ter do so might run off some folks. So they soften things and simply say the Son’s words don’ mean ter day what they meant back in his day and be fer the day of his coming.

Jesus entered the synagogue and began ter teach. He taught as one with authority. His words carry authority, fer he is above all authorities—specially so-called religious authorities.

Ask Jesus ter enter yer heart ter day. Then ask him begin ter teach you his words, ways, and truth. Trust him when he says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” He is, you may lay ter that.

Parroting the Prayers of Skip’s CrewParroting the Prayers of Skip’s Crew

“My Father, who is in heaven, holy is your name. Holy are your words. Ter day bless the reading of yer words ter the nourishment of me soul.” (Matthew 6:9)

Pirate Facts

Avast! / avast ye! be Dutch speak fer “pay attention, mates!”

Put Out Inter Deep Water

The Pirate Gospel: Mark 1:16

Jesus said to them, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” (Mark 1:16)

Whilst tha Son walked about on shore he saw two brothers casting nets inter the sea. Right off he seen that the pair be hard workers, fer as we well know, fishing not be an easy chore. Catching a meal kin some times take all day, weeks some times.

He saw Simon and Andrew and said to them, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. “Follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you become fishers of men.”  (Mark 1:16) (Luke 5:4-6)

But as soon as the Son called the pair, they cast down thar nets and followed him.

Put Out Inter Deep Water

Now it could be the brothers may ‘ave thought: Anything be better than fishing with Pop. We keep doing this we ‘ill die hunched over and broken old men with hands so calloused we kin sand a plank with our bare palms.

More ‘n likely, the brothers seen that the Son be well versed in Skipper’s Code of Conduct. Most all lads in them days be required ter read and memorize the first five books of Skip’s Code. From thar they moved on ter learnin’ ’bout the Prophets. The pair likely knowed some of Skip’s Code, but had ne’er been picked ter train under a real rabbi. Perhaps they also be in the crowds when the Son preached on the arrival of Skip’s kingdom and wanted a share of any prize thar might be fer them working fer Skip’s crew.

But probably the biggest factor in ’em up and leavin’ the fishin’ business be the great catch of fish they caught when the Son told ’em ter toss thar nets over the side once more.

Without the Son, no fish. With the Son so many fish they couldn’ haul ’em all in the boat. That be the power and authority and presence of the Son in our lives.

After he went down the shore a ways, the Son spied two other fellers mending thar nets. Like with Simon and Andrew, the pair be working hard, not lounging about waiting fer good luck ter find ’em. Soon as the Son hailed fer the pair ter join him, them sons of Zebedee, James and John, left thar pop with his hired servants and took off ter follow this fisher of men.

Now think on this a wee little bit: Simon and Andrew left thar vocation in order ter learn another trade: fishing fer folks. James and John also left thar vocation in order ter follow tha Son. Nary a one hemmed and hawed, made excuses, asked if they might ‘ave a few days ter consider his offer. None went home ter discuss any of this with the misses. They simply dropped what they whar doing and went off with the Son.

Be that the way we act when the Son calls us ter a new task? Doth we act with such conviction and obedience that we ‘ill stop in mid watch, come about, and sail off on a new heading without knowing what tomorrow ‘ill bring?

Them four fishermen became the core of the Son’s crew. You find ’em near ’bout always right close ter the Son and the Son right close ter them.

Obedience ter the Son comes with a cost, but we get the blessing of his fellowship in return. This day if you hear the Son calling you, if you be reading Skipper’s Code of Conduct and hear his voice asking you ter change course, ter put out in ter deep water,  do as commanded. Doth not delay. Might be his call be the chance of a lifetime fer you.

The Son came fishin’ fer folks—not jest some but all. Make it yer task ter get caught in the Son’s net of Love.

Parroting the Prayers of Skip’s CrewParroting the Prayers of Skip’s Crew

Lord, as the Father has loved you, so you ‘ave loved us. Bless us ter remain in yer love always.” (John 15:9)

Pirate Facts

The Doldrums be an area of calm winds often found a wee bit north of the equator and between the two belts of trade winds. It be widely assumed that the phrase ‘in the doldrums’ be derived from the name of this region, but it whar actually the other way ’round. In the 19th century, “doldrum” whar a word meaning “dullard; a dull or sluggish feller.” This most likely came from “dol” and “dolt” with its meaning eventually becoming “dull.”

Others contend doldrum means “dole out the rum.” Whar ya come down on this probably depends on the vessel you sail and spirits you hang out with.

The Cost of The Gospel

Mark 1:14-20

The cost of the gospel cost John the Baptizer his life. After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. (Mark 1:14)

Tiberius Caesar Augustus, the second Roman emperor, reigned from AD 14 until 37 AD. But around 29 AD he put JB in prison. Only a short while befer this the Son set out proclaiming the good news of Skipper.

The Cost of The Gospel

Dr. Luke writes in the third chapter of his book:

In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar—when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea and Herod tetrarch of Galilee, the word of God came to John son of Zechariah in the wilderness. He went into all the country around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. (Luke 3:1-3)

Filled with the word of Skipper, JB went about quoting the words of the prophet Isaiah.

“Prepare the way for the Lord. All will see God’s salvation. Produce fruit in keeping with repentance, for the ax is already at the root of the tree. Every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” (Luke 3:4-9)

The Cost of Good Fruit

Good fruit always commands a high price and the same be the case with JB’s call that we produce fruit in keeping with Skipper’s character. Those who produce good fruit will produce more. Those who produce rotten fruit ‘ill be cut down. Question be, how kin we tell if our efforts be producing good or bad fruit? To that question JB gave this reply.

“The man who has two shirts should share with the one who has none. The one who has food should do the same. Don’t collect any more money than you are required to. Don’t extort money. Don’t accuse people falsely. Be content with your pay.” (Luke 3:11-18)

Love your neighbor as yourself. Do not lie. Do not cheat. Do not steal. Do not covet. When JB spoke he relied upon the instructions of Skipper as his text.

All went well fer JB until he spied the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to whar he baptized. Right off he called ’em a brood of vipers fleeing the coming wrath of God. Worse, because JB called sin fer what it is—an affront ter Skipper—Herodias, a princess who divorced her husband so she could marry Herod, held a grudge, fer JB had been saying ter Herod, “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife.” (Leviticus 18)

The Cost of Sin

Sin always leads to death. If not our own, that of another.

Going ter her new and powerful husband, Herodias asked that JB be bound and put in prison. With JB locked up Herodias nursed a grudge. So much so she wanted ter ‘ave him killed. Only she could not because Herod feared JB. In fact, knowing JB whar a righteous and holy man, Herod protected him. And so it was that JB remained confined in prison fer proclaiming the good news of Skipper.

But think on this a wee little bit: while in prison JB remained free ter serve Skipper. JB remained free from sin, fer he repented right regular of his offenses. And the Son himself said of JB, “Among those that are born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist.” Herod and Herodias, meanwhile, remained captive ter sin. And if we be prisoners of sin we ‘ill be confined ter hell without the freedom the Son offers.

The Son or sin? That be our choice. Choose wisely.


Angels Attended ter the Son

The Pirate Gospel: Mark 1:13

Angels attended him. (Mark 1:13)

Angels Attended ter the Son

Though Skip may call us inter dangerous situations, he ‘ill often times command his angels ter watch over us. In fact, it be a good habit ter pray daily fer Skipper’s angels ter build a fortress of protection ’round us and them we love. Yer prayer might be sump’en like this.

“Father, please ‘ave yer angels build a fortress of protection around (and then name them ya love who need watching over).”

If you know of some who be at risk of getting attacked by the devil, ask fer added protection ter keep the Prince of Darkness and his demons from breaking in and dragging ’em off. Here be some promises fer angel guardians you kin pray back ter Skipper.

Angels Be All Around Us

For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. (Psalm 91:11)

For it is written, “He will command his angels concerning you, to guard you.” (Luke 4:10 19)

Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation? (Hebrews 1:14 17)

The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them. (Psalm 34:7 16)

“See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 18:10 10)

Bless the Lord, O you his angels, you mighty ones who do his word, obeying the voice of his word! (Psalm 103:20 9)

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. (Hebrews 13:2 8)

I dare say, when we look back on our life, we ‘ill be shocked at the number of times angels stood watch over us and kept us from harm.

Angles Be On Guard

If Skip commands us ter go in ter a wilderness, ter go without food and shelter, ter be tested and tempted in all manner of ways, ter be under constant threat of death from wild beast and wicked men, he ‘ill send his angels ter keep an eye on us.

He ‘ill also ‘ave his ears alert ter our prayers, pleas, cries fer help, as well as our calls fer praise and thanks. It be in the wilderness that a feller ‘ill either grow closer ter Skip and learn ter want more of him or turn his back and trod off in ter eternal darkness.

Our angels aways be on guard ter watch over us. Question be, will we be on guard ter watch over our words, actions, thoughts, and motives?

Parroting the Prayers of Skip’s CrewParroting the Prayers of Skip’s Crew

“Open our eyes, Lord, so that we may see. Lord, open the eyes of others so they can see.” (2 Kings 6:17, 20)

Pirate Facts

Pirates spent thar lives sailing or lounging on a beach or burying treasure or — and they done this a lot — drinking and carousing with fellers and lasses. But few wished ter spend all eternity in Davy Jones’ Locker getting clawed on by crabs and feasted on by tha Kraken. That be how come ear piercings be thar burial insurance policy.

Even if a pirate’s dead body washed up on shore, a nice gold ring or itty bitty diamond fixed in thar ear lobe saw ter it the chap got a proper burial. No matter if it be gold or silver, the metal could be melted down and sold ter pay fer a casket and other fancy funeral stuff. Some pirates went so far as ter engrave the name of thar home port on the inside of earrings so that thar bodies could be shipped home fer a proper planting in tha family’s home plot.

Tha Son said ter his mates, “He who has ears, let him hear.” Spend less time on earthly treasures and store up fer yerself wealth in heaven. Do and that and it won’ matter in what plot you be planted.